Does a vote for Neal Dikeman = a vote for "Beto" O'Rourke

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
Tell me why I should vote for a GOP jackass like Ted Cruz when Neal Dikeman matches my political idiology MUCH better?

Does the GOP deserve to keep the Senate? Should that be my problem?

I mean, fuck Robert Francis (Beto). That dude is a phony bullshit commie out of El Paso who used his alleged Mexican heritage and nickname to get elected. Reminds me of Chief Shitting Pants.

But, why should it be my peoblem if the GOP is Dem-lite or commie-lite? What have they done to earn my vote?

Tell me why I should not vote for Neal Dikeman instead?

(I know the reasons. I just want to hear them from others who feel like me.)
Tell me why I should vote for a GOP jackass like Ted Cruz when Neal Dikeman matches my political idiology MUCH better?

Does the GOP deserve to keep the Senate? Should that be my problem?

I mean, fuck Robert Francis (Beto). That dude is a phony bullshit commie out of El Paso who used his alleged Mexican heritage and nickname to get elected. Reminds me of Chief Shitting Pants.

But, why should it be my peoblem if the GOP is Dem-lite or commie-lite? What have they done to earn my vote?

Tell me why I should not vote for Neal Dikeman instead?

(I know the reasons. I just want to hear them from others who feel like me.)
Vote for Ebenezer Scrooge or Optimus Prime for all I care. :dunno:
Tell me why I should vote for a GOP jackass like Ted Cruz when Neal Dikeman matches my political idiology MUCH better?
Okay... I'm going to show an incredible amount of restraint here but only because you're a good egg. :D

Does the GOP deserve to keep the Senate? Should that be my problem?
No and it shouldn't be your problem but it will be anyways, since undoubtedly either Crime Family-D or Crime Family-R will end up with control of the Senate and unfortunately most of the mischief those nimrods get up to impacts all of us.
There are zero reasons not to vote for Neal Dikeman. The bullshit line that a vote for him is a vote for Beto is just the lie they tell people to keep a 3rd party from growing

Every vote for Neal Dikeman helps the next 3rd party candidate.

This is about the future, not the next two years.
Tell me why I should vote for a GOP jackass like Ted Cruz when Neal Dikeman matches my political idiology MUCH better?

Does the GOP deserve to keep the Senate? Should that be my problem?

I mean, fuck Robert Francis (Beto). That dude is a phony bullshit commie out of El Paso who used his alleged Mexican heritage and nickname to get elected. Reminds me of Chief Shitting Pants.

But, why should it be my peoblem if the GOP is Dem-lite or commie-lite? What have they done to earn my vote?

Tell me why I should not vote for Neal Dikeman instead?

(I know the reasons. I just want to hear them from others who feel like me.)
Vote for Ebenezer Scrooge or Optimus Prime for all I care. :dunno:

Optimus Prime is Commie right down to his pink underwear.
There are zero reasons not to vote for Neal Dikeman. The bullshit line that a vote for him is a vote for Beto is just the lie they tell people to keep a 3rd party from growing

Every vote for Neal Dikeman helps the next 3rd party candidate.

This is about the future, not the next two years.
Is Beto convicted felon?
There are zero reasons not to vote for Neal Dikeman. The bullshit line that a vote for him is a vote for Beto is just the lie they tell people to keep a 3rd party from growing

Every vote for Neal Dikeman helps the next 3rd party candidate.

This is about the future, not the next two years.
Is Beto convicted felon?

This thread is about Neal Dikeman, not Beto.
Vote for whom ever you think can do the job. But I will say this, if the Democrats win the house or the senate or any combination you need to be ready for the consequences.

I realize that there maybe better third party candidates, but if they do not have a good chance of winning, then you might as well not even vote.

It really comes down to which party you think should be in control.
Tell me why I should vote for a GOP jackass like Ted Cruz when Neal Dikeman matches my political idiology MUCH better?

Does the GOP deserve to keep the Senate? Should that be my problem?

I mean, fuck Robert Francis (Beto). That dude is a phony bullshit commie out of El Paso who used his alleged Mexican heritage and nickname to get elected. Reminds me of Chief Shitting Pants.

But, why should it be my peoblem if the GOP is Dem-lite or commie-lite? What have they done to earn my vote?

Tell me why I should not vote for Neal Dikeman instead?

(I know the reasons. I just want to hear them from others who feel like me.)
Vote for Ebenezer Scrooge or Optimus Prime for all I care. :dunno:

Optimus Prime is Commie right down to his pink underwear.
And I could still care less right down to my tighty whities.
Every vote for Neal Dikeman helps the next 3rd party candidate.

Yeah keep telling yourself that shit and maybe in a 1000 years it'll actually amount to something.

Might take that long to get rid of the sheep like you.

Yeah, I'm a sheep because I don't operate under the delusion that voting for insignificant political parties is going to incrementally break the Crime Family Duopoly's grip on power anytime soon. :rolleyes:

… but on the plus side of being a sheep, there's zero chance I'm going to become as humorless and petty as you appear to be, must be a product of that swollen sense of self importance you're always sportin'.
Vote for whom ever you think can do the job. But I will say this, if the Democrats win the house or the senate or any combination you need to be ready for the consequences.

I realize that there maybe better third party candidates, but if they do not have a good chance of winning, then you might as well not even vote.

It really comes down to which party you think should be in control.
That's the thing. Neither the Dems nor GOP should be in control.

They keep getting away with bullshit because they know we have no real alternatives.

It's like they had a secret meeting and decided amongst them how to give us a pick-your- poison choice of which liberties we will sacrifice out of fear of the only alternative, while they both pilfer the treasury of borrowed money.

So, we know that both parties are unified in fucking us in the ass.

How do we break the cycle and rid the world of athoritarian, statist, spendthrift politicians?
Tell me why I should vote for a GOP jackass like Ted Cruz when Neal Dikeman matches my political idiology MUCH better?

Does the GOP deserve to keep the Senate? Should that be my problem?

I mean, fuck Robert Francis (Beto). That dude is a phony bullshit commie out of El Paso who used his alleged Mexican heritage and nickname to get elected. Reminds me of Chief Shitting Pants.

But, why should it be my peoblem if the GOP is Dem-lite or commie-lite? What have they done to earn my vote?

Tell me why I should not vote for Neal Dikeman instead?

(I know the reasons. I just want to hear them from others who feel like me.)

it all depends which matters more, your ideological purity, or your desire to not see a Democratic majority in the Senate.
There are zero reasons not to vote for Neal Dikeman. The bullshit line that a vote for him is a vote for Beto is just the lie they tell people to keep a 3rd party from growing

Every vote for Neal Dikeman helps the next 3rd party candidate.

This is about the future, not the next two years.

If enough people who would have voted for Cruz vote for Dikeman, and O'Rourke does get in, then while not a vote for him, the end result is Senator O'Rourke just the same.
Vote for whom ever you think can do the job. But I will say this, if the Democrats win the house or the senate or any combination you need to be ready for the consequences.

I realize that there maybe better third party candidates, but if they do not have a good chance of winning, then you might as well not even vote.

It really comes down to which party you think should be in control.
That's the thing. Neither the Dems nor GOP should be in control.

They keep getting away with bullshit because they know we have no real alternatives.

It's like they had a secret meeting and decided amongst them how to give us a pick-your- poison choice of which liberties we will sacrifice out of fear of the only alternative, while they both pilfer the treasury of borrowed money.


Vote your conscience, after all you're the one that has to look yourself in the mirror and it's much better when you can do it without being overwhelmed by guilt.

At the end of the day, doesn't really matter which of the two major Crime Families end up in charge because they're just two wings of the same "loot and pillage" cabal which is just a reflection of the sheeple that keep putting them in power thinking that changing the letter behind the names will change the corrupt system.

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope.' " -- George Carlin
Yeah, I'm a sheep because I don't operate under the delusion that voting for insignificant political parties is going to incrementally break the Crime Family Duopoly's grip on power anytime soon. :rolleyes:

No, you are a sheep because you will keep supporting the duopoly even though you seem to grasp it is not a good thing.

… but on the plus side of being a sheep, there's zero chance I'm going to become as humorless and petty as you appear to be, must be a product of that swollen sense of self importance you're always sportin'.

Too late, you are already there, as evidenced by the post I responded to that drew this reaction.

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