Facebook blacklists conservative commentator Gavin Mcinnes and proud boys org.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Facebook has reportedly banned conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes along with accounts linked to McInnes’ fraternal organization, the Proud Boys.
Facebook Blacklists Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys Organization

Must be a big plan of an attack by ANTIFA douches, they don't want these guys to have a mean of proving these ANTIFA losers started the war they are about to start. Watch these frontholes lol........
Facebook has reportedly banned conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes along with accounts linked to McInnes’ fraternal organization, the Proud Boys.
Facebook Blacklists Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys Organization

Must be a big plan of an attack by ANTIFA douches, they don't want these guys to have a mean of proving these ANTIFA losers started the war they are about to start. Watch these frontholes lol........
Good for them. And of course....as a business, it's their call.
Glad to see you are such a proponent of the first amendment.

Are you only a backer if they happen to conform to your belief?
Perhaps you are only a backer if it is you and you alone. Against all others?
Same with you. Another fine poster who thinks Facebook has to follow the "Freedom of Speech" part of the First Amendment. Am I right?
Facebook has reportedly banned conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes along with accounts linked to McInnes’ fraternal organization, the Proud Boys.
Facebook Blacklists Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys Organization

Must be a big plan of an attack by ANTIFA douches, they don't want these guys to have a mean of proving these ANTIFA losers started the war they are about to start. Watch these frontholes lol........
Some more of them just got arrested. They're an alt-right fight club. Some of that naughty stuff must have spilled over into their FB accounts.
I'm really glad that individuals' decisions in private business are saying no to hate speech and hate groups. The fucking government won't, but if the people reject them, we can still relegate them back to their caves, where they belong.
The Proud Boys tried hard to fake us out after Charleston and say they were just around to drink beer and trade farts. But then video evidence of their real game began to surface. They lie like all the White Nationalists lie. No one should be fooled by them. Let them go back to meeting in someone's garage on the last Tuesday of each month and drink their beer there. They are nobodies who deserve no quarter.
I'm really glad that individuals' decisions in private business are saying no to hate speech and hate groups. The fucking government won't, but if the people reject them, we can still relegate them back to their caves, where they belong.
The Proud Boys tried hard to fake us out after Charleston and say they were just around to drink beer and trade farts. But then video evidence of their real game began to surface. They lie like all the White Nationalists lie. No one should be fooled by them. Let them go back to meeting in someone's garage on the last Tuesday of each month and drink their beer there. They are nobodies who deserve no quarter.
And the leader had a wicked hairy face...
Same with you. Another fine poster who thinks Facebook has to follow the "Freedom of Speech" part of the First Amendment. Am I right?
It's a PRINCIPLE ALL Americans should follow

Facebook IS following it. Facebook has a right to their freedom of speech.

If you have a website you are not compelled to let me post pictures of kittens eating NAZI's on it. Neither is Facebook.

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