A Basic Difference Between Men and Women, the Lack of Which is Destroying Western Society

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
First, please allow me to state that I in no way whatsoever, without limitation, condone violence. That is not what this post is about. I say this realizing that there are simplistic leftist turds among us who will jump on that angle as their flaccid attempt to criticize me and my words. So be it. It is your choice to be a idiot. What I am talking about here is a cultural difference between men and women in the western world. It is a variation that is learned. Today, it is being unlearned.

To put it bluntly, women are much more likely to say snarky shit (including fighting words) to another person because most of them have never been punched in the face. I am not advocating violence against women for a more just society. Just hang with me here. As a general rule, nobody should have to suffer a punch in the face. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, self-defense comes to mind. But the general rule is that we ought not be punching other people (or "folx", if you will) in their face.

Kids generally do not abide by the laws and mores of society naturally. They have to be taught. When the teaching is lacking, then things go awry. Just look at the American black culture and its lack of paternal oversight and direction. It's a fucking disaster. However, even if you properly teach your child about life, there will always be some kid who did not receive the same attention as your child.

School age boys tend to get into fights with each other. Girls will get into hair-pulling, bitch slap fights, but that is not exactly the same. That is more of a tribal thing. Imagine, if you will, a 14 year old boy named Timmy. He is not on hormone therapy because he thinks he is a chick. He is just a normal, red blooded American boy whose hormones are raging inside of him. He has a little girlfriend named "Mandy". One day a bully named, say, Cornpop, struts up to Timmy and says "Yo, honky! Dat bitch Mandy sho do look fine. I is gonna rape dat bitch wit my beeg black whamma-jamma!" How will Timmy respond?

Of course, the first thing Timmy does is ask Cornpop what the fuck he is saying. Timmy does not speak jive. After some creative interpretation Timmy gets the gist of what Cornpop is saying, and Timmy is not happy about it at all. Timmy feels inclined to kick Cornpop's ass. However, he knows that this urban youth is probably carrying a shiv or bicycle wheel chain. Timmy is smart, so he swiftly kicks Cornpop in the nuts, causing him to double over in pain. Timmy then picks up a brick that was laying there on the ground and proceeds to beat the unholy shit out of Cornpop by busting his head with said brick, then inflicting other bodily harm. It gets so bad, in fact, that the police are called. However, when the police arrive and learn the confrontation was between Timmy and a black punk, they let Timmy go and put what was left of Cornpop in the back seat and take off to, as the cop said, give him the "Freddy Gray treatment", whatever that means.

So yeah, boys get into fights. You win some and you lose some. But most importantly of all, boys learn to temper their behavior as a result. As they grow into men they have learned that if you call someone a "bitch motherfucker", then you better be prepared to fight. You may choose not to say such a thing because you do not wish to get into a fight for various reasons. Women, however, do not receive the same socialization. Sure, maybe a chick gets into a fight at some point (even a white one). But they generally do not go about their day-to-day lives with the understanding that a fight may likely break out if you say the wrong thing. Women are privileged in this way. They think they can do whatever they want without consequence (which is why abortion became such a big deal).

This leads to how adult women will talk shit as adults when men in similar situations will not. This raises two (2) points to address. First, women are far less civilized than men. This obviously goes without saying. In fact, as a general rule, women are filthy creatures. If not for them having pussies, us men would almost never talk to them or have anything to do with them. But it is not their fault. Their social handicap is the result of a failure of socialization. The fact is, this gender discrepancy is what it is. Women do not get to burp and fart like men do (because they want cock and babies), for example. It is not a big deal. It is only really an issue with dudes who insist on egalitarianism (i.e., beta cucks).

Now, here is the other issue. Boys are not allowed to get into fights anymore. You get expelled if you fight on school grounds. You get canceled and sent to counseling if you fight elsewhere. "Bullying" is now right up there with murder and rape on the list of loathsome behavior. In reality, bullying once played a vital role in socializing young males into our society. But now bullying is largely gone. What effect does this have?

Without bullies to fight, boys are just no longer fighting. As a direct and proximate consequence, young men are now equal, or worse, at bitch talking than are chicks. Just look at the leftist clowns on this board. And it is not always just the leftists. Sometimes a right winger will talk smack like a bitch. Let me give you an example, without naming names.

I needed a new battery for my Harley. My teenage son was telling me I should replace my traditional battery with a lithium battery (he is HUGE into cars and performance). I researched the matter. Being a 50-something year old white male who is full of rage and anger, I had to deliberate on it for days. This is right about the time I was made ex-communicado at Reddit and found this place as a substitute for conducting online activities. I noticed the sub-group called "The Garage". I had already noticed that most of the guys here are old fuckers like me who are into the same sort of shit. So I reached out in the Garage and queried about lithium cranking batteries for a Harley. I wanted to see what other people's opinions were. I was immediately accosted by at least 2 right wingers telling me I was an unpatriotic piece of shit for wanting a lithium battery and that buying a lithium battery was like giving money to China, and other such bullshit. I thought to myself, "Motherfucker!! You say shit like that to my face and ...". But thankfully, said people were protected by the cyber buffer, and I am not a stalker. Nor am I violent. It was really no big deal. But, if you spoke to me like that in person, then I cannot guarantee that I would not lose my temper with you.

Back to my thesis. The result of all this touchy feely bullshit is that, inter alia, we now have dudes who talk and act like bitches. Moreover, it is becoming damn near impossible to shame them out of acting that way. This is not healthy for our civilization. I believe this phenomena largely accounts for the lack of civility in all sorts of discourse today, especially political. Think about it. If a political opponent says that you are a "Nazi child rapist", for example, are you going to be able sit down with him or her at dinner and try to cut a deal? Are you even going to be able to deal with such a sleaze ball ever again? Probably not. Nothing gets accomplished and vitriol simmers.

This feminization of men, coupled with women reaching the ranks of power, has created a caustic, toxic, and volatile world. And it primarily goes back to not getting punched in the face as a child. It was on the schoolyard where you learned about personal accountability. Now that is out the fucking door, possibly forever. We took the emotionally handicapped women out of the home and put them in positions of power, then made young men act just like women. PRESTO!!! Fucked we now are.

I am not saying we need to make our children start fighting again, though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that is what each and every knee-jerk leftist out there will immediately want to say. Rather, we need to teach personal responsibility and civility. We just need to learn another way to do this, and one which will be at least as effective. We also need for black parents to step up and take responsibility for raising their kids so that we can bring them up to speed and integrate them into civil society. I truly hope this will happen ( I am not holding my breath).

Everything we do has a consequence when dealing with children. Leftists even recognize this. Their problem, though, is that the solution is to get rid of all the kids so that they can continue to act irresponsibly without consequence. Clearly, such stupidity is not going to sustain our society. Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
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I am. I have liked several of your posts. But you lose me when you insert views about race white which I am fundamentally opposed. This OP of yours was better left unwritten and I sent.
Oh, I don't know. My sense of humor is not for everybody. I am fine with that. Usually I get into the race stuff just to provoke people. I yearn for the good old days when you could tell an "N-word" joke and everybody laughed, even black folks.
The OP has a point. Many women are much more willing to say things to a man that another man never would. This is due to the assumed social standard of “chivalry”, under which a Man is not supposed to physically assault a woman in a situation where he might choose a physical response to another Man.

The reality this ideology fails to take into account is the fact that “Courtly Love” (not Chivalry); the ideology which controlled the interactions between Lords and Ladies in medieval society; applied only to the upper classes AND placed as many restrictions and expectations on the Lady as it did the lord.
First, please allow me to state that I in no way whatsoever, without limitation, condone violence. That is not what this post is about. I say this realizing that there are simplistic leftist turds among us who will jump on that angle as their flaccid attempt to criticize me and my words. So be it. It is your choice to be a idiot. What I am talking about here is a cultural difference between men and women in the western world. It is a variation that is learned. Today, it is being unlearned.

To put it bluntly, women are much more likely to say snarky shit (including fighting words) to another person because most of them have never been punched in the face. I am not advocating violence against women for a more just society. Just hang with me here. As a general rule, nobody should have to suffer a punch in the face. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, self-defense comes to mind. But the general rule is that we ought not be punching other people (or "folx", if you will) in their face.

Kids generally do not abide by the laws and mores of society naturally. They have to be taught. When the teaching is lacking, then things go awry. Just look at the American black culture and its lack of paternal oversight and direction. It's a fucking disaster. However, even if you properly teach your child about life, there will always be some kid who did not receive the same attention as your child.

School age boys tend to get into fights with each other. Girls will get into hair-pulling, bitch slap fights, but that is not exactly the same. That is more of a tribal thing. Imagine, if you will, a 14 year old boy named Timmy. He is not on hormone therapy because he thinks he is a chick. He is just a normal, red blooded American boy whose hormones are raging inside of him. He has a little girlfriend named "Mandy". One day a bully named, say, Cornpop, struts up to Timmy and says "Yo, honky! Dat bitch Mandy sho do look fine. I is gonna rape dat bitch wit my beeg black whamma-jamma!" How will Timmy respond?

Of course, the first thing Timmy does is ask Cornpop what the fuck he is saying. Timmy does not speak jive. After some creative interpretation Timmy gets the gist of what Cornpop is saying, and Timmy is not happy about it at all. Timmy feels inclined to kick Cornpop's ass. However, he knows that this urban youth is probably carrying a shiv or bicycle wheel chain. Timmy is smart, so he swiftly kicks Cornpop in the nuts, causing him to double over in pain. Timmy then picks up a brick that was laying there on the ground and proceeds to beat the unholy shit out of Cornpop by busting his head with said brick, then inflicting other bodily harm. It gets so bad, in fact, that the police are called. However, when the police arrive and learn the confrontation was between Timmy and a black punk, they let Timmy go and put what was left of Cornpop in the back seat and take off to, as the cop said, give him the "Freddy Gray treatment", whatever that means.

So yeah, boys get into fights. You win some and you lose some. But most importantly of all, boys learn to temper their behavior as a result. As they grow into men they have learned that if you call someone a "bitch motherfucker", then you better be prepared to fight. You may choose not to say such a thing because you do not wish to get into a fight for various reasons. Women, however, do not receive the same socialization. Sure, maybe a chick gets into a fight at some point (even a white one). But they generally do not go about their day-to-day lives with the understanding that a fight may likely break out if you say the wrong thing. Women are privileged in this way. They think they can do whatever they want without consequence (which is why abortion became such a big deal).

This leads to how adult women will talk shit as adults when men in similar situations will not. This raises two (2) points to address. First, women are far less civilized than men. This obviously goes without saying. In fact, as a general rule, women are filthy creatures. If not for them having pussies, us men would almost never talk to them or have anything to do with them. But it is not their fault. Their social handicap is the result of a failure of socialization. The fact is, this gender discrepancy is what it is. Women do not get to burp and fart like men do (because they want cock and babies), for example. It is not a big deal. It is only really an issue with dudes who insist on egalitarianism (i.e., beta cucks).

Now, here is the other issue. Boys are not allowed to get into fights anymore. You get expelled if you fight on school grounds. You get canceled and sent to counseling if you fight elsewhere. "Bullying" is now right up there with murder and rape on the list of loathsome behavior. In reality, bullying once played a vital role in socializing young males into our society. But now bullying is largely gone. What effect does this have?

Without bullies to fight, boys are just no longer fighting. As a direct and proximate consequence, young men are now equal, or worse, at bitch talking than are chicks. Just look at the leftist clowns on this board. And it is not always just the leftists. Sometimes a right winger will talk smack like a bitch. Let me give you an example, without naming names.

I needed a new battery for my Harley. My teenage son was telling me I should replace my traditional battery with a lithium battery (he is HUGE into cars and performance). I researched the matter. Being a 50-something year old white male who is full of rage and anger, I had to deliberate on it for days. This is right about the time I was made ex-communicado at Reddit and found this place as a substitute for conducting online activities. I noticed the sub-group called "The Garage". I had already noticed that most of the guys here are old fuckers like me who are into the same sort of shit. So I reached out in the Garage and queried about lithium cranking batteries for a Harley. I wanted to see what other people's opinions were. I was immediately accosted by at least 2 right wingers telling me I was an unpatriotic piece of shit for wanting a lithium battery and that buying a lithium battery was like giving money to China, and other such bullshit. I thought to myself, "Motherfucker!! You say shit like that to my face and ...". But thankfully, said people were protected by the cyber buffer, and I am not a stalker. Nor am I violent. It was really no big deal. But, if you spoke to me like that in person, then I cannot guarantee that I would not lose my temper with you.

Back to my thesis. The result of all this touchy feely bullshit is that, inter alia, we now have dudes who talk and act like bitches. Moreover, it is becoming damn near impossible to shame them out of acting that way. This is not healthy for our civilization. I believe this phenomena largely accounts for the lack of civility in all sorts of discourse today, especially political. Think about it. If a political opponent says that you are a "Nazi child rapist", for example, are you going to be able sit down with him or her at dinner and try to cut a deal? Are you even going to be able to deal with such a sleaze ball ever again? Probably not. Nothing gets accomplished and vitriol simmers.

This feminization of men, coupled with women reaching the ranks of power, has created a caustic, toxic, and volatile world. And it primarily goes back to not getting punched in the face as a child. It was on the schoolyard where you learned about personal accountability. Now that is out the fucking door, possibly forever. We took the emotionally handicapped women out of the home and put them in positions of power, then made young men act just like women. PRESTO!!! Fucked we now are.

I am not saying we need to make our children start fighting again, though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that is what each and every knee-jerk leftist out there will immediately want to say. Rather, we need to teach personal responsibility and civility. We just need to learn another way to do this, and one which will be at least as effective. We also need for black parents to step up and take responsibility for raising their kids so that we can bring them up to speed and integrate them into civil society. I truly hope this will happen ( I am not holding my breath).

Everything we do has a consequence when dealing with children. Leftists even recognize this. Their problem, though, is that the solution is to get rid of all the kids so that they can continue to act irresponsibly without consequence. Clearly, such stupidity is not going to sustain our society. Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
makes no sense ........
First, please allow me to state that I in no way whatsoever, without limitation, condone violence. That is not what this post is about. I say this realizing that there are simplistic leftist turds among us who will jump on that angle as their flaccid attempt to criticize me and my words. So be it. It is your choice to be a idiot. What I am talking about here is a cultural difference between men and women in the western world. It is a variation that is learned. Today, it is being unlearned.

To put it bluntly, women are much more likely to say snarky shit (including fighting words) to another person because most of them have never been punched in the face. I am not advocating violence against women for a more just society. Just hang with me here. As a general rule, nobody should have to suffer a punch in the face. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, self-defense comes to mind. But the general rule is that we ought not be punching other people (or "folx", if you will) in their face.

Kids generally do not abide by the laws and mores of society naturally. They have to be taught. When the teaching is lacking, then things go awry. Just look at the American black culture and its lack of paternal oversight and direction. It's a fucking disaster. However, even if you properly teach your child about life, there will always be some kid who did not receive the same attention as your child.

School age boys tend to get into fights with each other. Girls will get into hair-pulling, bitch slap fights, but that is not exactly the same. That is more of a tribal thing. Imagine, if you will, a 14 year old boy named Timmy. He is not on hormone therapy because he thinks he is a chick. He is just a normal, red blooded American boy whose hormones are raging inside of him. He has a little girlfriend named "Mandy". One day a bully named, say, Cornpop, struts up to Timmy and says "Yo, honky! Dat bitch Mandy sho do look fine. I is gonna rape dat bitch wit my beeg black whamma-jamma!" How will Timmy respond?

Of course, the first thing Timmy does is ask Cornpop what the fuck he is saying. Timmy does not speak jive. After some creative interpretation Timmy gets the gist of what Cornpop is saying, and Timmy is not happy about it at all. Timmy feels inclined to kick Cornpop's ass. However, he knows that this urban youth is probably carrying a shiv or bicycle wheel chain. Timmy is smart, so he swiftly kicks Cornpop in the nuts, causing him to double over in pain. Timmy then picks up a brick that was laying there on the ground and proceeds to beat the unholy shit out of Cornpop by busting his head with said brick, then inflicting other bodily harm. It gets so bad, in fact, that the police are called. However, when the police arrive and learn the confrontation was between Timmy and a black punk, they let Timmy go and put what was left of Cornpop in the back seat and take off to, as the cop said, give him the "Freddy Gray treatment", whatever that means.

So yeah, boys get into fights. You win some and you lose some. But most importantly of all, boys learn to temper their behavior as a result. As they grow into men they have learned that if you call someone a "bitch motherfucker", then you better be prepared to fight. You may choose not to say such a thing because you do not wish to get into a fight for various reasons. Women, however, do not receive the same socialization. Sure, maybe a chick gets into a fight at some point (even a white one). But they generally do not go about their day-to-day lives with the understanding that a fight may likely break out if you say the wrong thing. Women are privileged in this way. They think they can do whatever they want without consequence (which is why abortion became such a big deal).

This leads to how adult women will talk shit as adults when men in similar situations will not. This raises two (2) points to address. First, women are far less civilized than men. This obviously goes without saying. In fact, as a general rule, women are filthy creatures. If not for them having pussies, us men would almost never talk to them or have anything to do with them. But it is not their fault. Their social handicap is the result of a failure of socialization. The fact is, this gender discrepancy is what it is. Women do not get to burp and fart like men do (because they want cock and babies), for example. It is not a big deal. It is only really an issue with dudes who insist on egalitarianism (i.e., beta cucks).

Now, here is the other issue. Boys are not allowed to get into fights anymore. You get expelled if you fight on school grounds. You get canceled and sent to counseling if you fight elsewhere. "Bullying" is now right up there with murder and rape on the list of loathsome behavior. In reality, bullying once played a vital role in socializing young males into our society. But now bullying is largely gone. What effect does this have?

Without bullies to fight, boys are just no longer fighting. As a direct and proximate consequence, young men are now equal, or worse, at bitch talking than are chicks. Just look at the leftist clowns on this board. And it is not always just the leftists. Sometimes a right winger will talk smack like a bitch. Let me give you an example, without naming names.

I needed a new battery for my Harley. My teenage son was telling me I should replace my traditional battery with a lithium battery (he is HUGE into cars and performance). I researched the matter. Being a 50-something year old white male who is full of rage and anger, I had to deliberate on it for days. This is right about the time I was made ex-communicado at Reddit and found this place as a substitute for conducting online activities. I noticed the sub-group called "The Garage". I had already noticed that most of the guys here are old fuckers like me who are into the same sort of shit. So I reached out in the Garage and queried about lithium cranking batteries for a Harley. I wanted to see what other people's opinions were. I was immediately accosted by at least 2 right wingers telling me I was an unpatriotic piece of shit for wanting a lithium battery and that buying a lithium battery was like giving money to China, and other such bullshit. I thought to myself, "Motherfucker!! You say shit like that to my face and ...". But thankfully, said people were protected by the cyber buffer, and I am not a stalker. Nor am I violent. It was really no big deal. But, if you spoke to me like that in person, then I cannot guarantee that I would not lose my temper with you.

Back to my thesis. The result of all this touchy feely bullshit is that, inter alia, we now have dudes who talk and act like bitches. Moreover, it is becoming damn near impossible to shame them out of acting that way. This is not healthy for our civilization. I believe this phenomena largely accounts for the lack of civility in all sorts of discourse today, especially political. Think about it. If a political opponent says that you are a "Nazi child rapist", for example, are you going to be able sit down with him or her at dinner and try to cut a deal? Are you even going to be able to deal with such a sleaze ball ever again? Probably not. Nothing gets accomplished and vitriol simmers.

This feminization of men, coupled with women reaching the ranks of power, has created a caustic, toxic, and volatile world. And it primarily goes back to not getting punched in the face as a child. It was on the schoolyard where you learned about personal accountability. Now that is out the fucking door, possibly forever. We took the emotionally handicapped women out of the home and put them in positions of power, then made young men act just like women. PRESTO!!! Fucked we now are.

I am not saying we need to make our children start fighting again, though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that is what each and every knee-jerk leftist out there will immediately want to say. Rather, we need to teach personal responsibility and civility. We just need to learn another way to do this, and one which will be at least as effective. We also need for black parents to step up and take responsibility for raising their kids so that we can bring them up to speed and integrate them into civil society. I truly hope this will happen ( I am not holding my breath).

Everything we do has a consequence when dealing with children. Leftists even recognize this. Their problem, though, is that the solution is to get rid of all the kids so that they can continue to act irresponsibly without consequence. Clearly, such stupidity is not going to sustain our society. Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
I have been punched in the face many times
Oh, I don't know. My sense of humor is not for everybody. I am fine with that. Usually I get into the race stuff just to provoke people. I yearn for the good old days when you could tell an "N-word" joke and everybody laughed, even black folks.
I know. Life was so much better back when it wasn't awkward for you to use the n word, right?
I wonder if not being able to vent your frustrations are causing some of these shootings?
I wonder if not being able to vent your frustrations are causing some of these shootings?

I think there is a possibility of the opposite being true. People vent their frustrations on social media and the internet on a regular basis (see this board for examples), and maybe they think that because they can say the most outrageous things in cyberspace (you should die, I hope you burn up in a barn fire, just examples I've seen some wish for others on here), so then they think they can express those same sentiments in real life.

Before Twitter, social media and message boards, people had to actually take responsibility for what they said. In the age of anonymous message boards, they think they can say whatever they wish and have no consequences for doing so.
I think there is a possibility of the opposite being true. People vent their frustrations on social media and the internet on a regular basis (see this board for examples), and maybe they think that because they can say the most outrageous things in cyberspace (you should die, I hope you burn up in a barn fire, just examples I've seen some wish for others on here), so then they think they can express those same sentiments in real life.

Before Twitter, social media and message boards, people had to actually take responsibility for what they said. In the age of anonymous message boards, they think they can say whatever they wish and have no consequences for doing so.
Also a possibility.
Oh, I don't know. My sense of humor is not for everybody. I am fine with that. Usually I get into the race stuff just to provoke people. I yearn for the good old days when you could tell an "N-word" joke and everybody laughed, even black folks.

Why is it that when people say the most vile awful offensive disgusting things, they try to cover it up as sarcasm or humor?

Everybody laughed at your rude jokes to cover up their discomfort.

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