Do you have a problem with the Black Panthers putting a 10 thousand $ bounty up ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
if you are black and don't have a problem with the 10 thousand $ bounty the New Black Panther Party place on Zimmerman you are a RACIST !!
You know what would happened if whites put up a bounty "[black killer], $10,000 Dead or Alive". Can you say mass arrests by federal agents?
if you are black and don't have a problem with the 10 thousand $ bounty the New Black Panther Party place on Zimmerman you are a RACIST !!

I wonder how it would go over if the KKK put up a bounty like that.......

yes the black panthers are a racist organization....always have been...always will be.
if you are black and don't have a problem with the 10 thousand $ bounty the New Black Panther Party place on Zimmerman you are a RACIST !!

I know what you are talking about ... but never the less

They are wrong and if it is illegal, I hope they are prosecuted and jailed. Period.

Just like Zimmerman.
with the breaks barrack hussein obama is given his buddies in regard to obams care and incidents like this he is doing a fine job dividing the country even further .one more step to a revolution
with the breaks barrack hussein obama is given his buddies in regard to obams care and incidents like this he is doing a fine job dividing the country even further .one more step to a revolution
maybe a Hispanic revolution against the left !!!:clap2::clap2:
They are wrong and if it is illegal, I hope they are prosecuted and jailed. Period.

Just like Zimmerman.

Yeah, right? And where is Eric Holder's DOJ on this one? Out to lunch? Too busy? Oh snap! I forgot, the offenders aren't White.....
if you are black and don't have a problem with the 10 thousand $ bounty the New Black Panther Party place on Zimmerman you are a RACIST !!

Looks like Mikhail Muhammad has created his 15-minutes of fame (or infamy) and managed in one brief moment to change the conversation.

The issue is an armed man killed an unarmed adolescent. That's where the focus needs to be; comments need to be measured yet fools like Muhammad and yidnar will never wait until all the facts are in which can be substantiated. Both seem to want to fan the flames of hatred and fear.
if you are black and don't have a problem with the 10 thousand $ bounty the New Black Panther Party place on Zimmerman you are a RACIST !!

Looks like Mikhail Muhammad has created his 15-minutes of fame (or infamy) and managed in one brief moment to change the conversation.

The issue is an armed man killed an unarmed adolescent. That's where the focus needs to be; comments need to be measured yet fools like Muhammad and yidnar will never wait until all the facts are in which can be substantiated. Both seem to want to fan the flames of hatred and fear.

Well, yes, Wry, but the unfortunate truth is, that genie has been out of the lamp for several days now; good luck putting it back in. This is now a political fight with racial overtones, and there's plenty of hate, and damn little sanity, on both sides of it, now. You do realize that no matter how this ends, the "losing" side is not going to let it go; this is no longer about justice, it's about "winning". Prediction-this is NOT going to end well, no matter what the investigation and the courts decide.

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