Do left wingers believe most Republicans hate America?

how can repubs love America when, serious, they don't believe that Americans should look out for one another i.e. the idea of community, it takes a village, etc. The only thing they value is money. Ppl with money are great ppl, ppl without it are lowlifes.

In fact they exhibit hatred for the poorest ppl just because they are poor. Like an almost, poverty envy that's hard to explain.

And they might not hate minorities but if you ever discuss a problem or topic dealing with race with a lot of them you cant get anything out of them except a loud "who cares?" They are like the bully in class who has everything and doesn't understand why others don't. In fact they are worst, they are like the Bully's toady who has nothing but mocks others who have nothing as well because they are friends with the bully. One day the bully will see how valuable they are and one day, if they mock, demean their way to the top

They have taken what has been the foundation of the country, the glue that holds us together and turned it into "socialism, or communism, or fascism". Apparently, they are interchangeable.

The foundation of this country...the glue that held us together...was never entitlement programs. What made America great were the opportunities for success that couldn't be found elsewhere in the world. Nothing was guaranteed but there was a way to make something of yourself if you worked hard enough or came up with an innovative idea or product. This WAS the promised land...a place where a poor man could become rich.

Naïve, reactionary nonsense.

America is still great, and it’s still a place for everyone to find an opportunity to succeed.

But it’s no longer the 18th Century.

We live in a modern, industrialized, 21st Century economy and society, it is perfectly appropriate and Constitutionally warranted to care for those most vulnerable, those no longer able to work, and those who need assistance through no fault of their own, particularly with regard to Americans who worked hard their entire lives, contributed to America for decades, and are now indeed entitled to the benefits they earned and deserve.
They have taken what has been the foundation of the country, the glue that holds us together and turned it into "socialism, or communism, or fascism". Apparently, they are interchangeable.

The foundation of this country...the glue that held us together...was never entitlement programs. What made America great were the opportunities for success that couldn't be found elsewhere in the world. Nothing was guaranteed but there was a way to make something of yourself if you worked hard enough or came up with an innovative idea or product. This WAS the promised land...a place where a poor man could become rich.

Naïve, reactionary nonsense.

America is still great, and it’s still a place for everyone to find an opportunity to succeed.

But it’s no longer the 18th Century.

We live in a modern, industrialized, 21st Century economy and society, it is perfectly appropriate and Constitutionally warranted to care for those most vulnerable, those no longer able to work, and those who need assistance through no fault of their own, particularly with regard to Americans who worked hard their entire lives, contributed to America for decades, and are now indeed entitled to the benefits they earned and deserve.

You're amusing, Clayton...

Very few people have a problem with caring for the most "vulnerable" in our society...but many of us DO have a problem with the notion that able bodied people who simply choose not to work should be subsidized by the government...which is what forty years of welfare created in this country.

It's time we got back to what the original intent of a "social safety net" provide for those who legitimately CAN'T provide for themselves.

This idea that success means that you've stolen something from someone else and need to make "restitution" is a crock. Successful people are who provide the opportunities for others to become successful as well and the progressive myth that the rich are a drain on society is just plain ridiculous. The people who are REALLY a drain on society are people like the idiots from Occupy Wall Street.
It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?

What were we supposed to "get"?

A lower rate of poverty? We've spent 15 trillion and the poverty rate of people between the ages of 18 and 65 has gone from 10.5% in 1966 to 10.1% today. That is such an abysmal record of achievement even Jay Carney would have a hard time putting a positive spin on it!

Is a lower poverty rate a question? How low?
Are you brain dead? If the goal of the "War on Poverty" wasn't to lower the poverty rate then why have we wasted 15 TRILLION dollars? That amount is frankly staggering when you look at how the poverty rate has essentially remained the same.

I guess you could label what we've done a "success" if your idea of "success" is building a large governmental bureaucracy that spends billions of dollars every year to not accomplish anything. In that case our current welfare system is a ROUSING success!
Are you brain dead? If the goal of the "War on Poverty" wasn't to lower the poverty rate then why have we wasted 15 TRILLION dollars? That amount is frankly staggering when you look at how the poverty rate has essentially remained the same.

I guess you could label what we've done a "success" if your idea of "success" is building a large governmental bureaucracy that spends billions of dollars every year to not accomplish anything. In that case our current welfare system is a ROUSING success!

What is an acceptable poverty percentage of where we should be? My guess is you're going to find the number then simply say "less than that".

If it's A it should be B...Why? Because you say it should be, that's why!
Let me get this straight...

We've spent 15 trillion dollars on welfare since LBJ started the "War on Poverty" and yet you want to argue that the "problem" isn't that spending all that money hasn't lowered the poverty rate but that the "problem" is deciding what an acceptable rate is? Are you serious?
What you're doing right now is why progressives annoy me so much, Closed. You've tried something and by all measurements, it hasn't worked. But rather than admit want to argue something like this.
Let me get this straight...

We've spent 15 trillion dollars on welfare since LBJ started the "War on Poverty" and yet you want to argue that the "problem" isn't that spending all that money hasn't lowered the poverty rate but that the "problem" is deciding what an acceptable rate is? Are you serious?

Millions of Americans have used jobs training, jobs programs and public assistance to escape poverty.....all part of the "War on Poverty"
Let me get this straight...

We've spent 15 trillion dollars on welfare since LBJ started the "War on Poverty" and yet you want to argue that the "problem" isn't that spending all that money hasn't lowered the poverty rate but that the "problem" is deciding what an acceptable rate is? Are you serious?

Millions of Americans have used jobs training, jobs programs and public assistance to escape poverty.....all part of the "War on Poverty"

And yet the poverty rate remains the same? Obviously something isn't working!!!
Let me get this straight...

We've spent 15 trillion dollars on welfare since LBJ started the "War on Poverty" and yet you want to argue that the "problem" isn't that spending all that money hasn't lowered the poverty rate but that the "problem" is deciding what an acceptable rate is? Are you serious?

Millions of Americans have used jobs training, jobs programs and public assistance to escape poverty.....all part of the "War on Poverty"

And yet the poverty rate remains the same? Obviously something isn't working!!!

I remember the America before Johnsons War on Poverty

People without shoes, no running water, no sanitation, no electricity, no healthcare

Different standard of poverty

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He just wants some pie in the sky, cannot be explained results. The fact that it has helped millions of ppl isn't enough. He thinks that helping ppl is a waste...or something.

Oldstyle actually has no point. He's just angry at reality
He just wants some pie in the sky, cannot be explained results. The fact that it has helped millions of ppl isn't enough. He thinks that helping ppl is a waste...or something.

Oldstyle actually has no point. He's just angry at reality

I point out that we've spent 15 trillion dollars and only decreased the poverty rate slightly and I have no point?

I'm not angry at reality...I'm annoyed that you don't want to face it.

The fact is...our welfare system hasn't succeeded. It hasn't "helped" people get out of poverty. If it HAD then quite obviously we'd have a lower rate of poverty...and yet we don't!
He just wants some pie in the sky, cannot be explained results. The fact that it has helped millions of ppl isn't enough. He thinks that helping ppl is a waste...or something.

Oldstyle actually has no point. He's just angry at reality

I point out that we've spent 15 trillion dollars and only decreased the poverty rate slightly and I have no point?

I'm not angry at reality...I'm annoyed that you don't want to face it.

The fact is...our welfare system hasn't succeeded. It hasn't "helped" people get out of poverty. If it HAD then quite obviously we'd have a lower rate of poverty...and yet we don't!

Yes you have no point evidenced by you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Yes it has succeeded, yes it has helped...lowering the poverty rate has shit to do with if it helped or not. Because you say so is not a good defense
He just wants some pie in the sky, cannot be explained results. The fact that it has helped millions of ppl isn't enough. He thinks that helping ppl is a waste...or something.

Oldstyle actually has no point. He's just angry at reality

I point out that we've spent 15 trillion dollars and only decreased the poverty rate slightly and I have no point?

I'm not angry at reality...I'm annoyed that you don't want to face it.

The fact is...our welfare system hasn't succeeded. It hasn't "helped" people get out of poverty. If it HAD then quite obviously we'd have a lower rate of poverty...and yet we don't!

Yes you have no point evidenced by you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Yes it has succeeded, yes it has helped...lowering the poverty rate has shit to do with if it helped or not. Because you say so is not a good defense

Lowering the rate has nothing to do with whether it worked or not? That's one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. But you're forced to make it because you don't have a defense of the welfare system, Closed.
I point out that we've spent 15 trillion dollars and only decreased the poverty rate slightly and I have no point?

I'm not angry at reality...I'm annoyed that you don't want to face it.

The fact is...our welfare system hasn't succeeded. It hasn't "helped" people get out of poverty. If it HAD then quite obviously we'd have a lower rate of poverty...and yet we don't!

Yes you have no point evidenced by you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Yes it has succeeded, yes it has helped...lowering the poverty rate has shit to do with if it helped or not. Because you say so is not a good defense

Lowering the rate has nothing to do with whether it worked or not? That's one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. But you're forced to make it because you don't have a defense of the welfare system, Closed.

The reason it's so ridiculous is because you have only counter-points. (I only have counter-points, that's stupid!)

What was the goal of welfare? When you cant answer that then we can talk about how silly it is
too bad we didnt spend 16 trillion on welfare, you might want to understand shit before you open your mouth.

It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?

What were we supposed to "get"?
The black vote for the next 200 years.
He just wants some pie in the sky, cannot be explained results. The fact that it has helped millions of ppl isn't enough. He thinks that helping ppl is a waste...or something.

Oldstyle actually has no point. He's just angry at reality

How has creating generations dependent on government helped?
It was an educated guess. And I only missed it by one trillion.

Study: $15 trillion in welfare spending has had little impact since 1964

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

So now answer the question. Or did you just weigh in to show your stupidity?

What were we supposed to "get"?
The black vote for the next 200 years.

Funny you think all these programs only apply to blacks. No other minorities seem to catch your eye...not because you're racist or anything
I point out that we've spent 15 trillion dollars and only decreased the poverty rate slightly and I have no point?

I'm not angry at reality...I'm annoyed that you don't want to face it.

The fact is...our welfare system hasn't succeeded. It hasn't "helped" people get out of poverty. If it HAD then quite obviously we'd have a lower rate of poverty...and yet we don't!

Yes you have no point evidenced by you keep repeating the same thing over and over.

Yes it has succeeded, yes it has helped...lowering the poverty rate has shit to do with if it helped or not. Because you say so is not a good defense

Lowering the rate has nothing to do with whether it worked or not? That's one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. But you're forced to make it because you don't have a defense of the welfare system, Closed.

What have we gotten in our war on poverty?
Paved Roads
Water and sewer systems in rural areas
Hospitals in rural areas
Access to medical care
Access to higher education
Jobs programs
A social safety net

It has made us a better country
I believe conservatives love their vision of America
I believe liberals love their vision for America

I love America because these competing visions can be debated - even argued and bickered over - and the vision that gains the most support will win.

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