Democrats & Sanders Reveal Their True Plans for America

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This is what Fundamentally Transforming America is, What Structural Change Means!

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in South Carolina contacted law enforcement officials on Thursday after undercover journalists with James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas pressed the campaign to answer questions about violent remarks made by a paid Sanders campaign staffer.

The move by the Sanders campaign to call the police on reporters for asking them tough questions comes after Project Veritas released video earlier this week that allegedly showed Sanders field organizer Martin Weissgerber saying he wanted to kill wealthy people and throw Republicans into camps.

from Weissgerber that were featured in the video provided by Project Veritas include:

  • “Let’s force them (billionaires) to build roads … rebuild our roads, rebuild our dams, rebuild our bridges. Let’s force them to do that.”
  • “Well, the gulags were founded as re-education camps. … What will help is when we send all the Republicans to the re-education camps.”
  • “I’m already on Twitter, following numerous groups around the country that are ready to organize yellow vest protests. I’m ready … I’m ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting. … I’m not — no cap, bro. I’ll straight up — I’ll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot, and go train. I’m ready for the f***ing revolution, bro. … I’m telling you. Guillotine the rich.”
  • “I think I was radicalized from the day; first day I was born … my dad, is a Marxist. Like, straight-up from Belgium … he took part in Paris ’68 and all that, which is really cool. … I’ve always made it, I’ve always been unapologetic about it since I was younger, I always said, you know I’m a Communist … in my house, we had, you know Das Kapital, Engels, and Marx and all that sh*t. … I’m a Communist that believes in direct democracy, direct communes on everything. Pretty much, anarcho-syndicalism. Unions everything. I hope, but I don’t know how effective that is in addressing climate change, for instance.”
  • “Oh, yeah. My dad is real; my mom is, but my mom is really left as well. But she can’t make her views known, because she works for WBUR, which is NPR, so she’s more held back. But you know … But then I went, I started studying it. That’s what I studied in college, I studied Russian his–., Soviet history … I became the resident Marxist. … But, yeah, I’m all about the complete seizure of the means of production, nationalizing everything.”
  • “I only learned this sh*t in college when I started studying the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was not horrible … I mean, for women’s rights, the Soviet Union — I think — the most progressive place to date in the world.”
  • “The first gulag that was opened; have you heard about Belomorkanal? They dug a canal; the plan was, in 1922, I think, to dig a Canal from the White Sea all the way to Saint Petersburg … a long way, if you look on a map … and, the whole point — it was going to be called the Belomorkanal, and I read — I spent a whole semester actually studying primary accounts from the Belomorkanal. The whole point of the Belomorkanal, there were no machines allowed. They forced the people to dig with shovels and hoe the whole canal, right? You should see the people writing about their time at the Belomorkanal. There’s this one guy, he was a thief from Georgia who had been captured. He was sent to the Belomorkanal to work and in his writing, like ‘I reject all thievery, I reject that past life.’ He said, capitalism made me into this thief, because when there’s poor people, there’s going to be crime. He said, ‘I went to the Belomorkanal and I worked.’ He became a shock worker, which is what they call the leading workers, people who always met the quota and exceeded the quota … and, like people came from America to work at the Belomorkanal for the Soviet project, the communist project. It was a beautiful thing.”
  • “Leave it to the Soviets to make the most badass f***ing, most effective gun in the world … AK-47 … the destroyer of imperialism and coloniali[sm] … that’s why I want to get it [AK-47] tattooed on me.”
  • “So, do we just cease — do we just dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the judicial branch, and have something Bernie Sanders and a cabinet of people, make all decisions for the climate? I mean, I’m serious.”

Bernie Campaign Calls Police On Reporters For Asking Questions About His Staff Talking About Killing People
What Bernie fans don’t realize is Bernie is a plant to make the other progressives look more moderate than they are. He profits plenty from playing their game.
I think All The Democrats Believe this.

They hate Jews, hate Christians, and hate life in general, but they especially hate those that cal them out on their wicked deeds and sinful lifestyles.

What Bernie fans don’t realize is Bernie is a plant to make the other progressives look more moderate than they are. He profits plenty from playing their game.
The good news is that Bernie's supporters are energized, while Biden's wear "depends".
Warren has niche' supporters, Buttplug has polite supporters, and Bloomberg has no democrat supporters.
The super-delegates will pick their nominee after the 1st vote at the convention.
The socialist-communist Democrats don't have any variety these days. They're all paddling hard as they approach the waterfall. I think the American people are smart enough see through these totalitarians. At least I hope they are.
It's very bad to be a democrat welfare moocher when the state is about to run out of money... free gibs about to end.

For the rest of us, the night of the purge can't be that bad...
If you read what The Sanders Campaign Said, this is always what Socialism devolves to.

It was true of Hitler
It was true of Stalin
It was true of Mao

And it is true of Sanders, Warren and Biden.

It's very bad to be a democrat welfare moocher when the state is about to run out of money... free gibs about to end.

For the rest of us, the night of the purge can't be that bad...
All Socialists eventually dig Mass Graves for The People they spent a lifetime lying to.

The socialist-communist Democrats don't have any variety these days. They're all paddling hard as they approach the waterfall. I think the American people are smart enough see through these totalitarians. At least I hope they are.

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