Dems Trying to Abort Gabbart's Prez Run.. I'm Getting Ready to Endorse Her.

I actually kinda like her...never thought I'd say that about a lefty...

The whole attraction here is her dedication to "independent thinking"... Think she's the only one that hasn't entirely gotten "broken" by the party masters...
I like that, AND that she actually served in The Military...she might even have an inkling of a clue about national defense...unlike POTUS # 44...

A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

I have always liked her. She is moderate, and she thinks. A huge edge over the majority of progressives.
I actually kinda like her...never thought I'd say that about a lefty...

The whole attraction here is her dedication to "independent thinking"... Think she's the only one that hasn't entirely gotten "broken" by the party masters...
I like that, AND that she actually served in The Military...she might even have an inkling of a clue about national defense...unlike POTUS # 44...

A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
But that's not how we count them, as Cleveland was #22 and #24.
Is Gabbard the one who is being attack by the GBLT community for her anti-same sex marriage views in the past?
Never heard of her. If she opposes the dotard and can beat him or Pence should he be removed, then she should go for it.

She doesn't like gays or Muslims, but she supports reinstatement of Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban.

She supported Bernie but has a military background and also met with and supported Assad.

This is going to be one hell of a Democratic Primary. :laughing0301:

Is Gabbard the one who is being attack by the GBLT community for her anti-same sex marriage views in the past?
Yes, and by lots of others as well. But she has done quite a bit to correct those errors, so she has that going for her.
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

If it was on faux it's probably not true. There is a reason they earned that name.

However I'm a fan of Tulsi.
I actually kinda like her...never thought I'd say that about a lefty...

The whole attraction here is her dedication to "independent thinking"... Think she's the only one that hasn't entirely gotten "broken" by the party masters...
I like that, AND that she actually served in The Military...she might even have an inkling of a clue about national defense...unlike POTUS # 44...

A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
You missed one somewhere...

List of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Don't feel bad...I hate numbers too...otherwise, I'd be a CPA...
The whole attraction here is her dedication to "independent thinking"... Think she's the only one that hasn't entirely gotten "broken" by the party masters...
I like that, AND that she actually served in The Military...she might even have an inkling of a clue about national defense...unlike POTUS # 44...

A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
You missed one somewhere...

List of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Don't feel bad...I hate numbers too...otherwise, I'd be a CPA...

Nope. That's all of 'em.

The miscount comes from those who for bizarro reasons that have never been explained, count Grover Cleveland twice. Science has shown however that Grover Cleveland elected 1884 and Grover Cleveland elected 1892, are in fact one and the same person.
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

If it was on faux it's probably not true. There is a reason they earned that name.

However I'm a fan of Tulsi.

Agree. I'm a fan of anyone who thinks independently. :thup:
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

She's got my support! Hell I'll send donations!

I still say she's got it if there's a bikini debate!

Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

Its not JUST the dems either its the establishment on BOTH sides,Israel Firsters,Neo Cons etc etc...

‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020

Read the tweets from people lol.
The whole attraction here is her dedication to "independent thinking"... Think she's the only one that hasn't entirely gotten "broken" by the party masters...
I like that, AND that she actually served in The Military...she might even have an inkling of a clue about national defense...unlike POTUS # 44...

A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
But that's not how we count them, as Cleveland was #22 and #24.
And Cleveland is Cleveland. We don't count GW Bush twice or Clinton twice or O'bama twice or Reagan or anybody twice, so there's no reason to count Cleveland twice.

If you counted administrations instead of people, then we'd have a total of 67. So it's either 44 Presidents or 67 administrations. Why should we count Presidents up until 1893, then suddenly start counting by administrations, then four years later go back to people? Doesn't add up, pun intended.
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

your endorsement will obviously decide the 2020 race!

i'm being sarcastic and mean. i cant help myself. sorry, bro!
I like that, AND that she actually served in The Military...she might even have an inkling of a clue about national defense...unlike POTUS # 44...

A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
You missed one somewhere...

List of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Don't feel bad...I hate numbers too...otherwise, I'd be a CPA...

Nope. That's all of 'em.

The miscount comes from those who for bizarro reasons that have never been explained, count Grover Cleveland twice. Science has shown however that Grover Cleveland elected 1884 and Grover Cleveland elected 1892, are in fact one and the same person.
Does that mean that governor moonbeam of Cali, who has served as both the youngest AND the oldest only counted ONCE???

Doesn't that create an imbalance in THE FORCE?????
And Cleveland is Cleveland. We don't count GW Bush twice or Clinton twice or O'bama twice or Reagan or anybody twice, so there's no reason to count Cleveland twice.
Of course there is. You can either call the champion of Superbowl LIII the 53rd Superbowl champion, or you can trifle and call them the 23rd Superbowl champion, due to some teams having won multiple times. But people will laugh at you. You've been warned !
The miscount comes from those who for bizarro reasons that have never been explained, count Grover Cleveland twice.
His terms were non consecutive. I gotta say, that was neither bizarre nor hard to explain. ;)

So what?

Is Grover Cleveland somehow not the same person as Grover Cleveland?

Was Ronald Reagan not the same person in 1984 that he was in 1980?
A telling comment, especially given that POTUS 44 is the one in office right now.
Reagan # 40
GHW Bush # 41
Slick Willie Clinton # 42
GW Bush # 43
Barry Hussein Obama # 44
Donald J Trump # 45

You're welcome...

All those numbers are off by one.

Reagan # 39
HW Bush # 40
Clinton # 41
GW Bush # 42
O'bama # 43
Rump # 44
Go ahead. Count 'em all.

  1. Washington
  2. Adams
  3. Jefferson
  4. Madison
  5. Monroe
  6. Quincy Adams
  7. Jackson
  8. van Buren
  9. WH Harrison
  10. Tyler
  11. Polk
  12. Taylor
  13. Fillmore
  14. Pierce
  15. Buchanan
  16. Lincoln
  17. A Johnson
  18. Grant
  19. Hayes
  20. Garfield
  21. Arthur
  22. Cleveland
  23. B Harrison
  24. McKinley
  25. T Roosevelt
  26. Taft
  27. Wilson
  28. Harding
  29. Coolidge
  30. Hoover
  31. FDR
  32. Truman
  33. Eisenhower
  34. JFK
  35. LBJ
  36. Nixon
  37. Ford
  38. Carter
  39. Reagan
back to top

I know 'em all..
You missed one somewhere...

List of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Don't feel bad...I hate numbers too...otherwise, I'd be a CPA...

Nope. That's all of 'em.

The miscount comes from those who for bizarro reasons that have never been explained, count Grover Cleveland twice. Science has shown however that Grover Cleveland elected 1884 and Grover Cleveland elected 1892, are in fact one and the same person.
Does that mean that governor moonbeam of Cali, who has served as both the youngest AND the oldest only counted ONCE???

Doesn't that create an imbalance in THE FORCE?????

If you're making a list of California governors, yes. Jerry Brown is the same person as Jerry Brown, even if only one of them has hair.
The miscount comes from those who for bizarro reasons that have never been explained, count Grover Cleveland twice.
His terms were non consecutive. I gotta say, that was neither bizarre nor hard to explain. ;)

So what?

Is Grover Cleveland somehow not the same person as Grover Cleveland?

Was Ronald Reagan not the same person in 1984 that he was in 1980?
I think I already covered that.

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