Another Hoax Bites the Dust.

Straight from Karl Marx, Marxism at it's finest coming from MAGA.
Marx argued that political power is controlled by small groups of people who use their resources and wealth to protect their interests. This theory became the basis for the development of many other theories, such as elitism and pluralism.

Typical MAGA Marxist, probably will accuse everyone of being Marxist now... You probably are fed this by your pro Marxist friends while they tell you this is America First...
Stalinist LAWFARE has no place in the United States of America!!!!
The precedent set will be our undoing you fucking retarded asshole.

Don't break the law and..........................

Or so the argument went when people before Trump complained about an unjust justice system.
Sorry... I have shown you where Marxism is being spread by MAGA... I used links and proof.

You have only childish comment...

You can't refute it so you have to run and hide... No chance you going for an adult debate...
Stalinist LAWFARE has no place in the United States of America!!!!
The precedent set will be our undoing you fucking retarded asshole.
Your theory, if trump is a criminal then Biden must be one too..

Biden didn't break the law and you repeating you ignorance on it repeatedly will not change that fact...

Also just for your information, Trump is not been charged for taking the documents...
Sorry... I have shown you where Marxism is being spread by MAGA... I used links and proof.

You have only childish comment...

You can't refute it so you have to run and hide... No chance you going for an adult debate...
Marxism spread by MAGA??????

You're a fucking JOKE, cowboy turd!!!!!!
You should be more concerned about YOUR OWN COUNTRY being invaded and overridden by FORIGN INVADERS in your population and GOVERNMENT.

MAGA is NOT communist you fucking pathetic lying ASSHOLE!!!!
Marxism spread by MAGA??????

You're a fucking JOKE, cowboy turd!!!!!!
You should be more concerned about YOUR OWN COUNTRY being invaded and overridden by FORIGN INVADERS in your population and GOVERNMENT.

MAGA is NOT communist you fucking pathetic lying ASSHOLE!!!!

Trump's MAGA government spending was 55% of the US economy!!!! The most centralized spending by gov & elites in US history. Empty store shelves, high prices for basic needs, food lines, toilet paper rationing, junk aircraft that crash & kill passengers, bankrupted 200 US oil drillers, the most unemployment & deficits in history.
You guys impeached him over a blow job.
After a Special Prosecutor spent five years and $70,00,000.00 of our hard earned tax dollars investigating everything under the sun, that's all he came up with. Clinton lied about getting a blow job.
Called perjury, oh and it's illegal. No matter what you're lying about.
Framing and imprisoning people to intimidate people from speaking up is wrong. It is what they are doing.

Robeson is not the only federal asset to get burned under highly scandalous circumstances. In the coming weeks, we will report on a still more explosive story of a law enforcement agent who was clearly “burned” and indicted in order to protect the Fed’s carefully guarded secrets involving January 6th. This and much more are coming soon. Stay tuned.

How long can we expect to hear these bogus conspiracy theories recycled?
You guys impeached him over a blow job.
After a Special Prosecutor spent five years and $70,00,000.00 of our hard earned tax dollars investigating everything under the sun, that's all he came up with. Clinton lied about getting a blow job.
Actually he was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power.....but you are right, compared to what we have seen out of the Xiden admin, it looks rather small
Actually he was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power.....but you are right, compared to what we have seen out of the Xiden admin, it looks rather small

Only perjury and obstruction of justice made it to the Senate, where even Republicans thought it was absurd and voted against it.

You guys have been promoting fake laptops for five years, and the only thing you've proven is that Hunter didn't pay his taxes on time.

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