Do left wingers believe most Republicans hate America?

The "box of fuck wrapped in shiny shit" is the welfare system we have in this country. It's supposed to help people and in many enslaves them.

If Republicans would give them jobs with which they can support their would free them from Democratic "slavery"

Republicans would be like Abe Lincoln again

Now why would someone who was brought up on welfare and lives on it now...ever want to get a REAL job when someone is telling them that they "deserve" to be taken care of?
becuase its a very limited life.

You jsut think all poor are horrible people
Oldstyle...I haven't even layed out what we should be doing therefore, once again, you're making up shit just to destroy it. Then raise your hands with straw stuck to 'em in the air and claim victory.

And if you think the war on Poverty end goal is the end of poverty as we know it...go back and play with the coloring book. You're not mentally capable of having this discussion

LOL...I don't think the "war on poverty" ever HAD an end goal. Unless of course you count making people wards of a Nanny State from cradle to grave an "end goal". If THAT was there goal then we've made great strides in 40 years.

You jump from point to point being wrong on all of them. At first you thought the War on Poverty was supposed to eradicate Poverty LOL...Now you don't lol

Spin again, see what you land on this time

The idea that the War on Poverty would eradicate poverty is a progressive fairy tale. I've simply pointed out the fallacy of that idea. Spin? The only "spinning" going on here is by people that think more of a failed policy is going to work.
becuase its a very limited life.

You jsut think all poor are horrible people

I think the poor are human...and they act accordingly. When you take away the incentive to better yourself by making it easy to just exist...then people DON'T improve. That isn't a moral judgement about the's a condemnation of bad policy that hasn't HELPED the poor.
Once again Oldstyle has to make up the others persons point so he can smack it away. No one except you and other Repubs has ever ever said the war of poverty is to eradicate poverty. But if you couldn't lie, you wouldn't have anything to say.
how can repubs love America when, serious, they don't believe that Americans should look out for one another i.e. the idea of community, it takes a village, etc. The only thing they value is money. Ppl with money are great ppl, ppl without it are lowlifes.

In fact they exhibit hatred for the poorest ppl just because they are poor. Like an almost, poverty envy that's hard to explain.

And they might not hate minorities but if you ever discuss a problem or topic dealing with race with a lot of them you cant get anything out of them except a loud "who cares?" They are like the bully in class who has everything and doesn't understand why others don't. In fact they are worst, they are like the Bully's toady who has nothing but mocks others who have nothing as well because they are friends with the bully. One day the bully will see how valuable they are and one day, if they mock, demean their way to the top

Us conservatives do believe in "the idea of community" and "it takes a village". We just don't believe either of those means the federal government.

Tell me how many of the poor people are no longer poor after spending 16 trillion dollars on welfare?

too bad we didnt spend 16 trillion on welfare, you might want to understand shit before you open your mouth.

It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?
becuase its a very limited life.

You jsut think all poor are horrible people

True - it's a limited life.

However, you need to think in relative terms. People tend to compare themselves based on others that they live and interact with.

When a person lives in a community where welfare is common, and a lower standard of living is the norm, he/she will be less inclined to get off the gov’t check vs the situation where a person on welfare is living amongst individuals who do not receive gov’t checks.

You know what I mean?

Sometimes welfare creates ‘pockets of dependency’, and entire communities are stuck in this cycle of being used to receiving money from the gov’t for entire generations. There’s sometime no motivation to move up because it’s the norm.

It's like when Right wingers insist they want to "save" Medicare by turning it into a "voucher" program. But that would end it. It wouldn't be Medicare, it would be a voucher program. They insist a lie is truth.

So right wingers insist they love this country. Only they indulge in voter suppression, racism and elect crazy people to public office and insist they hate government. They don't want to invest in anything. They are always screaming their "freedoms" are being taken away. They hate every minority I can think of. They wanted to elect into office a pioneer of outsourcing. They support moving the wealth of the nation to the top 5%. They try to push their religion on everyone. They talk about civil war and secession.

Get the picture?

I get the picture. You vilify and loath everyone you politically disagree with. It's such a sad, ignorant, and hateful picture though that I would just assume you keep your little picture.

Pointing out the obvious is not vilifying and loathing someone. It's simply an observation based on video, speeches and policy.

However, observing video's, speeches and policy from people who vilify and loath everyone who disagrees with them and then parrot their bumper sticker ad hominem is still regretful. The fact is, you put yourself in that shallow extremist pool of political fetid swill sipped only by syphilitic bloated tongues.
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Us conservatives do believe in "the idea of community" and "it takes a village". We just don't believe either of those means the federal government.

Tell me how many of the poor people are no longer poor after spending 16 trillion dollars on welfare?

too bad we didnt spend 16 trillion on welfare, you might want to understand shit before you open your mouth.

It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?

What were we supposed to "get"?
too bad we didnt spend 16 trillion on welfare, you might want to understand shit before you open your mouth.

It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?

What were we supposed to "get"?

Considering the governments track record, a jar of vaseline would have been nice.
No, they understand that republicans don’t ‘hate’ anyone – indeed, it’s not a matter of ‘hate,’ but fear; fear of change, fear of diversity and dissent, and fear on the part of many republicans that this change might lead to their loss of perceived privilege.

Republicans and conservatives are, for the most part, reactionaries, it’s a condition as old as Western Civilization itself.

So opposing a idea that you don't feel is a good idea is fear? I'm not sure where you get fear of diversity from if other's don't share your views you can't force them to and I doubt you would change your core beliefs just to be called diverse fear of dissent is very funny given how many times the left has said over the last four years if you disagree with Obama it's racial now that sounds like fear of dissent.

Black, what I think it is, is ingorance. I think the far right wing base(that supports people like sarah palin) just lack basic education. Also there is religious stuff in there as well a bit of racisim.
So how do you explain the actions of the far left wing base who support people like Alan Grayson? Is that ignorance no or poor education anti religious bigotry some racism what? If you feel this is what motivates the far right there has to a motivation for the far left I for one don't think it's good intentions that motivates them.
they want to sign the pledges of a guy who says right out loud he wants to kill our government.

grover is their leader
So opposing a idea that you don't feel is a good idea is fear? I'm not sure where you get fear of diversity from if other's don't share your views you can't force them to and I doubt you would change your core beliefs just to be called diverse fear of dissent is very funny given how many times the left has said over the last four years if you disagree with Obama it's racial now that sounds like fear of dissent.

Black, what I think it is, is ingorance. I think the far right wing base(that supports people like sarah palin) just lack basic education. Also there is religious stuff in there as well a bit of racisim.
So how do you explain the actions of the far left wing base who support people like Alan Grayson? Is that ignorance no or poor education anti religious bigotry some racism what? If you feel this is what motivates the far right there has to a motivation for the far left I for one don't think it's good intentions that motivates them.

Not far left, pragmatic centrist. Any examples of his horrible policies, dupe, or just the usual hate Pubgossip and propaganda?
how can repubs love America when, serious, they don't believe that Americans should look out for one another i.e. the idea of community, it takes a village, etc. The only thing they value is money. Ppl with money are great ppl, ppl without it are lowlifes.

In fact they exhibit hatred for the poorest ppl just because they are poor. Like an almost, poverty envy that's hard to explain.

And they might not hate minorities but if you ever discuss a problem or topic dealing with race with a lot of them you cant get anything out of them except a loud "who cares?" They are like the bully in class who has everything and doesn't understand why others don't. In fact they are worst, they are like the Bully's toady who has nothing but mocks others who have nothing as well because they are friends with the bully. One day the bully will see how valuable they are and one day, if they mock, demean their way to the top

They have taken what has been the foundation of the country, the glue that holds us together and turned it into "socialism, or communism, or fascism". Apparently, they are interchangeable.
how can repubs love America when, serious, they don't believe that Americans should look out for one another i.e. the idea of community, it takes a village, etc. The only thing they value is money. Ppl with money are great ppl, ppl without it are lowlifes.

In fact they exhibit hatred for the poorest ppl just because they are poor. Like an almost, poverty envy that's hard to explain.

And they might not hate minorities but if you ever discuss a problem or topic dealing with race with a lot of them you cant get anything out of them except a loud "who cares?" They are like the bully in class who has everything and doesn't understand why others don't. In fact they are worst, they are like the Bully's toady who has nothing but mocks others who have nothing as well because they are friends with the bully. One day the bully will see how valuable they are and one day, if they mock, demean their way to the top

Once again...a progressive makes the charge that because conservatives call for common sense in the way our country is run...that we hate poor people.

I'm amused that naive people like yourself, Closed...who think an entitlement culture in which strives to have everyone is at the same economic level is a good thing for this country. An examination of why this country became exceptional would provide ample proof that the reason we succeeded when so many others did not...was that we provided opportunity to succeed and allowed people to keep the fruits of their labors. We didn't become who we are by saying that if you don't choose to pursue a better life we will provide one for you anyways!

Hey, check out these quotes. They prove Republicans love hobos and drug addicts, or as they call them the "unemployed". Oh wait, reverse that.

Republicans Think The Unemployed Are Lazy, Drug Addict Hobos
too bad we didnt spend 16 trillion on welfare, you might want to understand shit before you open your mouth.

It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?

What were we supposed to "get"?

A lower rate of poverty? We've spent 15 trillion and the poverty rate of people between the ages of 18 and 65 has gone from 10.5% in 1966 to 10.1% today. That is such an abysmal record of achievement even Jay Carney would have a hard time putting a positive spin on it!
how can repubs love America when, serious, they don't believe that Americans should look out for one another i.e. the idea of community, it takes a village, etc. The only thing they value is money. Ppl with money are great ppl, ppl without it are lowlifes.

In fact they exhibit hatred for the poorest ppl just because they are poor. Like an almost, poverty envy that's hard to explain.

And they might not hate minorities but if you ever discuss a problem or topic dealing with race with a lot of them you cant get anything out of them except a loud "who cares?" They are like the bully in class who has everything and doesn't understand why others don't. In fact they are worst, they are like the Bully's toady who has nothing but mocks others who have nothing as well because they are friends with the bully. One day the bully will see how valuable they are and one day, if they mock, demean their way to the top

They have taken what has been the foundation of the country, the glue that holds us together and turned it into "socialism, or communism, or fascism". Apparently, they are interchangeable.

The foundation of this country...the glue that held us together...was never entitlement programs. What made America great were the opportunities for success that couldn't be found elsewhere in the world. Nothing was guaranteed but there was a way to make something of yourself if you worked hard enough or came up with an innovative idea or product. This WAS the promised land...a place where a poor man could become rich.

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