Elon Musk buys Twitter!!

Libs scrambling like cockroaches to try and implement their very own Government stamped Truth and accountability regulators.
This is a euphemism for censoring any experience, thought, opinion or fact that doesn’t snug them into a safe space. It goes WAY beyond removing actual fact fallacies (aka Lies) and is devoted instead to the emotion of comfort coddling.
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Libs scrambling like cockroaches to try an implement their very own Government stamped Truth and accountability
This is a euphemism for censoring any experience, thought, opinion or fact that doesn’t snug them into a safe space. It goes WAY beyond removing actual fact fallacies (aka Lies) and is devoted instead to the emotion of comfort coddling.
My sister made an interesting observation the other day, in which our Founding Fathers might have missed a step:

As it stands now, the SCOTUS only hear cases that have gone up through the appeal process from lower courts. It‘s too bad that the SCOTUS can‘tstep in right the get-go when it sees such a flagrant violation of civil liberties. The “ruling” Party should not be able to bring the full force of the government to silencing American citizens, on private media, who present arguments that refute the ruling Party’s policies.

Also, think of the irony: our tax dollars will fund our own silencing.
My sister made an interesting observation the other day, in which our Founding Fathers might have missed a step:

As it stands now, the SCOTUS only hear cases that have gone up through the appeal process from lower courts. It‘s too bad that the SCOTUS can‘tstep in right the get-go when it sees such a flagrant violation of civil liberties. The “ruling” Party should not be able to bring the full force of the government to silencing American citizens, on private media, who present arguments that refute the ruling Party’s policies.

Also, think of the irony: our tax dollars will fund our own silencing.
The left was planning on limiting the types of cases SCOTUS would rule on. Kinda neat huh?
We have been invaded from within by enemies of the people.
Essentially we have people who cant compete in all aspects of life and can’t win elections if facts are in evidence. So the facts and opinions or experiences born of facts have to be mislabeled as “misinformation” and prevented from being seen.
Essentially we have people who cant compete in all aspects of life and can’t win elections if facts are in evidence. So the facts and opinions or experiences born of facts have to be mislabeled as “misinformation” and prevented from being seen.

The entire thing is actually quite horrifying. They realize that the only way they can get people to vote for them is if they block all opposing opinion, and keep the voters ignorant and fooled.
Media lies, fake news and censorship are everywhere. The “liberal” Establishment’s money “manufactures consent” while reactionaries and “conservative” money manufacture rage & rebellion. All serve themselves and their various corporate agendas.

Countless grifters, hacks and politicians choose sides accordingly. “Libertarian” capitalists like “We will coup whoever we want — deal with it!” Elon Musk, just like demagogues and politicians like Donald Trump, liberals like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden — they all are parts in a machine gone out of control. One can say alternatively that all are under control of the blind force of American capitalism, though capital interests channel and express themselves through ordinary human greed and egoism, often lashed to “the chariot of progress.” Even the most innocent and sincere among us are relentlessly drawn in to “believe” and take sides.

Our “national republican institutions” struggle helplessly to resist the chaotic global wrecking ball of finance capitalism. Wall Street and dark money rules the roost, and pounces on or seduces all opposition. Big money owns the mass media, but we all still have unparalleled opportunity to express our individual opinions, regardless of who owns what platform. The problem is most of us have no answers and few real insights, and so we play our tiny roles accordingly, imagining that our precious opinions matter.
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Number of things here. As a person, Musk is a prick, but, he found the formula to extort money out of idiots so hat's off to him. You either have free speech or you don't, the likes of Twitter Leaning left surpressing free speech was a bad deal, if Musk turns that around, hat's off to him. But Musk is still a prick.
Libs can’t win unless major medias are tipped their way
Great point was Pelosi bitching to the MSM that they need to do more to get there bills passed. If that isn't complicity, I don't what is.

Same level of brashness that you're going to hold a boatload of money from the Ukraine if they don't fire a guy looking into the company your little boy is on the board.

He may not buy it...He may buy it. I hope he buys it really....shake things up a bit.

But the "excuse" that is being advertised is a hilarious one at best. Fake users are going to keep him from buying it?

The left was planning on limiting the types of cases SCOTUS would rule on. Kinda neat huh?
The word Irony ... rings True.Or mores like False.
Considering how the Democrats were screeching bloody murder
about the need to pack the court.
What sense would it make to add More Scotus members
to handle Fewer cases.
It makes sense in a Nonsensical way.Or the Demobrat way.
Nuff said on the subject.
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He may not buy it...He may buy it. I hope he buys it really....shake things up a bit.

But the "excuse" that is being advertised is a hilarious one at best. Fake users are going to keep him from buying it?

Musk is a rather no nonsense guy.Whereas Jack Dorsey is a
viper of a Jackass.Dorsey just admitting that it was Indeed a mistake
to Ban President Trump.
What is Musk finding out.That maybe the number of Bots { of the
Government variety } are closer to a majority than some slim
minority.Like maybe 20% or more of Twitter traffic is from
Government/Silicon Valley Bots.
Musk is a rather no nonsense guy.Whereas Jack Dorsey is a
viper of a Jackass.Dorsey just admitting that it was Indeed a mistake
to Ban President Trump.
What is Musk finding out.That maybe the number of Bots { of the
Government variety } are closer to a majority than some slim
minority.Like maybe 20% or more of Twitter traffic is from
Government/Silicon Valley Bots.
It’s concerning news. If it turns out that Twitter not only banned conservative voices but created liberal ones - so as to convince useful idiots that conservative opinions are a minority - Musk could back out of the deal. And we NEED a far-reaching social media platform for purposes of free speech.
Musk is a rather no nonsense guy.Whereas Jack Dorsey is a
viper of a Jackass.Dorsey just admitting that it was Indeed a mistake
to Ban President Trump.
What is Musk finding out.That maybe the number of Bots { of the
Government variety } are closer to a majority than some slim
minority.Like maybe 20% or more of Twitter traffic is from
Government/Silicon Valley Bots.
And...do you REALLY THINK that when Mr. Musk made the overture to buy Twitter, he was unaware that most of the "users" on Twitter were bots?

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