CDZ Cruz VS Sanders Debate.


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
I haven't seen anyone talking about this yet. Who saw the debate on CNN on the future of Obamacare? What are your thoughts?

If you haven't seen it yet, you should really watch. IMHO I think this should have been the presidential debate.

But to Bernie didn't have much of a defense for Obamacare. He seemed to shift tactics instead to paint Cruz as a hired gun for the rich. Found that kind of disappointing, but I guess it works for his base. Cruz could have done a better job defending himself from this tactic, but over all defeated sanders handily. Again sanders just resorted to speaking to his base, but it was a very cordial debate overall.
One of the small things I noticed was the "unscripted" question from a member of the audience. She was reading from a piece of paper from a clearly Leftist organization.
Sanders comes across as clownish demagogue.

Sanders opposes the rich so much he endorsed Wall St. tool Hillary. lol
I found it alarming that burnout suffers from a major disconnect problem between passing on escalated operating expenses to the consumer when at at the same time a smaller, less then 50 employees, are exempt form the same regulations thus receive a competitive advantage, and believes that is somehow fair?
I found it alarming that burnout suffers from a major disconnect problem between passing on escalated operating expenses to the consumer when at at the same time a smaller, less then 50 employees, are exempt form the same regulations thus receive a competitive advantage, and believes that is somehow fair?

Any Bernie supporters watch the debate?
I found it alarming that burnout suffers from a major disconnect problem between passing on escalated operating expenses to the consumer when at at the same time a smaller, less then 50 employees, are exempt form the same regulations thus receive a competitive advantage, and believes that is somehow fair?

Any Bernie supporters watch the debate?

I watched it at the time. Bernie had the right idea with government run health care.
Government run health care? Better give that concept a little more thought. Think of the VA, then research Europe. The government cant even run itself and yet your willing to stake the life of your loved ones and yourself?
I found it alarming that burnout suffers from a major disconnect problem between passing on escalated operating expenses to the consumer when at at the same time a smaller, less then 50 employees, are exempt form the same regulations thus receive a competitive advantage, and believes that is somehow fair?

Any Bernie supporters watch the debate?

I watched it at the time. Bernie had the right idea with government run health care.

He didn't have much of a reply to being ok with a government rationing of healthcare, which is exactly what socialized medicine is. With the best of intentions socialized medicine is the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. When a single entity is in control of resources, no matter what, those resources, and only those resources are at their limit. Those resources are the only ones they can offer, and those resources are the only ones they can divvy up. The solutions to divvying up those resources are now only coming from that single entity. More so, socialized medicine turns into the needs of the young and useful out weigh the needs of the old. So it's good for the every day working class citizen with a head cold, it's great. But when that person breaks their hand and can either get faster healing surgery with pins and a cast, vs just a cast, their getting just a cast. Even though they'll be out of work longer. By the time they'd wait to get the surgery, it would already be to late for it. Why should the social construct spend more money than they have too, when a cast will heal this man? Why should the social construct pay for grandpa to get a new knee, when he can just use a cane?

Obamacare screwed up an already flawed system even more. Yes there were flaws, but almost all of those flaws are not to blame on the free market system, since we've gotten so so so far away from it. Bernie couldn't even defend Obamacare, and his solution is to put even more power and choice in the hands of the very same people who have been screwing up the system for decades.

Bernie also did not have a reply to how this was going to be paid for, especially in light of Cruzs example of confiscating all of the top 1 percents money. Which when you can't pay for healthcare for all, you going to ration healthcare for all.

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