Defeat From the Jaws of Victory

So.. the dems got DADT repealed

got the START treaty confirmed

passed the 9/11 health bill

got unemployment insurance extended

all in exchange for giving a few millionaires a tax cut?

i wonder who's agenda mattered more?

but apparently the lame duck wasn't so lame. :thup:

oh...and the president's approval rating is higher than chris christie's ... oops

Surprise: Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Is Higher Than That of Chris Christie | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

how did the repubs grab defeat from the jaws of victory?

Holy F-word!!! Christie's approval rating is down to 46%??

...well you sure as hell wouldn't have guessed that from the mainstream media's lovefest with Christie...

And I'm guessing the rightwing propagandist handling of that will be...the old Bush defense...

...well, sometimes doing the right thing isn't popular! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yes - your self-loathing is -quite- evident.

No matter how -you- want to spin it:
-The Obama sided with the GOP on the tax cuts
-The Obama forces the Dems to accept and pass the tax cuts.
-The tax cuts would not have passed had The Obala not sided with the GOP and forced the Dems to accept them.

So, if you should call anyone's office and tell them to stop fighting for tax cut for the rich -- the White House switrchboard number is 202-456-1414.

Fact of the matter is, The Obama sold out his ideological integrity for partisan political expediency.

he's running toward the center. just like I said he would. he has to get things done or he's going to lose in 2012. Power will trump ideology every. single. time.
How is the New Start treaty, DADT repeal, or handing more bennies to more people "running to the center"? He signed on to ONE piece of legislation, keeping tax rates the same, that he virtually had no choice on.

he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.
and quadrupled the fucking national debt, now your great great grandchildren will get to pay for your stupidity.

No matter what font you type that in, it will still be a lie.

And your pants will still be aflame.
what i think she is talking about, but totally wrong on, is the tripling of the deficit and not the debt
but then one never really can tell what willow is actually talking about
I don't work, I'm retired, unlike you who say you work but piss around on the computer all day.

all day? you sure about that? or is it my a.m. and lunchtime and on and off after dinner?

today doesn't count. i'm home sick.

sick everyday, today you're just home, and while you're home sick mind explaining to we little Republicans about why obie wan know nothing is granting waivers to all his union buds so they can opt out of his brilliantly crammed down our throats health care bill? huuummmm wanna do dat?

lol.. damn, willow you're getting more pathetic by the day.

go have another drink. mmmmkay?
you have a really short memory or you're delusional. i don't like intellectual dishonesty.
Yes - your self-loathing is -quite- evident.

No matter how -you- want to spin it:
-The Obama sided with the GOP on the tax cuts
-The Obama forces the Dems to accept and pass the tax cuts.
-The tax cuts would not have passed had The Obama not sided with the GOP and forced the Dems to accept them.

So, if you should call anyone's office and tell them to stop fighting for tax cut for the rich -- the White House switchboard number is 202-456-1414.

Fact of the matter is, The Obama sold out his ideological integrity for partisan political expediency.
actually, i have zero self-loathing...
If that's the case, your claim to possess some level of scorn for intellectual dishonesty was a lie.

No matter how -you- want to spin it - The Obama championed the GWB tax cuts and forced the Dem-controlled Congress to pass them. Eat it and smile.

So.. the dems got DADT repealed

got the START treaty confirmed

passed the 9/11 health bill

got unemployment insurance extended

all in exchange for giving a few millionaires a tax cut?

i wonder who's agenda mattered more?

but apparently the lame duck wasn't so lame. :thup:
It's not a surprise that you never asked yourself why, if these things were so important, they weren't passed prior to the election.

The 'lame duck' session is nothing but desparation.

They're elected for 2 year, or 6 year, terms. Not 1 year, or 5 years, and 10 months.
all day? you sure about that? or is it my a.m. and lunchtime and on and off after dinner?

today doesn't count. i'm home sick.

sick everyday, today you're just home, and while you're home sick mind explaining to we little Republicans about why obie wan know nothing is granting waivers to all his union buds so they can opt out of his brilliantly crammed down our throats health care bill? huuummmm wanna do dat?

lol.. damn, willow you're getting more pathetic by the day.

go have another drink. mmmmkay?

are you able to tell us or are you knot? you're standing here naked now, give it your best shot.

why the waivers? it's all wonderful? why the waivers?
he's running toward the center. just like I said he would. he has to get things done or he's going to lose in 2012. Power will trump ideology every. single. time.
How is the New Start treaty, DADT repeal, or handing more bennies to more people "running to the center"? He signed on to ONE piece of legislation, keeping tax rates the same, that he virtually had no choice on.

he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."
So.. the dems got DADT repealed

got the START treaty confirmed

passed the 9/11 health bill

got unemployment insurance extended

all in exchange for giving a few millionaires a tax cut?

i wonder who's agenda mattered more?

but apparently the lame duck wasn't so lame. :thup:

oh...and the president's approval rating is higher than chris christie's ... oops

Surprise: Barack Obama’s Approval Rating Is Higher Than That of Chris Christie | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

how did the repubs grab defeat from the jaws of victory?
Republicans are the same as the corporate-world: If you cash-in on a hustle/rip-off, it's considered a Win.

Ya' gotta figure.....Republican-congressmen/women drew a check for TWO-YEARS....for doing absolutely NOTHING!!! (Well.....besides blurting-out "NO!!", from-time-to-time.)

These'd be the same folks who're constantly whining-about "welfare-queens" & other-such-things. :rolleyes:
and quadrupled the fucking national debt, now your great great grandchildren will get to pay for your stupidity.

No matter what font you type that in, it will still be a lie.

And your pants will still be aflame.

doesn't matter. they proved they don't care about the deficit...
You'll then readily agree that The Obama doesn't care about the deficit as well.
Nor do the Dems that caved in to His pressure.
How is the New Start treaty, DADT repeal, or handing more bennies to more people "running to the center"? He signed on to ONE piece of legislation, keeping tax rates the same, that he virtually had no choice on.

he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."

my point is he'll have to work with republicans or he won't get anything done. DADT is small potatoes, imo.
How is the New Start treaty, DADT repeal, or handing more bennies to more people "running to the center"? He signed on to ONE piece of legislation, keeping tax rates the same, that he virtually had no choice on.

he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."

So the only way the U.S. economy can avoid recession is to borrow another trillion dollars every time things slow down a little?

How many times you figure we can do that before we're bankrupt?
In other words, the Dems did what the GOP was supposed to do ... shove shit down the other side's throats. Too bad the side that can think doesn't have the balls to put the right things into play. Only the side made up of thugs and bullies can.

The President is STILL a liar and a thief, just like most Democrats. He's just worse than most. That's how he holds office. He even stole THAT.
How did Obama steal the White House? Was there a Supreme Court decision stopping a recount in Florida again in 2008?

he didn't steal the white house. that's just mental retardation. but try pointing out that bush did and really watch their heads explode.

Heads explode? Did Bush win by decree of the Supreme Court or did he knot. You are starting to sound an awful like TruthMattersKnot
he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."

my point is he'll have to work with republicans or he won't get anything done. DADT is small potatoes, imo.

lol, the new rightwing talking point.
he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."

So the only way the U.S. economy can avoid recession is to borrow another trillion dollars every time things slow down a little?

How many times you figure we can do that before we're bankrupt?

Ask your ossiah.
The policy was introduced as a compromise measure in 1993 by President Bill Clinton who campaigned on the promise to allow all citizens to serve in the military regardless of sexual orientation.[8] At the time, per the December 21, 1993 Department of Defense Directive 1332.14,[9] it was legal policy (10 U.S.C. § 654)[10] that homosexuality is incompatible with military service and persons who engaged in homosexual acts or stated that they are homosexual or bisexual were discharged.[8][11] The Uniform Code of Military Justice, passed by Congress in 1950 and signed by President Harry S Truman, established the policies and procedures for discharging homosexual servicemembers.[12][not in citation given][improper synthesis?]
Congress overrode Clinton by including text in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (passed in 1993) requiring the military to abide by regulations essentially identical to the 1982 absolute ban policy.[11] The Clinton Administration on December 21, 1993,[13] issued Defense Directive 1304.26, which directed that military applicants were not to be asked about their sexual orientation.[11] This is the policy now known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".

Don't ask, don't tell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."

So the only way the U.S. economy can avoid recession is to borrow another trillion dollars every time things slow down a little?

How many times you figure we can do that before we're bankrupt?

The cost of the tax cuts for upper income earners is $70B/year.

Obama blew a trilliion in one year with nothing to show for it.
The GOP, although still a minority party, accomplished three critical things:

- Extension of the Bush Tax Rates (something that has been in place for nearly a decade is no longer a cut).
- Derailing the Omnibus bill chockful of pork and maintaining the obscenely high levels of 2010 spending.
- Preventing the pre-funding of ObamaCare prior to the 112 Congress.

Hopefully, we will not see any more of these gigantic spending bills which nobody bothers to read.
he had a choice. he could have let them expire. like I said, he wants to win in 2012.

Not really. Many in his own party were in favor of extension. Letting rates rise would have provoked another recession. Even Obama could see that much.
But the other things cited hardly show him "running to the center."

my point is he'll have to work with republicans or he won't get anything done. DADT is small potatoes, imo.

DADT will be fine, just as soon as the straight guys get to bunk and bather with their babes.

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