Another Hoax Bites the Dust.

He never declassified anything because there is a process for declassifying things and he never used that process.
That will be easily proven in court.

Biden never stole anything. He did borrow things and take them home to read and then neglect to get them back to where they belonged in a timely manner.

What the FBI learned in the Clinton email episode was that there were some huge holes in security governnent-wide in regard to secure information hanging out in non secure locations.
Once they started really looking at the problem they realized how BIG it was.
EVERYBODY in government was "guilty" one way or another to some degree it seemed.
So the best way to handle it was to treat it as a learning experience, tighten up procedures and systems and move on all the wiser.
It was either that or try to prosecute literally EVERYBODY in government.

The classified document situation is very similiar. People take shit home that they really shouldn't.

It is only when they refuse to return it and lie and obstruct the govt.'s efforts to recover it luke Trump has that it needs to become a serious criminal issue.
bIdEn dIDn"T sTeAl aNyThInG
BULLSHIT!!!!!!! :eusa_hand:
Framing and imprisoning people to intimidate people from speaking up is wrong. It is what they are doing.

Robeson is not the only federal asset to get burned under highly scandalous circumstances. In the coming weeks, we will report on a still more explosive story of a law enforcement agent who was clearly “burned” and indicted in order to protect the Fed’s carefully guarded secrets involving January 6th. This and much more are coming soon. Stay tuned.

So you believe the crooks and liars - like always.

FBI informants are CRIMINALS. You believe the CRIMINALS over law enforcement.

Of course, you believe Donald Trump - a lifelong criminal and grifter, over law enforcement too.

Gullible and stupid is no way to live.

GTFOH!!!!!!! :eusa_hand:

What difference does that make other to demonstrate the dusty old materials in Biden's garage weren't as sensitive, current, and critical to national security as the stuff Trump stole?
And then tried to keep in spite of the government's lawful efforts to retrieve them.
You MAGAt-tard cultists, not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, don't seem to realize that EVERY SINGLE time you try to engage in your desperate whataboutism trying to make Biden's situation the same as Trump's is going to make you look like the clueless fools that you are.

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