Do you notice that in terms of policy, immigration is all Trump talks about?

Lol good god. Yeah, too bad literally none of these examples are proof that there was a significant difference made at all in their overall immigration numbers. For some reason you think an unspecified amount of 20 foot barriers magically stopped all illegal immigration? Oh wow.
When you say the opposite of what the whole world knows to be true, you accomplish one thing. Making a compete idiot out of yourself. (not my problem)
Lol you only believe this non sense because Trump told you to. That’s it. You are way too much of a pussy to even criticize him over something legitimate. Also, why would this successful businessman need to “reorganize”? Are you sure his failing business ideas are irrelevant? He’s tried to put his name on every product imaginable and they ALL failed besides his shitty hotel. This guy even managed to have a casino bankrupted lol.


YOU >>>


Trump crushes you idiots on all levels.... on immigration its a slam dunk and the idiocy easily shown while your idiots keep coming back for more ..
A wall isn’t a slam dunk. There’s a reason no republican president before Trump harped on a wall as being a major immigration solution. It’s a useless idea. I mean my god, you are talking about something 4th grader could come up with.
---------------------------------------- as a republican ;IKE Eisenhower' did good work with his operation WetBack and walls weren't needed as 'IKE' didn;t think that we'd have TRAITOROUS ' republican reagan and old man bush' as a pro amnesty for illegals team . And then it just got worse with 'clinton' , gwb and 'mrobama' Billy . Nowadays the TRUMP pushes for the WALL because it is needed Billy .
Lol good god. Yeah, too bad literally none of these examples are proof that there was a significant difference made at all in their overall immigration numbers. For some reason you think an unspecified amount of 20 foot barriers magically stopped all illegal immigration? Oh wow.
Armed soldiers placed by these walls discourage trespassers. Not a bad idea for the wall on our southern border.
I think this is for a couple of reasons:

1) He wants to feel validated by his base because this is issue is for some bizarre reason their top concern. He wants to feel liked and worshiped because he’s a whiny little bitch.

2) He knows he is too stupid to talk about anything else. It’s easy to fall back on a the wall. It’s a simple concept. Immigration is a complex subject, but a wall just sounds good as the only solution.

I was listening to Potus station on Sirius and he was talking everything from King to the banning of the Congresswomen to the trade war with China, so I guess you must be getting your news from the Kos because you are clueless again...
give us your oligarchs, you Chinese investors in Kusher INC, yearning to breathe free!!

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