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The Red State Brain Drain Isn’t Coming. It’s Happening Right Now.​

As conservative states wage total culture war, college-educated workers—physicians, teachers, professors, and more—are packing their bags.​

Last month, the Idaho Coalition for Safe Healthcare published a report that found that 22% of ob-gyns have left the state since June of 2022 (just 2 years) a massive amount for a state that already has the fewest physicians per capita in the country.

AND, Wisconsin has found that the Dobbs decision has affected where medical students choose to study, and has even dissuaded some from choosing obstetrics as a specialty.

Way to go assholes.

Bottom line, you LIED.

This is what you said. "Across the country, in red states like Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee, obstetricians — including highly skilled doctors who specialize in handling complex and risky pregnancies — are leaving their practices. Some newly minted doctors are avoiding states like…."

Then your "source" says nothing of the sort.

Making you a...

You think it's funny but my brother was a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do you know a lot of fortune 500 companies would not do business in Indiana because of how creezy religious Mike Pence the governor was? Did you know? Bet you didn't.

So now you don't have companies moving to your state or doctors. I fucking LOVE IT!
You think it's funny but my brother was a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do you know a lot of fortune 500 companies would not do business in Indiana because of how creezy religious Mike Pence the governor was? Did you know? Bet you didn't.

So now you don't have companies moving to your state or doctors. I fucking LOVE IT!
Why work so hard to make a fool of yourself? Folks, especially upper-income workers, are leaving California, Illinois, New York, and other states and heading for RED STATES: Texas, Florida, and the others. Soon, you'll have those states all to yourself.

Bottom line, you LIED.

This is what you said. "Across the country, in red states like Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee, obstetricians — including highly skilled doctors who specialize in handling complex and risky pregnancies — are leaving their practices. Some newly minted doctors are avoiding states like…."

Then your "source" says nothing of the sort.

Making you a...

Companies and doctors do not go to Red states because they are too ass backward and fucked up and full of idiots. The only reason they might go is for the cheap labor. You don't have to pay republicans in red states dick.

Go ahead and keep your head buried until it's too late

The New York Times published a fascinating report this week on obstetricians “disappearing” from the ruby-red state of Idaho, as part of “a wave of obstetricians fleeing restrictive abortion laws and a hostile state legislature.” The article focused initially on one physician facing an uncertain future, especially as some of her local colleagues moved to nearby blue states.

The consequences are significant for families in the Gem State, though, as the Times’ report explained: “Idaho’s obstetrics exodus is not happening in isolation.”

Across the country, in red states like Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee, obstetricians — including highly skilled doctors who specialize in handling complex and risky pregnancies — are leaving their practices. Some newly minted doctors are avoiding states like Idaho. The departures may result in new maternity care deserts, or areas that lack any maternity care.

“This isn’t an issue about abortion. This is an issue about access to comprehensive obstetric and gynecologic care. When you restrict access to care that is based in science, that everybody should have access to — that has a ripple effect.”

I have no doubt that this assessment is accurate, though the doctor’s reference to a ripple effect reminded me that the discussion is not limited to obstetrics.

Last year, for example, after Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade, there were multiple reports about students rethinking their higher ed plans: Schools in red states were suddenly less appealing than comparable universities in states where far-right culture wars were not raging.

Around the same time, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio said he’d spoken to college presidents who were dealing with students “having second thoughts” about attending schools in a state with far-right laws on abortion and guns.
Why work so hard to make a fool of yourself? Folks, especially upper-income workers, are leaving California, Illinois, New York, and other states and heading for RED STATES: Texas, Florida, and the others. Soon, you'll have those states all to yourself.

Exactly what I said. "In the corporate world, a post-Roe landscape threatened to “reshape the lines of economic competition between conservative and liberal states.” Culture war fights, the article noted, not only affected individuals, they also risked making states “less hospitable for business recruitment.”

Exactly what I said Mike Pence did back when he was Governor of Indiana. Companies would pick another state because they didn't want to deal with that religious wacko.
Why work so hard to make a fool of yourself? Folks, especially upper-income workers, are leaving California, Illinois, New York, and other states and heading for RED STATES: Texas, Florida, and the others. Soon, you'll have those states all to yourself.
Upper income workers aren't leaving Cali. It's broke asses who can no longer afford to live in Cali that are leaving.

Soon you'll have enough of our former citizens your state will grow up and start voting Democratic.
Companies and doctors do not go to Red states because they are too ass backward and fucked up and full of idiots. The only reason they might go is for the cheap labor. You don't have to pay republicans in red states dick.

Go ahead and keep your head buried until it's too late

The New York Times published a fascinating report this week on obstetricians “disappearing” from the ruby-red state of Idaho, as part of “a wave of obstetricians fleeing restrictive abortion laws and a hostile state legislature.” The article focused initially on one physician facing an uncertain future, especially as some of her local colleagues moved to nearby blue states.

The consequences are significant for families in the Gem State, though, as the Times’ report explained: “Idaho’s obstetrics exodus is not happening in isolation.”

Across the country, in red states like Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee, obstetricians — including highly skilled doctors who specialize in handling complex and risky pregnancies — are leaving their practices. Some newly minted doctors are avoiding states like Idaho. The departures may result in new maternity care deserts, or areas that lack any maternity care.

“This isn’t an issue about abortion. This is an issue about access to comprehensive obstetric and gynecologic care. When you restrict access to care that is based in science, that everybody should have access to — that has a ripple effect.”

I have no doubt that this assessment is accurate, though the doctor’s reference to a ripple effect reminded me that the discussion is not limited to obstetrics.

Last year, for example, after Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices overturned Roe v. Wade, there were multiple reports about students rethinking their higher ed plans: Schools in red states were suddenly less appealing than comparable universities in states where far-right culture wars were not raging.

Around the same time, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio said he’d spoken to college presidents who were dealing with students “having second thoughts” about attending schools in a state with far-right laws on abortion and guns.
No. I refuse. You do the work. Google these sayings

Increasingly, medical students are choosing states for training based on abortion laws


US students prefer colleges in states that allow abortion and are strict on guns.

State laws on abortion and guns may affect students' choice of where to go to college, a new poll suggests.

Same polls that say Trump is winning

More than 84% of student respondents said they’re more likely to attend schools with tough restrictions on guns. A similar percentage, about 80%, said they’d prefer to attend college in a state with unrestricted access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare.

Research shows that students care a great deal about the policies of the state in which they attend college, especially on issues like gun control and abortion.

So you better pay better than blue states. Oh shit I forgot, you pay worse. Shit you're fucked.
No. I refuse. You do the work. Google these sayings

Increasingly, medical students are choosing states for training based on abortion laws


US students prefer colleges in states that allow abortion and are strict on guns.

State laws on abortion and guns may affect students' choice of where to go to college, a new poll suggests.

Same polls that say Trump is winning

More than 84% of student respondents said they’re more likely to attend schools with tough restrictions on guns. A similar percentage, about 80%, said they’d prefer to attend college in a state with unrestricted access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare.

Research shows that students care a great deal about the policies of the state in which they attend college, especially on issues like gun control and abortion.

So you better pay better than blue states. Oh shit I forgot, you pay worse. Shit you're fucked.
Most good doctors. Hell, let's just say MOST doctors period don't feel that way about abortion. So you won't be getting most of the doctors. Good or bad.

Good luck

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Your wives don't need good OBGYN's. For you goobers that's a obstetrician gynecologist.
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you should go to a doctor who loves murdering children.

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