Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room!

You can't make this shit up, the dems locked the GoP out to 'get even' with them for catching the dems lieing about a vote! :lol:

The GoP and dems, fiddling while America burns.

Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room -

A very interesting article. Not as patisan as I suspected, and one that demonstrates how divided our nation continues to be.

And the politicians love the division as it keeps the focus off of them. If we were united, there would be amazing strength to change things. Partisan politics will be the downfall to this country.
So in other words ....
Nope. If I wanted any editing from you, I would have requested it. My words say what I mean, and mean what I say.

LOL you edit my post and then try to attack me for editing and yet I showed your post in it's entirety and you still haven't offered antything REAL to the debate.

run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation.

Christ...what a nagging bitch.
[ame=]YouTube - Whiner[/ame]
You bonafide idiot. The meeting was a mark-up meeting of the committee and the Dems didn't show. Not only that, the Dems lied about having another committee meeting and that's why the slackers didn't show.

keep the lame personal attacks coming it lets me know that I am right and you can't stand it. LOL

According to the article they were filmed leaving their other meeting AFTER the mark up meeting was supposed to start meaning they missed it and at some other time the staffer filmed empty chairs of the dems and EDITED it into the other tape. so according to your own article the dems didn't lie about the other meeting and in fact they went to it and left it AFTER the mark up meeting was supposed to take place.

The article that this thread is based on proves you WRONG.


Clearly, you cannot comprehend what you read. The meeting was a mark-up meeting of the committee and the Dems didn't show. Not only that, the Dems lied about having another committee meeting and that's why the slackers didn't show.

So how were republicans denied the chance to provide input?? That was your claim and has since been proven false so I can see why you continue to avoid talking about it.

Here are your words AGAIN.

I'm just saying the republicans are being denied the chance to provide input because the democrats childishly locked them out.

Sorry have to edit that wasn't si modo's claim it was pilgrim's. I apologize for my error.
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Elections have consequenses.
And those consequences are childish games excused by cheerleading partisans.

They most certainly do.... Next time maybe we should look past the labels and actually not vote for idiots!

Well as soon as the righties actually follow through with this and vote out their idiots I will start believing this drivel. However, as long as righties keep putting the same people back into office over and over again this partisan ploy will just remain drivel.

In other words put your money where your mouth is.
Not to the ones of us that care about our country and the future for our children.

Unfortunately there are far too many on the right who pretend to care about our country and the future of our children and they are the same hypocrites who attacked and labled anyone who dared to disagree with the president as un-American unpatriotic traitors as they now do excatly what they once condemned.

It's all part of the game. The standards that they once applied to others does not apply to them and this cycle will be repeated. The righties here are attacking the democrats as they ignore the righties and their games. When will the same righties who demand an end to games by democrats demand the same from their own??
where does it say that it was retaliation for dems "lying about a vote".
In the linked article. :cuckoo:

Wow talk about being a hack. It wasn't retaliation for dems "lying about a vote" it was retaliation for republican staffer taking advantage of the fact that they had access to the room when dems weren't there and took the time to film an editted attack video against the dems and then post it on the federally funded website for the committee.

If they can't be trusted to be in the room alone then they should be locked out of it.

Besides that what is the big deal anyway?? The dems locked republicans out of an empty room. Why attack the dems over this? Yeah yeah, I know, you said the gop was foolish too however, the intent of this thread is clear and that is to attack the dems. furthermore I don't see you condemning or attacking any righty and labeling them a partisan hack despite the fact that there are many who chimed in to add to your attack against the left as you all ignored the game being played by the righties and their video. Why is that??
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When is everyone going to realize that our government is not looking out for us???? You would think people would learn but apparently there are some idiotic people out there...



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