Meet the New Left, Which Embraces the Swastika as a Symbol of Wokeness.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
We all knew this. This is simply acknowledging the elephant behind the sofa.

I look forward to flying homos into Gaza to get married just for the entertainment value.

“It wasn’t long ago when the activist Left had a whole laundry list of systems and impersonal forces that it was battling against: sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism – you name it. The Millenial Left may have nodded along to Bernie Sanders’ old labour-Left leanings. Still, they largely abandoned the class struggle of old for a struggle against boutique oppressions that were contingent but intersecting, hence the rise of so-called “intersectionality.”

That’s the once-trendy academic philosophy that relies on a view of power relations of society, where advantages and disadvantages are filtered primarily through identities: race, gender, and sexual orientation. But intersectionality is old hat. It’s not revolutionary enough anymore now that it’s been mainstreamed and gotten absorbed and institutionalised by the blob of liberal media and corporate institutions – including, believe it or not, the Scottish government.

So, in the wake of the shock of the massive Israel-Hamas war since October 7 and a lack of purpose after the political failures of Left-wing populism – the Western Left has found a way to get its groove back by simplifying yet expanding its moral framework.

Goodbye, intersectionality – hello, “It’s All One Thingism.”

In this nebulous new cosmology, Palestinians – even Hamas themselves – aren’t just engaged in a specific geopolitical fight over territory and resources. No, they’re the tip of the spear of a perceived collective liberation against the West, the Global North, “colonisers,” whatever you want to call the Bad Guys. It’s a magical world in which all politics and world affairs once seen through intersectionality’s colourful prism have been flattened into (somewhat ironically for self-proclaimed atheists) a more Biblical view of the world: black-and-white, good and evil.

“Palestine is every single issue in one issue,” wrote Scarlett Rabe, a singer-songwriter who describes herself as an anti-racist mother and an abolition feminist/womanist, in a viral tweet in February. “It’s reproductive justice. It’s social justice. It’s climate crisis… It’s not just one issue; it’s all the issues in one.”

All One Thingism explains why a group of a few hundred masked protestors who chanted “Death to America” and “Hands off Iran” this week also employed the relatively meaningless slogan “From Chicago to Palestine.” Or that another viral post on Instagram by a person wearing a “Fatties for a Free Palestine” T-shirt insisted that “Palestinian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and Palestinian liberation go hand in hand.”

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We all knew this. This is simply acknowledging the elephant behind the sofa.

I look forward to flying homos into Gaza to get married just for the entertainment value.

“It wasn’t long ago when the activist Left had a whole laundry list of systems and impersonal forces that it was battling against: sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism – you name it. The Millenial Left may have nodded along to Bernie Sanders’ old labour-Left leanings. Still, they largely abandoned the class struggle of old for a struggle against boutique oppressions that were contingent but intersecting, hence the rise of so-called “intersectionality.”

That’s the once-trendy academic philosophy that relies on a view of power relations of society, where advantages and disadvantages are filtered primarily through identities: race, gender, and sexual orientation. But intersectionality is old hat. It’s not revolutionary enough anymore now that it’s been mainstreamed and gotten absorbed and institutionalised by the blob of liberal media and corporate institutions – including, believe it or not, the Scottish government.

So, in the wake of the shock of the massive Israel-Hamas war since October 7 and a lack of purpose after the political failures of Left-wing populism – the Western Left has found a way to get its groove back by simplifying yet expanding its moral framework.

Goodbye, intersectionality – hello, “It’s All One Thingism.”

In this nebulous new cosmology, Palestinians – even Hamas themselves – aren’t just engaged in a specific geopolitical fight over territory and resources. No, they’re the tip of the spear of a perceived collective liberation against the West, the Global North, “colonisers,” whatever you want to call the Bad Guys. It’s a magical world in which all politics and world affairs once seen through intersectionality’s colourful prism have been flattened into (somewhat ironically for self-proclaimed atheists) a more Biblical view of the world: black-and-white, good and evil.

“Palestine is every single issue in one issue,” wrote Scarlett Rabe, a singer-songwriter who describes herself as an anti-racist mother and an abolition feminist/womanist, in a viral tweet in February. “It’s reproductive justice. It’s social justice. It’s climate crisis… It’s not just one issue; it’s all the issues in one.”

All One Thingism explains why a group of a few hundred masked protestors who chanted “Death to America” and “Hands off Iran” this week also employed the relatively meaningless slogan “From Chicago to Palestine.” Or that another viral post on Instagram by a person wearing a “Fatties for a Free Palestine” T-shirt insisted that “Palestinian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and Palestinian liberation go hand in hand.”

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We all knew this. This is simply acknowledging the elephant behind the sofa.
All the guys flying swastikas are on your side.

And you've been good with that for many years. And that's not going to change. The nazis are your base, after all.

We punch Nazis. You suck their asses. Just making it clear where we all stand.
All the guys flying swastikas are on your side.

And you've been good with that for many years. And that's not going to change. The nazis are your base, after all.

We punch Nazis. You suck their asses. Just making it clear where we all stand.
And yet, here we see that it is YOUR side that has embraced the swastika.


You aren't very self aware, are you.
And yet, here we see that it is YOUR side that has embraced the swastika.
Um, no. Your side just made that up. And you suck at lying.

Again, all the people flying swastikas are on your sider ... and you suck their asses. Proudly. And then you tell us how delicious the Nazi assjelly is.

You're not just a Nazi, you're a hardcore Nazi.
Um, no. Your side just made that up. And you suck at lying.

Again, all the people flying swastikas are on your sider ... and you suck their asses. Proudly. And then you tell us how delicious the Nazi assjelly is.

You're not just a Nazi, you're a hardcore Nazi.
Uh, no, the VIDEO EVIDENCE is everywhere, silly person.

Like I said, you are not self aware, much less honest about what is going on on the university campuses.
We all knew this. This is simply acknowledging the elephant behind the sofa.

I look forward to flying homos into Gaza to get married just for the entertainment value.

“It wasn’t long ago when the activist Left had a whole laundry list of systems and impersonal forces that it was battling against: sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism – you name it. The Millenial Left may have nodded along to Bernie Sanders’ old labour-Left leanings. Still, they largely abandoned the class struggle of old for a struggle against boutique oppressions that were contingent but intersecting, hence the rise of so-called “intersectionality.”

That’s the once-trendy academic philosophy that relies on a view of power relations of society, where advantages and disadvantages are filtered primarily through identities: race, gender, and sexual orientation. But intersectionality is old hat. It’s not revolutionary enough anymore now that it’s been mainstreamed and gotten absorbed and institutionalised by the blob of liberal media and corporate institutions – including, believe it or not, the Scottish government.

So, in the wake of the shock of the massive Israel-Hamas war since October 7 and a lack of purpose after the political failures of Left-wing populism – the Western Left has found a way to get its groove back by simplifying yet expanding its moral framework.

Goodbye, intersectionality – hello, “It’s All One Thingism.”

In this nebulous new cosmology, Palestinians – even Hamas themselves – aren’t just engaged in a specific geopolitical fight over territory and resources. No, they’re the tip of the spear of a perceived collective liberation against the West, the Global North, “colonisers,” whatever you want to call the Bad Guys. It’s a magical world in which all politics and world affairs once seen through intersectionality’s colourful prism have been flattened into (somewhat ironically for self-proclaimed atheists) a more Biblical view of the world: black-and-white, good and evil.

“Palestine is every single issue in one issue,” wrote Scarlett Rabe, a singer-songwriter who describes herself as an anti-racist mother and an abolition feminist/womanist, in a viral tweet in February. “It’s reproductive justice. It’s social justice. It’s climate crisis… It’s not just one issue; it’s all the issues in one.”

All One Thingism explains why a group of a few hundred masked protestors who chanted “Death to America” and “Hands off Iran” this week also employed the relatively meaningless slogan “From Chicago to Palestine.” Or that another viral post on Instagram by a person wearing a “Fatties for a Free Palestine” T-shirt insisted that “Palestinian solidarity is not a niche issue. Fat liberation and Palestinian liberation go hand in hand.”

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So now the views of one person represent the entire Left?

I can show plenty of individuals on the right chanting blood and soil and sporting swastikas. Does that mean the entire right feels that way?
Now the lefties are carrying terrorist flags.

It's trendy. It's cool. These individuals, for the most part have absolutely NO idea what they are doing. They are both uneducated and maleducated. Not only that, but they are continually told how intelligent and wise they are. Their information processing consists of endless chants. Actually, this chanting is getting creepier and more bizarre the longer it goes on. Talk to one of those brilliant college students and you can easily see how uninformed they are. A high school honor student once told me that Hitler was a very bad man who hated black people. That's why we went to war. He was enslaving black people.
Um, no. Your side just made that up.

And you suck at lying

Which part was made up?

And lest you think it’s just blue-haired college baristas with these views, consider the author with the worst book title of all time who recently posted among the most despicable Tweets of all time. That would be courtesy of Malcolm Harris, the author of S--- Is F---ed Up and Bulls--- and veritable Napoleon Dynamite of communist writers.

Earlier this month on X, Harris responded to CNN’s Jake Tapper’s report that the Pennsylvania synagogue he had bar mitzphaed at had been vandalised with a swastika. Harris didn’t condemn the anti-Semitic graffiti but indirectly praised it. The meaning of the Nazi symbol had been reversed from bad to good, Harris said, “from a Nazi threat to a condemnation of genocide.”

You really suck at lying
It's trendy. It's cool. These individuals, for the most part have absolutely NO idea what they are doing. They are both uneducated and maleducated. Not only that, but they are continually told how intelligent and wise they are. Their information processing consists of endless chants. Actually, this chanting is getting creepier and more bizarre the longer it goes on. Talk to one of those brilliant college students and you can easily see how uninformed they are. A high school honor student once told me that Hitler was a very bad man who hated black people. That's why we went to war. He was enslaving black people.
Yes, today’s youth is ignorant. One of them didn’t know what century the Civil War was in.

And ignorant people can be easily manipulated.
Which part was made up?

And lest you think it’s just blue-haired college baristas with these views, consider the author with the worst book title of all time who recently posted among the most despicable Tweets of all time. That would be courtesy of Malcolm Harris, the author of S--- Is F---ed Up and Bulls--- and veritable Napoleon Dynamite of communist writers.

Earlier this month on X, Harris responded to CNN’s Jake Tapper’s report that the Pennsylvania synagogue he had bar mitzphaed at had been vandalised with a swastika. Harris didn’t condemn the anti-Semitic graffiti but indirectly praised it. The meaning of the Nazi symbol had been reversed from bad to good, Harris said, “from a Nazi threat to a condemnation of genocide.”

You really suck at lying
What?! The VP is perpetuating the antisemitic genocide lie?! And justifying the use of the most heinous symbol to Jewish people?

OMG. We are one heartbeat away from a rampant antisemite as U.S. President.
Lisa stop whining about anti semitism when you are a white supremacist nazi.

Again. it is the Israeli gvernment that is the problem and if you think killing over 40,000 people, half of them children, some of them AID workers and even other Israelis is OK, then you are the one with the problem. Israel has won the war, they can stop bombing now.
Lisa stop whining about anti semitism when you are a white supremacist nazi.

Again. it is the Israeli gvernment that is the problem and if you think killing over 40,000 people, half of them children, some of them AID workers and even other Israelis is OK, then you are the one with the problem. Israel has won the war, they can stop bombing now.
Shut the F up with your “white suoremacisrt Nazi” shit. Calling a Jewish woman a Nazi is antisemitic in and of itself. It’s every bit as disgusting as if someone called you the n-word.

And I’m not going to waste my energy responding to the rest of your biased garbage,
Lisa stop whining about anti semitism when you are a white supremacist nazi.

Again. it is the Israeli gvernment that is the problem and if you think killing over 40,000 people, half of them children, some of them AID workers and even other Israelis is OK, then you are the one with the problem. Israel has won the war, they can stop bombing now.
Every less Muslim is one less killer.

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