Cop shoots Deer for not moving from in front of his car

Well Dr. Sunni Man, the only way to determine rabies is through a brain necropsy. Deer's have a habit of freezing in front of headlights. That's why they often end up in the road dead. It was unlikely a much of a public safety concern. As I said, he could have just moved it along by giving it a nudge with his cruiser.
And scare it into oncoming traffic, or the crowd of people? Not too smart. He could have done any number of things. But he made the safest decision for the people and community he serves. That's his job.

This is how you guys sound with every incident


Well, that dear shouldn't of been there…

CNN Is wondering why the SECRET SERVICE hasn't interviewed Trump about this murder.

Wonder if all 57 states has seen this killing...

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