Do We Need Religion?

right :rolleyes:

When you show yourself capable of intelligent thought and critical thinking, we might take you seriously. As it stands, you're just another joke on the internet.

Sure thing, you windy douchebag.
In your case it's critical stinking up the joint, the joke's on you.

It's like hearing a middle-schooler trying to come up with a smart retort- it's just not working :lol:

Go educate yourself. Where you find this sign


you will find reason.
Religion allows people to make up answers to troubling questions they can't answer. Even great minds like Newton have sought refuge in religion,upon reaching the limits of their understanding. On the personal level, it is a coping mechanism and source of comfort. On the social level, it has long been a powerful means of control and a strong unifying factor capable of binding large numbers of otherwise diverse persons together into a singular People. Take, for example, Constantine's use of his own brand of neo-christianity (what would become Roman Catholicism) to bind the Roman populace together under the cross, when they were otherwise greatly varied in all but the name 'Roman'.

Your history is quite accurate. Constantine and well through the middle ages and of course most currently today, religion or more specifically the imposition of the fear of God and eternal damnation has been the most effective tool in ruling what is other wise intelligent reasonable people who would live by their own ideologies, their own means. I usually refer these folks as those who hide behind a cloak of piety with a dagger in hand. Folks like Jim Jones for instance and thousands of others who have sealed the fate, if only their mortality, by words and in his case, by guns. What a sick fuck that guy was.

Historically, Bishops have had great power in fact even over Kings in an intrinsic way because they knew it's better to pose fear in someone losing their honor and perhaps their souls than to have them battle with a sword. Eventually they might win. But who could win over something they cannot physically grasp.

And it's not only the morals of the king's court that is imposed. It begins to work on a person's sense of personal morality, sense of being disciplined by gulit or shame and most certainly, in this scenario, ultimate corruption.

Good post, JB, Thanks!

Anne Marie
So which ones fall under the live and let live criteria?

Christianity-inquisition, crusades, the list is endless
Islam-Jihad, crusades
Judaism-killed jesus, Israel/Palestine
Mormans-used indians to attack settlers, bought the BSA, Bought banned gay marriage
Scientology-used IRS to harass dissenters
Hindus-Caste system

I think people generally like messing with others. I don't think it's the religions fault other than gaining strength through numbers and saying it's the only way to salvation and happiness. On top of that I would argue assholes mix it up and make life interesting. I'm not saying I was happy and clapping when the towers fell, but does anyone remember what was going on sept 10? I don't.

The Inquisition was a political movement, perpetrated by Spain and the Catholic Church (which isn't even considered scriptural by the rest of the Christian world). It was no more caused by Christianity than the Holocaust was.

The Crusades took place in direct response to the Muslim invasion of first the middle east, then the near east, and finally Europe. 9/11 took place on the anniversary of the final expulsion of Muslims from FRANCE.
Judaism didn't kill Christ. The Pharisees did. There's nothing in the OT or the Torah which told the Jews to seek the death of the Messiah. It was foretold they would, and they did...but they weren't behaving ACCORDING to scriptural direction when they did it.

It's like hearing a middle-schooler trying to come up with a smart retort- it's just not working :lol:

Go educate yourself. Where you find this sign


you will find reason.

Of course! I forgot SELF-INFLATED windy douchebag :lol:
The world may not need religion, but who am I to deny some one the fundamental right to believe whatever the hell they want to provided their behavior conforms to the currently accepted laws?

Everyone has a 'religion' because everyone believes something strongly enough to influence how they live their lives.

Everyone has the right to be wrong, and the rest of us have the moral obligation to not only allow them to believe what they want but to protect them provided their behavior conforms to the currently accepted laws.

It's interesting to see the difference between a conservative Christian and a liberal Christian. The approach is somewhat different. It's even more interesting if not alarming to experience a Christian Conservative or a Christian Liberal. The element of contradiction for those who simply practice but have no notion of faith is enough to hold a symposium.

Anne Marie

I'd normally explain the flaw in your logic, but since you've already demonstrated a propensity to ignore logic it hardly seems worth my time.

Carry on.

You must be confused on what "We" means.

Nope, wrong again.

Keep swinging.

Should it be I that keeps swinging, or should it be We that keeps swinging. Just trying to clear that up since you seem to be confused on those two words and their meanings.
Simpletons need religion, so that's a yes.

That is a pretty uncalled for dig there Al.

There are some very complex individuals right here on this board that seem to find a great deal of comfort in their relationship with God. Just because I cannot relate to that relationship does not make it any less real to them; nor should my agreement be a factor in my respect for their passions.

Let's lighten up on the stereotyping and name calling so we can discuss these fascinating topics like adults, eh?

You must be confused on what "We" means.

Nope, wrong again.

Keep swinging.

Should it be I that keeps swinging, or should it be We that keeps swinging. Just trying to clear that up since you seem to be confused on those two words and their meanings.

It is you that should keep swinging. But as long as keep your blindfold on, I don't hold out much hope that you'll ever hit anything.
Simpletons need religion, so that's a yes.

That is a pretty uncalled for dig there Al.

There are some very complex individuals right here on this board that seem to find a great deal of comfort in their relationship with God. Just because I cannot relate to that relationship does not make it any less real to them; nor should my agreement be a factor in my respect for their passions.

Let's lighten up on the stereotyping and name calling so we can discuss these fascinating topics like adults, eh?


Simpleton is a common perception of those who believe in a creator. Yet some of the greatest scientific minds in this country and in the world believe that there has to be a God or a creator or certainly something beyond what Science can uncover. As I mentioned in my opening post... If I'm delusional, then I would be in the company of the most affluential people on this planet who at the very least would never discount the possibility of anything. To do so, would certainly ground their existence to the mentality of a moth and perpetuate the notion that we have no real purpose for being "here" to begin with.

Anne Marie
I already explained that, Anne. it';s acoping mechanism they resorted to when faced with their lack of understanding, much like yourself. For a scientific mind to reach the limits of comprehension and not know the answer is infuriating, so many weaker hearts have grasped for an escape in the form of religion
Nope, wrong again.

Keep swinging.

Should it be I that keeps swinging, or should it be We that keeps swinging. Just trying to clear that up since you seem to be confused on those two words and their meanings.

It is you that should keep swinging. But as long as keep your blindfold on, I don't hold out much hope that you'll ever hit anything.

Well unlike you I hold on to the hope that someday you know what "We" is.

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