Fiona Hill Testifies that Obama Was Putin's Puppet

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!

I guess you missed the part she agreed with Obama!!
LOL, My only question is do you believe this stuff or just expect us to?
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!
You left out the fact that Obama gave Billions of Dollars in Weapons and Cash to Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, The PLO, The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Queda, and staged COUPS and ASSASINATIONS in Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria, let Putin have The Crimea, and Let Putin invade The Ukraine, and when The Ukraine asked for our help he sent them blankets instead of bullets.

Obama also gave Iran a Treasure Chest to purchase Russian Weapons, Russian Centrifuges, and Russian Scientists to help them develop Nuclear ICBMS to point at Israel.
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!

I guess you missed the part she agreed with Obama!!

I guess you missed the part wher Obama gave Ukraine no military aid while they were being attacked by Putin.

Obama is a Putin toady.
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!

I guess you missed the part she agreed with Obama!!

I guess you missed the part wher Obama gave Ukraine no military aid while they were being attacked by Putin.

Obama is a Putin toady.
Love Obama's "Blankets Not Bullets" Policies in Ukraine while he is financing and arming terrorists across the Middle East to slaughter Millions.
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!

I guess you missed the part she agreed with Obama!!

I guess you missed the part wher Obama gave Ukraine no military aid while they were being attacked by Putin.

Obama is a Putin toady.
Love Obama's "Blankets Not Bullets" Policies in Ukraine while he is financing and arming terrorists across the Middle East to slaughter Millions.

Obama was trash.

It’s amazing how the anti-war left changed their stance once Black Jesus started wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

Obama killed hundreds of thousands of brown people. Not a word from his asslickers.
These people who brag that they have been in the State Department for 35 years are scary.

They are the deep state.
While the fake news media are trying to convince you that Trump investigating the obvious and blatant corruption of the Biden family in Ukraine is a crime, one of their witnesses declared that Obama danced to Putin's tune.


Hill testified that Obama refused to provide lethal aid to Ukraine so as to not upset Putin.

That's pretty clear evidence that Obama, not Trump, was in Putin's pocket.

Hill's testimony also creates problems for the Democrats' impeachment narrative.

After all, the elite policy wonks said the U.S. should arm Ukraine to help defeat Russia's invasion, but Obama said he wouldn't because that would make Putin mad.


What Republicans are doing is using the impeachment farce to shine a light on the many failings of the Democrats that the fake news media will never cover, including how the Democrats, not Republicans, have always been on Russia's side.


Obama told Medvedev this: "This is my last election. After my election I"ll have more flexibility."


Obama "reset" our relationship with Russia even though Russia continued to hold pieces of the country of Georgia that they had taken by force.

2. Obama let a Russian company get control of 20% of U.S. uranium reserves.

3. Obama canceled a missile defense system for Europe, which was designed to prevent Iran from being able to blackmail the E.U. because Putin didn't like it.

4. Obama set up a deal with Iran, a Russian client in the Middle East, so that Iran would be able to develop nuclear weapons once Obama was out of office.



As I watched Obama pull all this crap, I had some observations....

* Obama has committed serial acts of treason. In addition to the ones listed above, purposefully holding back the US economy with his onerous regulations that chocked our business to recover to what Trump has accomplished by doing away with them as one of them.

Purposefully degrading the military is another. Especially purging the officer ranks of men who disagreed with him AND..
U.S. military decimated under Obama, only 'marginally able' to defend nation ...
Feb 24, 2015 · The U.S. military is shedding so many troops and weapons it is only “marginally able” to defend the nation and falls short of the Obama administration’s national security strategy, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation on Tuesday. ... It could defeat an invasion of ..

* Every time Obama makes a decision, it appears to be the polar opposite of the right decision. Even a dumbFUCK gets something right every now and then just by accident. Obama is not stupid; he just has bad intentions.

Obama must also START to realize, and his minions in congress and in all government positions know if Trump is successful in draining the SWAMP and flushing out all his communist friends in our Intel agencies .......


Just think about that for awhile and I'm sure the picture will become clearer!

I guess you missed the part she agreed with Obama!!
Yes, HYPOCRISY IS HERS AND YOUR TRADEMARK....YOU BOTH LIE AND TRY TO CONVINCE YOURSELVES THAT YOU DIDN'T!!! ROTFLMFAO....nice move Muslim terrorist sycophant!!!...Of course you go with a muslim supporting president!

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