Do US veterans feel they and the military is being used properly?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Not just during this administration but all administrations. Do you feel your service was honorable, just, proper, etc.? Or do you feel American military might was misused?
Not just during this administration but all administrations. Do you feel your service was honorable, just, proper, etc.? Or do you feel American military might was misused?
WWII was the last war that Generals conducted a war. Since then war has been conducted from the Oval Office by armchair generals. Incompetently.
Not just during this administration but all administrations. Do you feel your service was honorable, just, proper, etc.? Or do you feel American military might was misused?

You might want to think about your own question. How is honorable service and a misuse of American military might mutually exclusive?
Every military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodrow Wilson told Americans that he would never send American kids to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to be gassed and save France from the Hun. A quarter of a century later we had to do it again. Under FDR life was cheap and a direct attack on an impregnable fortress seemed like good idea. The media raved about the alleged secrecy of D-Day and the fact that "only" 3,000 Americans were killed in 24 hours. They forgot that we lost another 100,000 in the next couple of months. Somehow the Allies became convinced that killing civilians with massive air strikes (including the Bomb) would convince maniacs to surrender. The media called Korea the "forgotten war" because it was managed so badly under Truman and they couldn't bear to criticize a democrat. JFK decided to illegally use the CIA to raise an invasion army to take Cuba and then he lost his nerve. LBJ faked a crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war.
Every military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodrow Wilson told Americans that he would never send American kids to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to be gassed and save France from the Hun. A quarter of a century later we had to do it again. Under FDR life was cheap and a direct attack on an impregnable fortress seemed like good idea. The media raved about the alleged secrecy of D-Day and the fact that "only" 3,000 Americans were killed in 24 hours. They forgot that we lost another 100,000 in the next couple of months. Somehow the Allies became convinced that killing civilians with massive air strikes (including the Bomb) would convince maniacs to surrender. The media called Korea the "forgotten war" because it was managed so badly under Truman and they couldn't bear to criticize a democrat. JFK decided to illegally use the CIA to raise an invasion army to take Cuba and then he lost his nerve. LBJ faked a crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war.

The Allies defeated the Nazis, so I guess the fortress wasn't so impregnable after all.
Every military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodrow Wilson told Americans that he would never send American kids to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to be gassed and save France from the Hun. A quarter of a century later we had to do it again. Under FDR life was cheap and a direct attack on an impregnable fortress seemed like good idea. The media raved about the alleged secrecy of D-Day and the fact that "only" 3,000 Americans were killed in 24 hours. They forgot that we lost another 100,000 in the next couple of months. Somehow the Allies became convinced that killing civilians with massive air strikes (including the Bomb) would convince maniacs to surrender. The media called Korea the "forgotten war" because it was managed so badly under Truman and they couldn't bear to criticize a democrat. JFK decided to illegally use the CIA to raise an invasion army to take Cuba and then he lost his nerve. LBJ faked a crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war.
Life was not cheap under FDR, maybe under Hoover but FDR began dispensing aid to hungry Americans almost immediately. The world knew we were going to invade France, where did you get the idea that it was a secret? Why did Germany build the Atlantic wall, and tie up divisions that could have been used on the Eastern front? Some secret, England was so heavily laden down with military equipment for the invasion that it was said only the barrage balloons kept England from sinking.
It is true that in a war lives are lost, and mistakes made, but the beauty of posting on these boards is that we can easily correct all those historical mistakes some seventy years later. Korea was called the forgotten war because so many people forgot.
Republican Wars: Civil War, much of the warfare with Native Americans, the Philippines, Cuba, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq I, Iraq II.

And, yes, the Democrats: Mexico, WWI, WWII, Korea.
Every military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodrow Wilson told Americans that he would never send American kids to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to be gassed and save France from the Hun. A quarter of a century later we had to do it again. Under FDR life was cheap and a direct attack on an impregnable fortress seemed like good idea. The media raved about the alleged secrecy of D-Day and the fact that "only" 3,000 Americans were killed in 24 hours. They forgot that we lost another 100,000 in the next couple of months. Somehow the Allies became convinced that killing civilians with massive air strikes (including the Bomb) would convince maniacs to surrender. The media called Korea the "forgotten war" because it was managed so badly under Truman and they couldn't bear to criticize a democrat. JFK decided to illegally use the CIA to raise an invasion army to take Cuba and then he lost his nerve. LBJ faked a crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle in Vietnam and still lose the war.
Life was not cheap under FDR, maybe under Hoover but FDR began dispensing aid to hungry Americans almost immediately. The world knew we were going to invade France, where did you get the idea that it was a secret? Why did Germany build the Atlantic wall, and tie up divisions that could have been used on the Eastern front? Some secret, England was so heavily laden down with military equipment for the invasion that it was said only the barrage balloons kept England from sinking.
It is true that in a war lives are lost, and mistakes made, but the beauty of posting on these boards is that we can easily correct all those historical mistakes some seventy years later. Korea was called the forgotten war because so many people forgot.
D-Day was the biggest secret in history (according to pop-culture). The Germans never knew what hit them at Normandy except that we lost about 3,000 Troops in a day. Nobody talks about the 100,000 Troops we lost during the breakout. FDR took a recession and turned it into a man killing, bodies in ditches depression in eight years. When I said "lives were cheap" I was talking about FDR's joke of a preparation and handling of the war. We lost an entire army in the Philippines because FDR appointed an egomaniac former WW1 veteran to be in charge of the area most likely to be attacked by Japan. Korea wasn't called the "forgotten war" because Americans forgot about it, how could we when we still posted Troops on the 38th Parallel for the next fifty years? Korea was forgotten because the media refused to cover the mess that Truman and MacArthur made of it.
whitehall, you are doing nothing more than mouth fart belching.

What a bunch of hogwash, you gastric penguin. What a silly ass interpretation that mocks the efforts of so many Americans to make a world better for the likes of you.
whitehall, you are doing nothing more than mouth fart belching.

What a bunch of hogwash, you gastric penguin. What a silly ass interpretation that mocks the efforts of so many Americans to make a world better for the likes of you.
You almost gotta laugh. What they lack in historical perspective they make up in pop-insults. Credit the federal education system.
You have no historical perspective. That is exactly the point. You have been brainwashed deliberately if you believe what you are posting.
You have no historical perspective. That is exactly the point. You have been brainwashed deliberately if you believe what you are posting.
Tell be about it Jake. Didn't FDR appoint a former WW1 veteran who had done his duty as COS and retired to be the front line commander of Troops in the Philippines and didn't MacArthur fail in his mission? Didn't Truman appoint the same WW1 general to command Troops in Korea and didn't the mission fail in a spectacular way with 50,000 Troops KIA in three years?
Apropos of what, whitehall? MacArthur was an American hero, had been for more than twenty years. Yes, he screwed up the PI. Yes, he was a very good commander thereafter. Yes, he screwed up at the Yalu, but he pulled off Inchon.

You are a backseat observer, nothing more. Let's get some perspective, buddy.
Apropos of what, whitehall? MacArthur was an American hero, had been for more than twenty years. Yes, he screwed up the PI. Yes, he was a very good commander thereafter. Yes, he screwed up at the Yalu, but he pulled off Inchon.

You are a backseat observer, nothing more. Let's get some perspective, buddy.
Don't we all sit in the backseat? MacArthur wasn't a hero. He was a political appointee after a relatively lack-luster career in WW1. FDR coerced congress to award MacArthur a MOH as payback for in effect losing his entire army in about the shortest recommendation in MOH history. (look it up). . MacArthur was just a tool of the administration but Truman was a coward who sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and didn't have the guts to control the general who insulted him. The 50,000 Americans who died in the "forgotten war" were on Truman's head but the fawning media would never turn on a democrat. Korean Veterans didn't forget though. Truman didn't even have the support of his own party to withstand a primary in a bid for a 2nd term. MacArthur thought he had republican support for a presidential bid but unauthorized fliers by Veteran groups calling him "dugout Doug" were circulated even if the media ignored them and Mac ultimately ran as an independent trying to syphon votes from Ike in a last desperate attempt at glory.
His career in WWI was anything but lackluster: look it up. The president coerced Congress: :lol: M served brillantly from the late spring of 42 to the end of the war. Truman had MacArthur in Japan in June 1950, nimrod; of course Truman appointed him. He did relieve MacArthur for insubordination.

What history are you reading, because you are not old enough to remember it. You have a very bad slant with very few facts.
His career in WWI was anything but lackluster: look it up. The president coerced Congress: :lol: M served brillantly from the late spring of 42 to the end of the war. Truman had MacArthur in Japan in June 1950, nimrod; of course Truman appointed him. He did relieve MacArthur for insubordination.

What history are you reading, because you are not old enough to remember it. You have a very bad slant with very few facts.
MacArthur was accused of hesitation in a big offensive in WW1 and Marines were killed bailing his lazy ass out. As usual Mac was way ahead of his time in cultivating media support and the controversy was forgotten. I think you wanted to say Truman finally had MacArthur "relieved of duty" but it was after Truman allowed MacArthur to expand the mission to a freaking international war with China. It was too late for the G.I.'s who were killed in the Chosin Campaign that never should have have happened if Truman was paying attention. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order so freaking Korea was his personal responsibility.
MacArthur did well in WWI; after the PI, he did magnficiently in WWII; his subordinates saved the bridgehead at Pusan, then he initiated and carried through the Inchon Landing and breakout; missed the signals at the Yalu; he was insubordinate to Truman and was relieved. Blame Congress for giving Truman only a declaration of force and not a Declaration of War.

You don't like M, OK. Who cares?

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