Do you notice that in terms of policy, immigration is all Trump talks about?

------------------------------------------- as a Deplorable importation / immigration is my most important issue Billy .
That doesn’t mean Trump is smart enough to solve these problems. He’s a goddamn moron.
----------------------------------------------------- but much better than 'hilary' . jebito bush and 'mrobama Billy .
I don’t give a shit what you think of those 3. What bothers me is being stupid enough to vote for Trump.
as against being stupid enough to vote for Clinton?.....what a choice we were given....
Uh not voting or third place paety
at least i dont vote for the same shit over and you obviously do..........
Lol we’d all have our own jet if everyone’s daddy gave them 10’s of millions of dollars. For some reason you worship an idiot born with a silver spoon up his ass.
I notice you have a habit of repeating FALSE "information". His father gave him a LOAN of ONE million dollars to start out in the 1970s, which he could have got from a bank, and turned it into a profit. He promptly paid the whole thing back.

When his father died in 1999, he got left some money from his father, but it was insignificant relative to the multibillion fortune, that Donald had already amassed by that time. No charge for the tutoring.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.

And the last time you turned millions into billions was....when?
Same time you did?

Gee, I'm not the one complaining, dumbass.
Lol there have always been caravans you moron. It’s not a new phenomenon. Of course, your pictures are useless because these were taken while these people were still in Central America. They couldn’t walk that distance. Which also means they arent even from Mexico lol. I suppose I could also point out that most of those people are simply seeking asylum way from their dangerous homelands. I could even inform you that seeking asylum is perfectly legal. All of that is a waste of time because you believe anything Trump says and can’t think for yourself.
NO THERE HAS NOT. The caravans are a totally new concept, started recent by George Soros and Pueblo Sin Fronteraas. Man, they must really be throwing the BS around over there at CNN/MSNBC.

Oh they couldn't walk that distance could they ? Well maybe the buses paid for by Soros and PSF have helped.

And what does it matter where the pictures were taken or where the migrants are coming from ? Point is these are massive caravans happening NOW, get it ?

And I see you are completely suckered by the liberal OMISSION media line about
"dangerous homelands". I've been refuting that lame line all year long. If migrants were fleeing from crime, there are countries they could go to, that are closer to Central America, and have lower crime rates than the US (ex. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba)

They're coming to the US to ca$h in on jobs and welfare goodie$ enticed to them by leftists (Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, etc), looking to import Democrat VOTES.

SUCKER: Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

Illegal immigration will always be a thing because it has always been a thing. Of course, the fact of the matter is that net migration from Mexico has been declining since 2008 but it’s impossible to explain that simple fact to you idiots.
More aliens are streaming in NOW, at the Mexican border, than EVER have, at any time in US history. Does the word "caravan" ring a bell ?


View attachment 274134
Lol there have always been caravans you moron. It’s not a new phenomenon. Of course, your pictures are useless because these were taken while these people were still in Central America. They couldn’t walk that distance. Which also means they arent even from Mexico lol. I suppose I could also point out that most of those people are simply seeking asylum way from their dangerous homelands. I could even inform you that seeking asylum is perfectly legal. All of that is a waste of time because you believe anything Trump says and can’t think for yourself.
show a caravan from the 70's and 80's....
I think this is for a couple of reasons:

1) He wants to feel validated by his base because this is issue is for some bizarre reason their top concern. He wants to feel liked and worshiped because he’s a whiny little bitch.

2) He knows he is too stupid to talk about anything else. It’s easy to fall back on a the wall. It’s a simple concept. Immigration is a complex subject, but a wall just sounds good as the only solution.

Granted I do have defer to your endless experience at being a whiny little bitch. If there is a 'king of the whiny bitches' on this forum, you are the m.... boy.
All trump is doing is what he does best ,,,bullying anyone who won't kiss his butt Trump is an idiot and most people know the best way to approach China is with your allies france italy England all europe but he can't because they think he's a fraud and failure too
The European countries have nothing to do with the US/China relationship. This is simply a matter of 4 previous US president dunces giving China unrestricted access to our market, resulting in our stores being flooded with "Made in China" stuff, all to our detriment.

"All trump is doing is" putting a stop to that idiocy, thereby restoring the ability of US businesses to operate/function here in the US, creating millions more jobs, and Billions$$ more disposable income converting into sales$$$$, and a healthy economy. It's already happening, and you are oblivious.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.
He didn't have ANY bankruptcies. More leftist fake news that you fall for. Bankruptcies are Chapter 7. Trump had Chapter 13s, which are reorganizations. You're not ready for this forum.

As for the stuff about his father, I'm the same age as Trump, and I grew up in New York just a few miles from where Trump lived. I saw his career take off from the beginning as all New Yorkers did, back in those days. I don't need silly leftist propaganda to coach me.
Lol there have always been caravans you moron. It’s not a new phenomenon. Of course, your pictures are useless because these were taken while these people were still in Central America. They couldn’t walk that distance. Which also means they arent even from Mexico lol. I suppose I could also point out that most of those people are simply seeking asylum way from their dangerous homelands. I could even inform you that seeking asylum is perfectly legal. All of that is a waste of time because you believe anything Trump says and can’t think for yourself.
NO THERE HAS NOT. The caravans are a totally new concept, started recent by George Soros and Pueblo Sin Fronteraas. Man, they must really be throwing the BS around over there at CNN/MSNBC.

Oh they couldn't walk that distance could they ? Well maybe the buses paid for by Soros and PSF have helped.

And what does it matter where the pictures were taken or where the migrants are coming from ? Point is these are massive caravans happening NOW, get it ?

And I see you are completely suckered by the liberal OMISSION media line about
"dangerous homelands". I've been refuting that lame line all year long. If migrants were fleeing from crime, there are countries they could go to, that are closer to Central America, and have lower crime rates than the US (ex. Aruba, Martinique, Cuba)

They're coming to the US to ca$h in on jobs and welfare goodie$ enticed to them by leftists (Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, etc), looking to import Democrat VOTES.

SUCKER: Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?

It is just astounding how profoundly ignorant you are. I could ask you about the claim regarding Soros, but I already know you don’t have proof. Probably just some tard blog from Fox News or Info Wars is all you have to go off which is funny because I don’t even watch CNN or MSNBC but you are convinced I do for some reason. The Soros claim really is stupid. Answer me this: why would Soros want to flood our borders in the first place? What would he get out of doing that?

Oh and the closest country to them is Mexico lol. Many of them do seek refuge there but many aim for the US because they think they can have a better life there. It’s also far removed from Central America and the threats their families face. Your dumbass didn’t debunk shit. We both know that’s true.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.
He didn't have ANY bankruptcies. More leftist fake news that you fall for. Bankruptcies are Chapter 7. Trump had Chapter 13s, which are reorganizations. You're not ready for this forum.

As for the stuff about his father, I'm the same age as Trump, and I grew up in New York just a few miles from where Trump lived. I saw his career take off from the beginning as all New Yorkers did, back in those days. I don't need silly leftist propaganda to coach me.
Lol you only believe this non sense because Trump told you to. That’s it. You are way too much of a pussy to even criticize him over something legitimate. Also, why would this successful businessman need to “reorganize”? Are you sure his failing business ideas are irrelevant? He’s tried to put his name on every product imaginable and they ALL failed besides his shitty hotel. This guy even managed to have a casino bankrupted lol.
77 counties don’t have walls all along their border idiot. More importantly, those 77 counties still get illegal immigrants lol
Wrong and wrong. Yes 77 countries DO HAVE border walls and security fences, and yes, they have been generally very successful;. You're getting an education. Hope you appreciate that.

From 7 to 77: There's been an explosion in building border walls since World War II


Indian Border Security Force soldiers patrol in the early morning fog along a barbed wire fence along the India Bangladesh border in Jaipur village near Agartala, capital of India's northeastern state.


A Tour guide shows tourists a peace wall in north Belfast on Jan. 23, 2017.


Palestinians from the Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem watch as Israeli forces replace the collapsed sections of the controversial Israeli separation wall, dividing the camp from the Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev (L) after it collapsed due to heavy rainfall and floods.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.
He didn't have ANY bankruptcies. More leftist fake news that you fall for. Bankruptcies are Chapter 7. Trump had Chapter 13s, which are reorganizations. You're not ready for this forum.

As for the stuff about his father, I'm the same age as Trump, and I grew up in New York just a few miles from where Trump lived. I saw his career take off from the beginning as all New Yorkers did, back in those days. I don't need silly leftist propaganda to coach me.
-------------------------------------------- thanks for the info Protectionist .
77 counties don’t have walls all along their border idiot. More importantly, those 77 counties still get illegal immigrants lol
Wrong and wrong. Yes 77 countries DO HAVE border walls and security fences, and yes, they have been generally very successful;. You're getting an education. Hope you appreciate that.

From 7 to 77: There's been an explosion in building border walls since World War II


Indian Border Security Force soldiers patrol in the early morning fog along a barbed wire fence along the India Bangladesh border in Jaipur village near Agartala, capital of India's northeastern state.


A Tour guide shows tourists a peace wall in north Belfast on Jan. 23, 2017.


Palestinians from the Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem watch as Israeli forces replace the collapsed sections of the controversial Israeli separation wall, dividing the camp from the Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev (L) after it collapsed due to heavy rainfall and floods.
Lol they don’t have walls ALL along their borders, and yeah, they still get illegal immigration. Now you’re really making shit up on the spot huh?
i see - I SEE the WALLS that Protectionist displays and features Billy . I See the WALL's
with my Own EYE's Billy .
It is just astounding how profoundly ignorant you are. I could ask you about the claim regarding Soros, but I already know you don’t have proof. Probably just some tard blog from Fox News or Info Wars is all you have to go off which is funny because I don’t even watch CNN or MSNBC but you are convinced I do for some reason. The Soros claim really is stupid. Answer me this: why would Soros want to flood our borders in the first place? What would he get out of doing that?

Oh and the closest country to them is Mexico lol. Many of them do seek refuge there but many aim for the US because they think they can have a better life there. It’s also far removed from Central America and the threats their families face. Your dumbass didn’t debunk shit. We both know that’s true.
It is just astounding how profoundly ignorant you are. Don't have proof about Soros and Pueblo Sin Fronteras ? HA HA/ You idiot. PSF leaders are sitting in jail cells right this minute in Mexico. Airhead liberals like you don't get told a lot of things from your liberal OMMISSION media, and that why you're so information-deprived, and walk around not knowing how much you don't know.

I can see it's a waste of time talking to a fool like you, because even when you've been refuted, your ego fires up, and you claim to not be refuted.

EARTH TO BILLY: EVERYBODY except you apparently) knows about Soros And PSF,especially since they were arrested in Mexico.
and Freedom for Immigrants, a San Francisco Bay area group that donate $46,000 to PSF for the latest caravan. A
nd when there are countries closer to Central America than the US, with lower crime rates, and the migrants still come here, obviously its not because of crime. It is because of economics, and just like you said >> they think they can have a better life here. With jobs stolen from Americans, and welfare goodies enticed to them by PSF.

More education for you.

Group that escorts migrant caravans to U.S. border draws scrutiny
It is just astounding how profoundly ignorant you are. I could ask you about the claim regarding Soros, but I already know you don’t have proof. Probably just some tard blog from Fox News or Info Wars is all you have to go off which is funny because I don’t even watch CNN or MSNBC but you are convinced I do for some reason. The Soros claim really is stupid. Answer me this: why would Soros want to flood our borders in the first place? What would he get out of doing that?

Oh and the closest country to them is Mexico lol. Many of them do seek refuge there but many aim for the US because they think they can have a better life there. It’s also far removed from Central America and the threats their families face. Your dumbass didn’t debunk shit. We both know that’s true.
It is just astounding how profoundly ignorant you are. Don't have proof about Soros and Pueblo Sin Fronteras ? HA HA/ You idiot. PSF leaders are sitting in jail cells right this minute in Mexico. Airhead liberals like you don't get told a lot of things from your liberal OMMISSION media, and that why you're so information-deprived, and walk around not knowing how much you don't know.

I can see it's a waste of time talking to a fool like you, because even when you've been refuted, your ego fires up, and you claim to not be refuted.

EARTH TO BILLY: EVERYBODY except you apparently) knows about Soros And PSF,especially since they were arrested in Mexico.
and Freedom for Immigrants, a San Francisco Bay area group that donate $46,000 to PSF for the latest caravan. A
nd when there are countries closer to Central America than the US, with lower crime rates, and the migrants still come here, obviously its not because of crime. It is because of economics, and just like you said >> they think they can have a better life here. With jobs stolen from Americans, and welfare goodies enticed to them by PSF.

More education for you.

Group that escorts migrant caravans to U.S. border draws scrutiny
Lol yeah so far you haven’t provided any proof of such a ridiculous claim nor can you explain why Soros would even do it to begin with.
.Lol they don’t have walls ALL along their borders, and yeah, they still get illegal immigration. Now you’re really making shit up on the spot huh?
So maybe you think I took these pictures right here in Florida, and stuck them in here as fakes, huh ? Now I'm beginning to wonder about your sanity.

More examples >>>
  • Finland: About 450 miles of barbed wire fencing prevent reindeer from wandering across the border into Russia.

  • France: The mile-long wall at Calais was funded by the United Kingdom to prevent migrants from accessing the Channel Tunnel that connects Britain to continental Europe.
Morocco: A 1,700-mile sand wall fortified and surrounded by millions of land mines was built by Morocco in 1975 along disputed, ungoverned territory on its border with Western Sahara.

  • Spain: More than two decades ago, the Spanish government built 20-foot concrete barriers to wall off Melilla and Ceuta, Spanish-administered enclaves in Morocco since the 15th century, to increase border security against African migrants.

  • Saudi Arabia: In 2014, Saudi Arabia built a 550-mile-long wall with Iraq, a response to the rise of the Islamic State militants sweeping across parts of that country.

  • Turkey: A buffer zone splits the island of Cyprus and its capital Nicosia between Turkey and Greece. Nicosia is arguably the last city in the world physically separated by a wall.
77 counties don’t have walls all along their border idiot. More importantly, those 77 counties still get illegal immigrants lol
Wrong and wrong. Yes 77 countries DO HAVE border walls and security fences, and yes, they have been generally very successful;. You're getting an education. Hope you appreciate that.

From 7 to 77: There's been an explosion in building border walls since World War II


Indian Border Security Force soldiers patrol in the early morning fog along a barbed wire fence along the India Bangladesh border in Jaipur village near Agartala, capital of India's northeastern state.


A Tour guide shows tourists a peace wall in north Belfast on Jan. 23, 2017.


Palestinians from the Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem watch as Israeli forces replace the collapsed sections of the controversial Israeli separation wall, dividing the camp from the Israeli settlement of Pisgat Zeev (L) after it collapsed due to heavy rainfall and floods.
Lol they don’t have walls ALL along their borders, and yeah, they still get illegal immigration. Now you’re really making shit up on the spot huh?
So maybe you think I took these pictures right here in Florida, and stuck them in here as fakes, huh ? Now I'm beginning to wonder about your sanity.

More examples >>>
  • Finland: About 450 miles of barbed wire fencing prevent reindeer from wandering across the border into Russia.
  • France: The mile-long wall at Calais was funded by the United Kingdom to prevent migrants from accessing the Channel Tunnel that connects Britain to continental Europe.
Morocco: A 1,700-mile sand wall fortified and surrounded by millions of land mines was built by Morocco in 1975 along disputed, ungoverned territory on its border with Western Sahara.
  • Spain: More than two decades ago, the Spanish government built 20-foot concrete barriers to wall off Melilla and Ceuta, Spanish-administered enclaves in Morocco since the 15th century, to increase border security against African migrants.
  • Saudi Arabia: In 2014, Saudi Arabia built a 550-mile-long wall with Iraq, a response to the rise of the Islamic State militants sweeping across parts of that country.
  • Turkey: A buffer zone splits the island of Cyprus and its capital Nicosia between Turkey and Greece. Nicosia is arguably the last city in the world physically separated by a wall.
Lol good god. Yeah, too bad literally none of these examples are proof that there was a significant difference made at all in their overall immigration numbers. For some reason you think an unspecified amount of 20 foot barriers magically stopped all illegal immigration? Oh wow.
Lol yeah so far you haven’t provided any proof of such a ridiculous claim nor can you explain why Soros would even do it to begin with.
I certainly DID provide proof with 2 source links, including one describing the arrests of PSF leaders in Mexico. Problem here is not me not providing proof, it is you not providing emotional stability. You're going to deny that pennies are copper, that fish can swim, and that dogs can run fast, if it those were consistent with your agenda arguments. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle;

You're like the guy who just got punched in the face 100 times, got his teeth kicked in, and got thrown down to the ground and stomped on 20 times, and then says "I won" Sad.

More links >>

CONFIRMED: George Soros Funds The Caravan's Parent Group And Caravan Spokeswoman's Employer - Big League Politics

Border Caravan? Call it the George Soros Express - WND - WND

According to research done by Glenn Beck and his team, the paper trail from Pueblo Sin Fronteras leads back to a group called CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project. CARA encompass two legal groups, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. and the American Immigration Council. Guess who’s funding them? … none other than radical leftist billionaire: George Soros.

Who's Really Behind the Illegal Immigrants, the Migrant Caravan and Pueblo Sin Fronteras?

George Soros Funded Groups Are Supporting Illegal Immigrant Caravans - Blunt Force Truth
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Immigration reform and border security are a real problem and it's something many Americans care about not everyone supports the open borders, defund ICE, and decriminalize illegal border crossing agenda.

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