Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

I don't remember Germany attacking US in WWI?

you don't? The Germans in 1917 declared unrestricted submarine warfare and their intention to sink American flagged vessels if they were bringing goods to France or England.

That is an attack on the United States, dumbass.

And the Kaiser did this because he figured he could defeat the allies before America got into the war fully.
American History: Wilson Is Re-elected in 1916 on a Promise: 'He Kept Us Out of War!' (VOA Special English 2006-03-15)
Wilson Is Re-elected in 1916 on a Promise: 'He Kept Us Out of War!'

President Wilson immediately declared American neutrality. He said: "It is a war with which we have nothing to do, whose causes cannot touch us."
If a person assists another person to ROB a bank, is that aiding and abetting the robbery? Why wouldn't Germany, who America promised not to get involved in, stop such aiding? Because you liberal have double standards, if a Democrat starts a war, that is a good thing, if a Republican gets US into a war, he is a criminal. Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.
I don't remember Germany attacking US in WWI?

you don't? The Germans in 1917 declared unrestricted submarine warfare and their intention to sink American flagged vessels if they were bringing goods to France or England.

That is an attack on the United States, dumbass.

And the Kaiser did this because he figured he could defeat the allies before America got into the war fully.
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.
Truly amazing how goosestepping you guys are in the "WAR ON WOMEN" by all your politicians. Bill Clinton has the real ‘rape’ problem When you have people like you, who are mindnumbed, koolaid drinking, low information, usefull idiots then your politicians can get away with any crime, even "MURDER". Go ask Mary Jo who was left in a river to drown, carrying Ed Kennedys baby, while he was married to another woman. Yep, "PARTY FIRST", Sieg Heil was a chant used at the Nazis' mass rallies, where enthusiastic crowds answered Heil to the call of Sieg ("victory").

Guy, you are moving the goal posts here, buddy. yOu said he raped Paula Jones. Even if you take Paula Jones narrative at FACE VALUE, what Clinton did was not rape. There were plenty of reasons to doubt Jones' story, but even if you believe everything she said, it wasn't rape.

You now want to move the discussion to Elizabeth Ward Gracen, who has said publicly MANY TIMES her relationship with Clinton was consensual.

And you can move down the whole laundry list, Kathleen Wiley, Juanita Broaderick, but you keep coming up with the same problems, - contradictory statements, questionable timelines, ulterior motives.

Now, here's the thing. I'm not electing these guys to be Husband of the Year. There are plenty of Republicans sticking their dicks in places they don't belong.

Can you manage the economy and keep us out of wars. That's why I'm electing you to do. What you do on your own time is your own business.
merican History: Wilson Is Re-elected in 1916 on a Promise: 'He Kept Us Out of War!' (VOA Special English 2006-03-15) If a person assists another person to ROB a bank, is that aiding and abetting the robbery? Why wouldn't Germany, who America promised not to get involved in, stop such aiding? Because you liberal have double standards, if a Democrat starts a war, that is a good thing, if a Republican gets US into a war, he is a criminal. Double standards, without them liberals would have no standards at all.

Again, you are kind of missing the point. YOu stated that Germany didn't attack us. They did attack us. They attacked American flagged ships after they had promised they wouldn't.

I'm not advocating the wisdom of getting into WWI one way or the other. I think we probably got in because the American businesses had loaned the allies so much money they'd have taken a complete bath if the Germans won.

But your initial statement was WRONG on the facts.
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
LIke putting a Cuban cigar in the the interns OVAL orifice, in the Oval Office? That was his time? If any Republican would of done that, impeachment hearing for the actions would of been instigated. But Bill wasn't impeached for his transgressions of a woman working for him, but for his LYING UNDER OATH, where he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" only because the BLUE DRESS with his DNA on it, was brought forth, for if Monica wouldn't of spit on the dress, she would of been just another BIMBO. When you keep trying to rewrite history(propaganda of Woodrow Wilson) it may work for those with limited information, but those who read REAL history wont allow you to get away with it. BILL CLINTON was and still is a RAPIST, and your "WAR on WOMEN" allows him to get away with it.
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
The Bush Admin and Senator McCain warned repeatedly about Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and what thus became the 2008 financial crisis -- starting in 2002 (and actually even earlier -- in the Clinton and Carter White Houses. Democrats resisted and kept to their party line, extending loans to people who couldn't afford them -- just like you would expect of socialists
Okay so George Bush is blamed for another FAILED policy that the liberals pushed upon America. Did you know back in 2009 just before Obama took office that gas prices were $1.87, can of corn was 33 cents and ground beef was under $1.00? Of course not, you cant remember that far back , for that takes WORK to remember those figures. But you can find it on the net if you really wanted to look into that. Also, did you know that more people were working and their hours were 40 for full time, but since Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and B.O.(stinky) behind back doors forced upon you stupid voters Obamacare advisor thinks voters are 'stupid' (Opinion) -
The guy who thinks liberal voters are 'stupid'
then the fulltime went to parttime 29 hours a week. So since you are the dumbass for voting for Obama here is more information about your FAILED liberal policies again. For Most Americans, Wages Aren’t Just Stagnating — They’re Falling
For Most Americans, Wages Aren’t Just Stagnating — They’re Falling
A horde of illegal aliens are crossing our southern borders, not only getting Welfare, Medicaid and assisted housing and public education, but taking JOBS from American Citizens which they willing take a lower wage to get the job. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote DUMBOCRAT. Parkland Memorial Hospital and Illegal Immigrants
Claim: 70% of the women who gave birth at Parkland Memorial Hospital in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants.
The reason why I posted this is because the illegal horde that is invading US, takes our resources, kill our citizens and then demands more, while 33,000 US unborn babies are executed every month, at the tax payer's expense. When Obama inherited the $9 trillion of debt, he said it was unpatriotic for George Bush to leave him that much, but since then Obama has unpatriotically doubled the debt to $18 trillion. Pretty soon the dollar wont be worth the paper it is printed on, and all the hordes will go back to their country, leaving America spoiled rotten.
I don't remember Germany attacking US in WWI? Are you trying to rewrite history once again as liberal always do? Only F'ing idiot are you liberals who were fooled into HOPE AND CHANGE, the lowering of the oceans and healing the planets. I am done with you "FAUN" as you are definitely lacking in intellectual fortitude, so must resort to name calling. Go back to your cesspool and live in the squalor that YOUR president has caused. Yes the rich has definitely gotten richer and the post poor ever in the history of the US, and you made it happen with your WHITE GUILT.

You're too funny, rightie. You actually believe we were not justified for declaring war on Germany because you're ignorant of history. :eusa_doh:

Germans sink American merchant ship - Jan 28, 1915 -

Btw, running away from me and hiding your head up your ass because you don't like hearing the truth is the position of a pussy. Why on Earth would you do that to yourself? :dunno:
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
The Bush Admin and Senator McCain warned repeatedly about Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and what thus became the 2008 financial crisis -- starting in 2002 (and actually even earlier -- in the Clinton and Carter White Houses. Democrats resisted and kept to their party line, extending loans to people who couldn't afford them -- just like you would expect of socialists
Okay so George Bush is blamed for another FAILED policy that the liberals pushed upon America. Did you know back in 2009 just before Obama took office that gas prices were $1.87, can of corn was 33 cents and ground beef was under $1.00? Of course not, you cant remember that far back , for that takes WORK to remember those figures. But you can find it on the net if you really wanted to look into that. Also, did you know that more people were working and their hours were 40 for full time, but since Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and B.O.(stinky) behind back doors forced upon you stupid voters Obamacare advisor thinks voters are 'stupid' (Opinion) -
The guy who thinks liberal voters are 'stupid'
then the fulltime went to parttime 29 hours a week. So since you are the dumbass for voting for Obama here is more information about your FAILED liberal policies again. For Most Americans, Wages Aren’t Just Stagnating — They’re Falling
For Most Americans, Wages Aren’t Just Stagnating — They’re Falling
A horde of illegal aliens are crossing our southern borders, not only getting Welfare, Medicaid and assisted housing and public education, but taking JOBS from American Citizens which they willing take a lower wage to get the job. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote DUMBOCRAT.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo: Frank was a member of the Minority party. What bills did he pass that led to the collapse? What bills by the Republican-led House did he block that might otherwise have prevented the collapse?
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
Dow futures fall 250 points after jobs number miss, wages tick up
Dow futures fell more than 250 points after initially trading in a range in the minutes after the report showed that 173,000 jobs were created, missing expectations of 220,000.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. So when the 2 attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon happened, it was justified for George Bush to declare war? Double standards, without those, liberals would have no standards at all. Did you hear a deer in the woods?

Funny about you libtards, is I am always 1 step ahead of you on history and everything else, because typical of liberal, you only use talking points that come out of the White House and not do any research on HISTORY. You wanted to impeach Bush, for taking US into a war we won, voted for by Kerry before he wanted to vote against it, approved by Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, but then later on, said they would vote differently. Yet here was the RACIST Woodrow Wilson, declaring war on Germany because they sank a ship that providing AID to enemy of Germany.
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
There is a bridge that is driven over by 100's of people of color, that Woodrow despised during his life, yet they have no clue how much of a racist he was. But then it has been the idea to not teach REAL history of the liberal/progressive movement because if those of color know the truth, they would be out in force, not killing the police, but those who have lied to them.
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
Dow futures fall 250 points after jobs number miss, wages tick up
Dow futures fell more than 250 points after initially trading in a range in the minutes after the report showed that 173,000 jobs were created, missing expectations of 220,000.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. So when the 2 attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon happened, it was justified for George Bush to declare war? Double standards, without those, liberals would have no standards at all. Did you hear a deer in the woods?

View attachment 49277
Yes, the economy is recovering. The unemployment rate is down to 5.1% (49% decrease) from it's post Great Recession high of 10% and the DJIA is up to 16,000 from its Great Recession low of 6,600 (142% increase). Are you really crazy enough to think the economy isn't recovering because you don't want to?
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
Dow futures fall 250 points after jobs number miss, wages tick up
Dow futures fell more than 250 points after initially trading in a range in the minutes after the report showed that 173,000 jobs were created, missing expectations of 220,000.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. So when the 2 attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon happened, it was justified for George Bush to declare war? Double standards, without those, liberals would have no standards at all. Did you hear a deer in the woods?

View attachment 49277
Yes, the economy is recovering. The unemployment rate is down to 5.1% (49% decrease) from it's post Great Recession high of 10% and the DJIA is up to 16,000 from its Great Recession low of 6,600 (142% increase). Are you really crazy enough to think the economy isn't recovering because you don't want to?
I guess you missed the part about jobs report short by 100,000 people? Of course, with your head up URANUS, you cant see anything but SHIT, which constantly flows out of the RAINBOW HOUSE.

Funny about you libtards, is I am always 1 step ahead of you on history and everything else, because typical of liberal, you only use talking points that come out of the White House and not do any research on HISTORY. You wanted to impeach Bush, for taking US into a war we won, voted for by Kerry before he wanted to vote against it, approved by Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, but then later on, said they would vote differently. Yet here was the RACIST Woodrow Wilson, declaring war on Germany because they sank a ship that providing AID to enemy of Germany.
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
There is a bridge that is driven over by 100's of people of color, that Woodrow despised during his life, yet they have no clue how much of a racist he was. But then it has been the idea to not teach REAL history of the liberal/progressive movement because if those of color know the truth, they would be out in force, not killing the police, but those who have lied to them.
You're a fucking idiot. :cuckoo: The volokh conspiracy article you linked to says nothing about Wilson getting us into WWI, which is what is being discussed. You're such a fruit-loop dingus, you can't stick to topic because you get bitch-slapped in just about every post you make. And your idiocy that Wilson took us to war over a single ship being sunk eliminates any of your self-congratulatory claims of historic knowledge. The Germans were sinking many of our ships as well as ships from other countries carrying Americans. After years of keeping us out of the war, we could no longer turn the other cheek after hundreds of Americans had been killed by Germans.
Funny about you libtards, is I am always 1 step ahead of you on history and everything else, because typical of liberal, you only use talking points that come out of the White House and not do any research on HISTORY. You wanted to impeach Bush, for taking US into a war we won, voted for by Kerry before he wanted to vote against it, approved by Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, but then later on, said they would vote differently. Yet here was the RACIST Woodrow Wilson, declaring war on Germany because they sank a ship that providing AID to enemy of Germany.
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
There is a bridge that is driven over by 100's of people of color, that Woodrow despised during his life, yet they have no clue how much of a racist he was. But then it has been the idea to not teach REAL history of the liberal/progressive movement because if those of color know the truth, they would be out in force, not killing the police, but those who have lied to them.
You're a fucking idiot. :cuckoo: The volokh conspiracy article you linked to says nothing about Wilson getting us into WWI, which is what is being discussed. You're such a fruit-loop dingus, you can't stick to topic because you get bitch-slapped in just about every post you make. And your idiocy that Wilson took us to war over a single ship being sunk eliminates any of your self-congratulatory claims of historic knowledge. The Germans were sinking many of our ships as well as ships from other countries carrying Americans. After years of keeping us out of the war, we could no longer turn the other cheek after hundreds of Americans had been killed by Germans.
Do you know how moronic you sound? Maybe you better go back and check what you wrote earlier. Well, that might be too hard for you and require WORK, that 4 letter word you libs seem to hate.
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
Dow futures fall 250 points after jobs number miss, wages tick up
Dow futures fell more than 250 points after initially trading in a range in the minutes after the report showed that 173,000 jobs were created, missing expectations of 220,000.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. So when the 2 attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon happened, it was justified for George Bush to declare war? Double standards, without those, liberals would have no standards at all. Did you hear a deer in the woods?

View attachment 49277
Yes, the economy is recovering. The unemployment rate is down to 5.1% (49% decrease) from it's post Great Recession high of 10% and the DJIA is up to 16,000 from its Great Recession low of 6,600 (142% increase). Are you really crazy enough to think the economy isn't recovering because you don't want to?
Did you notice that the DOW is down 1000 points for the past month? Why in such a roaring economy would there be such a sell off, other than the economy sucks? Funny how you go back 6 3/4 years to make a point and totally disregard what events are happening NOW. Well not really funny, because many people who have investing in Obama's economy are losing lots of money.
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
Dow futures fall 250 points after jobs number miss, wages tick up
Dow futures fell more than 250 points after initially trading in a range in the minutes after the report showed that 173,000 jobs were created, missing expectations of 220,000.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. So when the 2 attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon happened, it was justified for George Bush to declare war? Double standards, without those, liberals would have no standards at all. Did you hear a deer in the woods?

View attachment 49277
Yes, the economy is recovering. The unemployment rate is down to 5.1% (49% decrease) from it's post Great Recession high of 10% and the DJIA is up to 16,000 from its Great Recession low of 6,600 (142% increase). Are you really crazy enough to think the economy isn't recovering because you don't want to?
I guess you missed the part about jobs report short by 100,000 people? Of course, with your head up URANUS, you cant see anything but SHIT, which constantly flows out of the RAINBOW HOUSE.

View attachment 49304
You're a fucking retard. The job numbers were not short by "100,000 people." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?? Not to mention, the article you linked attributed the drop in the stock market to the increased chances of the Fed raising rates because the jobs report was as strong as it was.

U.S. stocks opened sharply lower Friday ahead of the long weekend as investors digested a key jobs report that could provide the Federal Reserve with enough support to raise rates as early as September.[/i\
Oh by the way, only dumbasses are those that voted for Obama not once, but twice, as he definitely fooled you with that HOPE AND CHANGE, where the RICH are RICHER and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US. Slap yourselves on the back for the fundamental transformation of America, into a 3rd world nation, which will soon be involved in another war, caused by your muslim homosexual president.

I only voted for Obama once, because the GOP ran a fucking Mormon, my blood enemy.

But to the point, things are in much better shape than they were when Obama took office. That's why he won a second term, and he wouldn't have if they weren't.
Dow futures fall 250 points after jobs number miss, wages tick up
Dow futures fell more than 250 points after initially trading in a range in the minutes after the report showed that 173,000 jobs were created, missing expectations of 220,000.
The economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, the economy is recovering, there it was said 3 times, so it must be true. So when the 2 attacks on the world trade center and the pentagon happened, it was justified for George Bush to declare war? Double standards, without those, liberals would have no standards at all. Did you hear a deer in the woods?

View attachment 49277
Yes, the economy is recovering. The unemployment rate is down to 5.1% (49% decrease) from it's post Great Recession high of 10% and the DJIA is up to 16,000 from its Great Recession low of 6,600 (142% increase). Are you really crazy enough to think the economy isn't recovering because you don't want to?
Did you notice that the DOW is down 1000 points for the past month? Why in such a roaring economy would there be such a sell off, other than the economy sucks? Funny how you go back 6 3/4 years to make a point and totally disregard what events are happening NOW. Well not really funny, because many people who have investing in Obama's economy are losing lots of money.
The Dow is more than doubled since it's recession low. Leave it to a retard to call that an indication that the economy sucks. :cuckoo:
Funny about you libtards, is I am always 1 step ahead of you on history and everything else, because typical of liberal, you only use talking points that come out of the White House and not do any research on HISTORY. You wanted to impeach Bush, for taking US into a war we won, voted for by Kerry before he wanted to vote against it, approved by Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, but then later on, said they would vote differently. Yet here was the RACIST Woodrow Wilson, declaring war on Germany because they sank a ship that providing AID to enemy of Germany.
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
Expunging Woodrow Wilson from Official Places of Honor
There is a bridge that is driven over by 100's of people of color, that Woodrow despised during his life, yet they have no clue how much of a racist he was. But then it has been the idea to not teach REAL history of the liberal/progressive movement because if those of color know the truth, they would be out in force, not killing the police, but those who have lied to them.
You're a fucking idiot. :cuckoo: The volokh conspiracy article you linked to says nothing about Wilson getting us into WWI, which is what is being discussed. You're such a fruit-loop dingus, you can't stick to topic because you get bitch-slapped in just about every post you make. And your idiocy that Wilson took us to war over a single ship being sunk eliminates any of your self-congratulatory claims of historic knowledge. The Germans were sinking many of our ships as well as ships from other countries carrying Americans. After years of keeping us out of the war, we could no longer turn the other cheek after hundreds of Americans had been killed by Germans.
Do you know how moronic you sound? Maybe you better go back and check what you wrote earlier. Well, that might be too hard for you and require WORK, that 4 letter word you libs seem to hate.
I wrote then what I wrote here. Germans sinking our ships and killing Americans is what got us into the war. You're the coward who thinks we should have just gone on letting them kill Americans.

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