Do women want marriage and managomy more than men?

Basic civil rights dictated that women should have equality in every way. But the real problem nowadays has been caused by years of supply-side economics.

Based on raw productivity, it should only require one wage earner per household to support an entire family in a reasonable standard. Women should have equal opportunity and if there are two wage earners per household, that family should be very, very wealthy. A robust retirement should be very possible in no more than 15 years. Families should have a lifestlye choice to have two wage earners.

In one generation the workforce has been doubled AND the education and skill level per worker improved dramatically. But supply-side economics screwed all married couples. Instead of two worker families accumulating large amounts of wealth, it barely provides for a base standard of living.

Conservatives may blame "consumerism", but those "consumer" products, like T.V.s and computers are insignificant trinkets. Real wealth accumulation consists of real estate and financial securities and such.

The American people got duped into accepting credit in leiu of pay increases. We screwed ourselves by falling for the whole supply-side crap.


on another point...hasn't ANYBODY noticed that some men have VERY strong "paternal" instincts? Many of us are devoted husbands and fathers. Everybody always portrays all men as mindless penises who have no sense of responsibility. It MAY be true of about 50% of us, but the other 50% LOVE our wives and children and are absolutely devoted to them.

Of course I believe that quite a lot of women absolutely WANT men to be unreliable, mindless penises...they like us that way!

Its may be what they saw in their fathers.

I dont know why any woman likes the "bad boys" I never did.

Yes there are good men and lots of good men Pretend they dont want a wife while in their 20s.

They are pressured to think its a trap to fall in love.

Women want to fuck the bad boys and have kids with them, and when the bad boys tire and move on, the women try to meet a good guy to help them raise the baby boys kids. I see this alot now.

You made the first claim there were none. I countered. You have to provided an affirmative case with evidence, not ask me to refute your assertion.

This is on you.

I suggest you read your cultural and social history, then, give us a case as to why you are correct.


You claimed to know "Successful polygamist societies". I asked you to point them me. Can you do that?
LDS polygamy was very successful until crushed by the federal government.

You made the assertion that it has not been successful. We are waiting for your evidence.

Every Muslim country is technically polygamist but whether those countries are successful or not is up for debate.

Kinda illegal but they were and still are in some corners successful at it.

Mormons are a RELIGIOUS SECT, not wide spread, and far from being an example of "successful"!
I am sure a lot of professional women out there will quite happily tell you to 'eat it'.

"Eat" what?

The fact that "professional" women have no time for their kids who are brought up by other women whom mothers pay to do what mothers should do themselves?

Or the fact that "professional" women have no time to look after their homes and their family?

Why do you think so many "professional" women end up with broken families, multiple failed marriages and distant, unruly children? Do you honestly believe that is what those women always wanted for themselves?!

Isn't this the equality women wanted. Professional men who are single fathers also have to hire someone to pay what they should be doing themselves. Men have as many multiple failed marriages as women. Some might say exactly the same number of multiple failed marriages.
Every Muslim country is technically polygamist

No. In Islam a man can have more then one wife as a CHARITABLE ACT towards a woman, not his free choice. And that only with the agreement of his existing wife!

Bullshit, its polygamy. Stop making excuses for them.

It's partly both! In islam a woman is property. She is inherited just like any other form of property. When a man dies, his father, brother, cousin or uncle inherits his wife like any other form of property. I don't know that I am entirely opposed to the idea of women as property. There are many women who would love to be treated like a car, a boat, or any other object of property that is valued. It's one of the reasons I left my second husband. Had he treated me like he treated his pick up truck, we might have been together until he died.

This is one of those things that is reprehensible on paper, it's reprehensible when it doesn't go well. But, if it goes well, it's phenomenal.
Every Muslim country is technically polygamist

No. In Islam a man can have more then one wife as a CHARITABLE ACT towards a woman, not his free choice. And that only with the agreement of his existing wife!

Bullshit, its polygamy. Stop making excuses for them.

I am not "making excuses", I am explaining to you under what circumstances a Muslim man can have more then one wife.
Of course, in reality the rules get sometimes ignored...
You made the first claim there were none. I countered. You have to provided an affirmative case with evidence, not ask me to refute your assertion.

This is on you.

I suggest you read your cultural and social history, then, give us a case as to why you are correct.


You claimed to know "Successful polygamist societies". I asked you to point them me. Can you do that?

I have to "provide evidence" that I don't know of any "successful polygamous" society???


Now, your turn. Please, tell me what society you had in mind when you mentioned "successful polygamous" societies.
LDS polygamy was very successful until crushed by the federal government.

You made the assertion that it has not been successful. We are waiting for your evidence.

Kinda illegal but they were and still are in some corners successful at it.

Mormons are a RELIGIOUS SECT, not wide spread, and far from being an example of "successful"!

1. Mormons are a RELIGIOUS SECT. Mostly confined to US.
2. Them and other loopy groups can be classed as "communities" at best. But not as "societies".
3. Pardon me, but what would be the measure of their "success"???!!!!!
Isn't this the equality women wanted.

Professional men who are single fathers also have to hire someone to pay what they should be doing themselves.
Men have as many multiple failed marriages as women. Some might say exactly the same number of multiple failed marriages.

1. Were women asked? No. Few "liberated" busy-bodies decided "on behalf of" all women, setting the trend for all liberal dictators of present. Of course, women should have equal RIGHTS referenced against their psychological and physiological features, but "liberators" decided to a) FORCE all women into their rights; b) forced through their notion that there is no difference between men and women, thus women should be forced into men's "suit".

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences." (C.S.Lewis)

2. "Single man-parent" usually means either a tragedy or an unfit mother. It's not the situation that we discuss.
No. In Islam a man can have more then one wife as a CHARITABLE ACT towards a woman, not his free choice. And that only with the agreement of his existing wife!

Bullshit, its polygamy. Stop making excuses for them.

It's partly both! In islam a woman is property. She is inherited just like any other form of property.

...not exactly... Islamic societies are as different as non-Islamic ones. And Islam itself has MANY interpretations, branches and "flavours"...

But I like your thought... :D
LDS polygamy was very successful until crushed by the federal government.

You made the assertion that it has not been successful. We are waiting for your evidence.

Kinda illegal but they were and still are in some corners successful at it.

Mormons are a RELIGIOUS SECT, not wide spread, and far from being an example of "successful"!

We have one running for president...
Yes they are a widespread large culture.
and more than you think still practice pologmy in secret.
We have one running for president...
Yes they are a widespread large culture.
and more than you think still practice pologmy in secret.

1. What can I say? It's US...

2. Within US?

3. "In secret" means AGAINST THE LAWS. That means the society is NOT polygamous.
Isn't this the equality women wanted.

Professional men who are single fathers also have to hire someone to pay what they should be doing themselves.
Men have as many multiple failed marriages as women. Some might say exactly the same number of multiple failed marriages.

1. Were women asked? No. Few "liberated" busy-bodies decided "on behalf of" all women, setting the trend for all liberal dictators of present. Of course, women should have equal RIGHTS referenced against their psychological and physiological features, but "liberators" decided to a) FORCE all women into their rights; b) forced through their notion that there is no difference between men and women, thus women should be forced into men's "suit".

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences." (C.S.Lewis)

2. "Single man-parent" usually means either a tragedy or an unfit mother. It's not the situation that we discuss.

Single mothers are the result of what? Tragedy, unfit father, or man exercising his own rights to leave.

Women weren't forced into anything. We chased it, demanded it, fought for it, and got it. The women who were following the busy-body liberators did not even consider that with liberty comes great responsibility. They pay now for ignorance then.

Women thought they were going to get all the perks of men, and none of the responsibilities. Men, too often, were happy to give up those responsibiities.

What are girls learning today? They have to be sexy starting at 6 years old and by 14 are ready for boxtox and breast implants. Girls still like boys, as long as the boys are vampires, werewolves or friendly beasts. I remember the days when girls dreamed of the perfect wedding. Today they want Edward to drain them of blood.

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