Democrats.. New Shoe's

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I like that Democrats are trying out their new shoe's.

Just because you can legally do something, you have the right.. doesn't mean you should do it.

So Democrats wont be...

1)In support of burning those Qur'ān's as a free speech right

2)In support of building Mosques real close to ground Zero

3)In support of burning the US flag as a free speech right

4)In support of degrading Christianity by defacing it's symbols and calling it art.

Also..they will feel real bad about turning the Abu Ghraib thing into a political football and putting our soldiers in even more mortal danger.

There must be more but I congratulate Democrats on the new shoes...:clap2:
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Republican shoes

[ame=]YouTube - Man Throws Shoes At Bush[/ame]

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