Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

Working hard doesn't make people losers, working hard creates character and experience that is used to propel oneself into higher income.

But you stated, "If you are flippin burgers for 10 years and have not even advanced up to lower management then you are in fact a failure and thats your own fucking fault."

So working hard makes you a failure. So how can you now argue "Working hard doesn't make people losers?" Do you see how delusional you are? That your statements contradict one another within the space of a half-hour? Admit that working hard can never be proved in theory, it is not set in stone, it is an out right fucking lie being perpetuated by you!!!
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Shintao, my dear sweet little friend, I must be going soon, for I have a part time job for a satanic greedy corporate owned store...I am going to copy pasta what I wrote in another thread for you. Please read it, I look forward to your response when I get home.

"it sounds to me like you are advocating slavery. Not racial, but unequality, and slavery nonetheless. Take the topic of healthcare. Lets role play a bit. (I give credit to Andrew Wilkow for this unbreakable argument) There is person 'A' and person 'B'. 'A' is a poverty stricken American that does not pay taxes. 'B' is a successful mechanic who owns a small business and pays taxes, and lives a very comfortable life. If 'A' is entitled to health care for simply existing, and 'B' is responsible to 'A' to provide that entitlement via paying taxes, then what did 'B' do to deserve to fall into the debt of 'A'?

Even more important; What is 'A's responsibility having received the entitlement without contributing to the system for 'B' having been forced by federal government to provide it? Does 'A' owe it to 'B' to live a healthy lifestyle that is to refrain from excessive drinking, smoking, sex with hookers which can lead to STDs, obesity or anything else that a person can make that contribute to their health and wellbeing? Will the government force people to modify their behavior?

In conclusion, it is obvious that this kind of a system is detrimental to the concept of liberty, equality, and responsibility. Three important factors in a free society. 'A's and 'B's liberty is not looked at equally by the federal government, that is to say 'B' cannot refuse their obligation impelled by the government and refuse to pay the taxes that will be levied against them for this new entitlement through threat of incarceration and/or penalties.

To preserve, strengthen, and defend liberty...or to submit and fall for the lies of tyrannical oligarchy and socialism. The choice is obvious for anyone who values the prospects and the potential of the human being.

I am not saying the current system is where we need to be, I am saying we need to look to our founding, and a literal representaion of the constitution...and cut everything that is hurting America and the people in the federal government to return to prosperity...and i mean prosperity for everyone. For if those poor people can say, create a business EASIER...would they not be more prosperous? The current government puts up road blocks to prosperity instead of PROMOTING the growth of the talents of an individual so they can be successful. You are stressing more government control and by that same token, road blocks. I am stressing less government control, and by that same token, which it is easier to pull oneself UP from the clutches of poverty and UP from the clutches of despair.

The current issues in this country that you are discussing, are caused by the very thing that you promote: Government. You are in effect, arguing the destruction of what you say you value. This is why we are in such a poor state as a country at this present moment in time. Big over reaching leviathan government is the cause of the country's despair...not the solution. However, the government can be part of the solution if those in power decide to actually cut spending, cut programs, and dissolve bureaucracies that are destroying this country while claiming to be helping...
but the point is: you work hard, you get rewarded

That wasn't his point Bodicka. He admitted that working hard made some people losers. That means your theory of hard work is bullshit. A fucking lie!!

If hard work is not rewarded, QUIT YOUR JOB AND FIND ANOTHER THAT DOES.

If you find that you can't find a job that is rewarding you, maybe you should stop sucking at life.

How can I lie to myself when I am using myself as a source? You are fucking delusional.

You are a proponent of do realize this?

You come into a debate that is discussing others, that is speaking of hard work making Losers, and then claim it is about you. I would say you are the one fucking delusional.

Your personal attacks are a sign you already lost the debate Bodicka. :lol:

Uh. Moron.

You quoted Liberty's posts. Clearly, your ADD medicine is wearing off. Ask mommy for another pill.
So when I reference my work and it makes you look like a fool, will you admit you are indeed a fool? You did say you refute everything, correct? So, anyone item I have mentioned when referenced, will proof you are a fool of all mentioned items.

Dude, everything I have posted in this thread completely destroys not only your argument, but your entire ideology. If you are in denial, that's fine, but the fact remains.

Translation: L admits he cannot refute my message, because the facts do not support his conclusion. Sigh, like pulling molars on a polar bear.:clap2:
Uh. Moron.

You quoted Liberty's posts. Clearly, your ADD medicine is wearing off. Ask mommy for another pill.

Ah, imbecile, that should have given you a clue as to what is being dicussed, so you will stop making a fooool out of yourself on this thread, You need another hit on the crack Bodicka. Ask the man what you have to do for him this time to score another hit.:lol:

Poor Bodicka, completly lost on the thead.
Junior, you're way out of your league.

Go back to Farmville.
Shin, what exactly do you want? What type of government do you want? What type of economic system? What exactly are you advocating? what problem do you have with an individual having responsibility for choice and consequence? Please critique my ideology of libertarianism. thank you for the response.
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He doesn't know. He's just spouting off nonsense to get whatever attention he can until he flames out in some humiliating manner and leaves the board with his virtual tale between his legs.
I challenge anyone to provide the corporate equivalent to this:


Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership (race, ethnicity, religion, language).

Politicide: the murder of any person or people by a government because of their politics or for political purposes.

Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government.

Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.


1. 169,202,000 Murdered: Summary and Conclusions [20th Century Democide]


2. The New Concept of Democide [Definition of Democide]
3. Over 133,147,000 Murdered: Pre-Twentieth Century Democide


4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime


8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse


15. 1,663,000 Murdered? Orwellian North Korea
16. 1,417,000 Murdered? Barbarous Mexico
17. 1,066,000 Murdered? Feudal Russia

Only a rabid moonbat would think that totalitarian governments murdering 169B people is a strawman.
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Boedicca is so lost here that I feel (almost) sorry for the sot.

She says you work hard and you will succeed, but if you work hard you will be a failure.

Both Boedicca and Bern80 are unable to create a society with the proper positioning of worker, business, and government, because they are motivate solely by hate of the idea that their fellow man may attain decent life.
I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?

you izz stupid. that's my take on it, your government gave a corporation all your money in a bailout and the corporation moved to Mexico you izz a dumbshitzu for trusting either one.
I feel pity for you, mired in governmental debt that your great grandchildren will be paying for long after you turn to dust.

You have not 'proven' a damn thing... re-spouting your ramblings does not constitute 'proof'

So we can dicount your repeated mantras as not providing proof. You are so easy....:lol:

Funny.. I am not using my political stances as some self proclaimed 'proof'... you are... you are too easy :rolleyes:
No... it's why we have a legal system.... where you can have your day in court

So now you are admitting corporations must be regulated. You are catching on dude.

We have changed laws to make things such as slavery and indentured servitude illegal.... there is not a need for big government expansion and departments, and agencies, etc....

But wait dude!! You just told us we need courts & consumer laws for protection from corporations. What else do we need to expand in the government to protect us from these evil doers?

I would have to see proof of that. You have no idea what their needs are, if any. Some jerks just want to slave away. You have a list of their needs, or just bullshitting us as you have done down this entire thread?

and if the company is not willing to give what they 'need' they have the freedom to go elsewhere...

Of course with all the corproations that moved factories and outsource, and offshore, those jobs must be pretty slim huh? I bet that most of them go elsewhere end up on your "Those Lazy Bastards" list of yours, drawing unemployment and welfare.

You just want a momma, whether it be your biological one or the one you picture in government, to dust off your behind, hand you a popsicle, and pay for your problems when you don't feel like doing it yourself

Talk for yourself, Mr. I am dependent on corporations to kiss and eat their assholes out daily like a fudge sickle, and then have government pay your way when they kick your worn out tongue out the door................

You idiot fuck monkey

A legal system is not an expanded governmental system of more agencies, departments, and other bullshit we see more every day

Your needs are indeed YOUR needs.. hence personal, you mental midget.. whether you are my employee, neighbor, or just an idiot on a message board with a user name starting with s

My freedom is not slim or limited... yours may be.. and you may want it limited more and more by big nanny government... and I am not limited by any corporation.. I am limited by my decisions and by ever expanding government confiscating more and more by your need for charity at the expense of someone else's monies
I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?

you izz stupid. that's my take on it, your government gave a corporation all your money in a bailout and the corporation moved to Mexico you izz a dumbshitzu for trusting either one.

u a dumbfuck 4 thinking i trust corps...................
Dr. Gump,

So sorry about your reading comprehension and cognitive problems.



You idiot fuck monkey

DD squirted in his pants. So you lost the debate & want to move on to personal attacks. When you mom stops hugging mah cheeks, I might have time for you imbecile.

A legal system is not an expanded governmental system of more agencies, departments, and other bullshit we see more every day

Really? You get so wound in those panties you can't think straight, boy.........:lol:

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