

Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"Fear is the mind-killer." - "Dune"

Sitting outside of late enjoying a spate of uper 70s, low 80s days including this one I'm about to go out and enjoy, I've encountered a lot of bees. We have big black scary-looking carpenter bees here. Especially around my unit because I know what they are and consequently don't go after them with a fly-swatter like a neighbor does. :) I know they don't have stingers, and while big and loud buzzing near you, ultimately harmless. Plus as I've learned they're not interested in me, but in defending their holes and females therein. They're just hovering near the hole fighting off marauding males.

With yet another media story making the rounds after a shooting in Texas, I'm struck thinking of bees. If I didn't know the Texas shooting happened, didn't read the threads here about it, it wouldn't upset me. For all intents and purposes, it wouldn't have happened since only what we know of exists - to us. Things we don't know about vastly outnumber the things we do and consequently we only know about a tiny fraction of things.

It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here. So I'm basicly choosing to allow things that don't exist for me to upset me by letting them come into existence through the tv or interent. Which reminded me of a saying, "there are no victims, only eager volunteers."

If you're afraid of something, try forgetting about it and don't repeat whatever act led you to knowing about it again. If something on the news upset you, don't watch the news. If a thread upset you, don't read those sorts of threads. The solution to this comes from within, not from without. Islam isn't the problem, we are.
I will try to keep this post short.

I am afraid of midgets,

I try not to think about them but they are embedded in my short memory.

The feeling of fear of midgets is of short duration because I change the thought and I think about Islamic extremists then I get really scared.
"For all intents and purposes, it wouldn't have happened since only what we know of exists - to us. Things we don't know about vastly outnumber the things we do and consequently we only know about a tiny fraction of things. "

even if you didn't hear the tree falling in the forest, it still fell...

real live events do not depend upon your perception of them.

"If you're afraid of something, try forgetting about it and don't repeat whatever act led you to knowing about it again."

if you don't fear death by train and boldly walk on the tracks with your head down and earphones on...guess what?

bad things happen every day and a healthy fear of trains is rational...physics are good to know!

So I'm basicly choosing to allow things that don't exist for me to upset me by letting them come into existence through the tv or interent. Which reminded me of a saying, "there are no victims, only eager volunteers."

young girls getting kidnapped and raped on the other side of the world don't exist if you merely turn off your TV?
"Fear is the mind-killer." - "Dune"

Sitting outside of late enjoying a spate of uper 70s, low 80s days including this one I'm about to go out and enjoy, I've encountered a lot of bees. We have big black scary-looking carpenter bees here. Especially around my unit because I know what they are and consequently don't go after them with a fly-swatter like a neighbor does. :) I know they don't have stingers, and while big and loud buzzing near you, ultimately harmless. Plus as I've learned they're not interested in me, but in defending their holes and females therein. They're just hovering near the hole fighting off marauding males.

With yet another media story making the rounds after a shooting in Texas, I'm struck thinking of bees. If I didn't know the Texas shooting happened, didn't read the threads here about it, it wouldn't upset me. For all intents and purposes, it wouldn't have happened since only what we know of exists - to us. Things we don't know about vastly outnumber the things we do and consequently we only know about a tiny fraction of things.

It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here. So I'm basicly choosing to allow things that don't exist for me to upset me by letting them come into existence through the tv or interent. Which reminded me of a saying, "there are no victims, only eager volunteers."

If you're afraid of something, try forgetting about it and don't repeat whatever act led you to knowing about it again. If something on the news upset you, don't watch the news. If a thread upset you, don't read those sorts of threads. The solution to this comes from within, not from without. Islam isn't the problem, we are.

Fear the LORD, Delta. And you won't have to fear anything else.
oh i think i get what you are saying now...

you are afraid of being 'upset' by the news...and bees.

"If I didn't know the Texas shooting happened, didn't read the threads here about it, it wouldn't upset me."
"It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here" One of the most self centered and inane statements I have ever read. Having awareness and taking the time to find out about problems that effects the society around you is key to ending the problems that plague society.
"It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here" One of the most self centered and inane statements I have ever read. Having awareness and taking the time to find out about problems that effects the society around you is key to ending the problems that plague society.

Your knowing about religious extremism and violence helps you how exactly? What are YOU going to do to fix it? Nothing in all likelyhood. So what good is knowing about it doing YOU? Just making up upset about it, feel powerless, and probably more than slightly upset with those doing it. Which is surely their point.

If you can't and wont do anything about a problem, why continue to keep yourself aware of it? Just hurting yourself in the process.
"Fear is the mind-killer." - "Dune"

Sitting outside of late enjoying a spate of uper 70s, low 80s days including this one I'm about to go out and enjoy, I've encountered a lot of bees. We have big black scary-looking carpenter bees here. Especially around my unit because I know what they are and consequently don't go after them with a fly-swatter like a neighbor does. :) I know they don't have stingers, and while big and loud buzzing near you, ultimately harmless. Plus as I've learned they're not interested in me, but in defending their holes and females therein. They're just hovering near the hole fighting off marauding males.

With yet another media story making the rounds after a shooting in Texas, I'm struck thinking of bees. If I didn't know the Texas shooting happened, didn't read the threads here about it, it wouldn't upset me. For all intents and purposes, it wouldn't have happened since only what we know of exists - to us. Things we don't know about vastly outnumber the things we do and consequently we only know about a tiny fraction of things.

It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here. So I'm basicly choosing to allow things that don't exist for me to upset me by letting them come into existence through the tv or interent. Which reminded me of a saying, "there are no victims, only eager volunteers."

If you're afraid of something, try forgetting about it and don't repeat whatever act led you to knowing about it again. If something on the news upset you, don't watch the news. If a thread upset you, don't read those sorts of threads. The solution to this comes from within, not from without. Islam isn't the problem, we are.
Living in a bubble, extracting oneself from his/her surroundings, is non-beneficial in many ways. How can anyone vote with purpose without knowing what effects government has on all of us, our communities, our jobs, our finances, education, the environment, war and peace, taxes, and other things that affect every single one of us. Excluding oneself from society, from current events, from cause and effect, benefits no one, not even yourself. An educated public is very important to how we're governed, and who we allow to govern. Fear and faith can't occupy the same temple. Fear is not prison bars, nor is it an answer to life.
"Fear is the mind-killer." - "Dune"

Sitting outside of late enjoying a spate of uper 70s, low 80s days including this one I'm about to go out and enjoy, I've encountered a lot of bees. We have big black scary-looking carpenter bees here. Especially around my unit because I know what they are and consequently don't go after them with a fly-swatter like a neighbor does. :) I know they don't have stingers, and while big and loud buzzing near you, ultimately harmless. Plus as I've learned they're not interested in me, but in defending their holes and females therein. They're just hovering near the hole fighting off marauding males.

With yet another media story making the rounds after a shooting in Texas, I'm struck thinking of bees. If I didn't know the Texas shooting happened, didn't read the threads here about it, it wouldn't upset me. For all intents and purposes, it wouldn't have happened since only what we know of exists - to us. Things we don't know about vastly outnumber the things we do and consequently we only know about a tiny fraction of things.

It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here. So I'm basicly choosing to allow things that don't exist for me to upset me by letting them come into existence through the tv or interent. Which reminded me of a saying, "there are no victims, only eager volunteers."

If you're afraid of something, try forgetting about it and don't repeat whatever act led you to knowing about it again. If something on the news upset you, don't watch the news. If a thread upset you, don't read those sorts of threads. The solution to this comes from within, not from without. Islam isn't the problem, we are.
Living in a bubble, extracting oneself from his/her surroundings, is non-beneficial in many ways. How can anyone vote with purpose without knowing what effects government has on all of us, our communities, our jobs, our finances, education, the environment, war and peace, taxes, and other things that affect every single one of us. Excluding oneself from society, from current events, from cause and effect, benefits no one, not even yourself. An educated public is very important to how we're governed, and who we allow to govern. Fear and faith can't occupy the same temple. Fear is not prison bars, nor is it an answer to life.

Not encasing myself in a bubble. My surroundings don't have things the news depicts going on. So if what the news depicts isn't in my local vicinity, why let myself be upset by them by knowing they're going on? Lotta upsetting things far away, but I don't seek to learn about every one of them, so why am I letting myself be manipulated with select things like terrorism or religious extremeism?
I know films and videos exist depicting what goes on in a slaughterhouse. But I don't seek them out because I enjoy meat even knowing there's horror at work enabling that enjoyment. So why would I willingly submit my attention to soemthing that does me no good knowing about it, but not some other things?
"It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here" One of the most self centered and inane statements I have ever read. Having awareness and taking the time to find out about problems that effects the society around you is key to ending the problems that plague society.

Your knowing about religious extremism and violence helps you how exactly? What are YOU going to do to fix it? Nothing in all likelyhood. So what good is knowing about it doing YOU? Just making up upset about it, feel powerless, and probably more than slightly upset with those doing it. Which is surely their point.

If you can't and wont do anything about a problem, why continue to keep yourself aware of it? Just hurting yourself in the process.

You know where you picked up your fear from? THE FORCE. That's where. You need to renounce all the things you dabbled in - repent of it and call upon the LORD, Delta. Satan brings fear and torment. Not God. You need to come to Jesus Christ and let Him Set you Free! He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. And you are a little bit self centered - I have noticed that you focus on yourself too much. You need to become God conscious. Then you won't be "self-conscious".
"It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here" One of the most self centered and inane statements I have ever read. Having awareness and taking the time to find out about problems that effects the society around you is key to ending the problems that plague society.

Your knowing about religious extremism and violence helps you how exactly? What are YOU going to do to fix it? Nothing in all likelyhood. So what good is knowing about it doing YOU? Just making up upset about it, feel powerless, and probably more than slightly upset with those doing it. Which is surely their point.

If you can't and wont do anything about a problem, why continue to keep yourself aware of it? Just hurting yourself in the process.
Staying ignorant is a sure fire way of helping Islamic extremists. Having knowledge may prompt and idea for a solution.
I know films and videos exist depicting what goes on in a slaughterhouse. But I don't seek them out because I enjoy meat even knowing there's horror at work enabling that enjoyment. So why would I willingly submit my attention to soemthing that does me no good knowing about it, but not some other things?

Why do you give the Force any attention? You have opened the door to the devil and he has made you fearful. Now you need to listen to me. I know what I am talking about. Buy yourself a Bible and start getting God focused. Let the Word of God permeate your mind and think on things that are lovely and of good report, Delta. God loves you. Read his word - feed your faith and starve your doubt. Sing praise songs to the LORD. Focus on God and not yourself.
So I'm basicly choosing to allow things that don't exist for me to upset me by letting them come into existence through the tv or interent. Which reminded me of a saying, "there are no victims, only eager volunteers."

young girls getting kidnapped and raped on the other side of the world don't exist if you merely turn off your TV?

Not to the scale the boob tube would have us believe, hell no they don't.
"It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here" One of the most self centered and inane statements I have ever read. Having awareness and taking the time to find out about problems that effects the society around you is key to ending the problems that plague society.


How do you get "self-centered" out of that?

Btw try using that "+quote" button, lower right, instead of cutting and pasting. Not only is it a lot less work, it makes your posts readable.
I do believe that Delta might qualify as a bit self centered.

We're all self-centered. Its not a fault. Its simply part and parcel of being human. We are each the pearl and the world is the oyster.

The OP is right. In our individual little corner of the world, not knowing "it" is the same as it not happening.

Our news is no longer nearly as concerned with accuracy as they are ratings. The more they scare us, the more we watch.

People are terrified of ISIS, Ebola and other things that will never ever touch our lives. We are so certain that our child will be kidnapped, we don't let them be alone for more than a few minutes at a time.

Cracks me up to see so-called "documentaries" about asteroids hitting the earth. People are afraid of Bigfoot, anal-probing aliens and recently, one of the nutters here posted that he believed the sun would die in 50 years.

Turn off fox and go for a walk.
"It occured to me earlier that the things that bother me don't actually exist except on tv and the internet. All the rest of the time I have no awareness of their existence or occuring because they're not happening here" One of the most self centered and inane statements I have ever read. Having awareness and taking the time to find out about problems that effects the society around you is key to ending the problems that plague society.

Actually, that's not what he said.

"...taking the time to find out..."

He can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he said that if he does not know "it" happened, its the same as it not happening.

Essentially, that's true.
"For all intents and purposes, it wouldn't have happened since only what we know of exists - to us. Things we don't know about vastly outnumber the things we do and consequently we only know about a tiny fraction of things. "

even if you didn't hear the tree falling in the forest, it still fell...

real live events do not depend upon your perception of them.

"If you're afraid of something, try forgetting about it and don't repeat whatever act led you to knowing about it again."

if you don't fear death by train and boldly walk on the tracks with your head down and earphones on...guess what?

bad things happen every day and a healthy fear of trains is rational...physics are good to know!

Not knowing the tree fell in the forest does not mean it didn't fall.

It just means that its not part of your perception.

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