Come Clean Here!!!!

I don't remember your figures.

I know, however, that so many people have lied about their insurance coverage options on the exchange......that you will have to provide some detail if you want me to buy yours.

Then...tell me how much your premiums increased each year between 1995 and 2009. If you tell me that any one year was less than 8%....I will have to call bullshit.

NOTHING. Not even ONE CENT. From 2005 to 2009 I had one employer and there was nomchange from the PGY1 to PGY4 ( I was in residency) and from 2009 to 2012( last year when the policies were purchased for 2013) I have not seen ANY INCREASE - even one cent. None, zilch, nada.

My company did not fuck me up as I am my company :lol: it's a group.

So far I am the only one who remembers our conversations.

I repeated them. I told you that an out-of the pocket cost for the treatments out of the network ( which iss anything important) - is 15-25K on an individual on my state. I also told you about 7.5-13K deductibles - and that is what is still there.
You can check yourself - and anybody can. BCBS Fl as it is the only oone for the exchange.
Anything corresponding to my ordinary PPO plan now is at least 600-700 per month ( for individual) and 6-7 K deductible with above mentioned payments out-of the pocket.
It is a burglary.
A rip off.
And a death sentence for some folks, who can not afford it.
I know this. Lst year....if your company dropped you, you were FUCKED. Now, you have options.

You have had much BETTER options than NOW.

There are still plans by other insurers, but their prices skyrocketed as well, since the do not have affordable plans now - because of this crap obamacare, and they did before.

Now I remember you. You are a dick who can barely communicate. Fuck off liar.

stop whining, LIAR.

You lost and can't stand it?

then stop LYING and you won't be schooled as a whining obamabot liar should be and just was.

deal with it, dumbass.
please provide the link to any one who made those claims you have stated im calling you out
im more incline to believe you added to many zeros to you hyperbole claim

Dear LoneLaughter and TRF: It doesn't take that much to make the point.

Some people ALREADY can't afford insurance if it doubles/triples from the 100-200's
to 300-500's a month. They are already out of the loop.

I heard on the radio from a caller who lost her "high risk" insurance plan days before
going into bone marrow surgery which is time sensitive. She did not have time to go through the ACA website.
So she paid for this herself. And will try to get some coverage back before any other procedures.

So LL if you are going to make people pay for their own health care anyway,
why not make that an EQUAL CHOICE? Why penalize them for that?

Kevin DeLashmutt said:
But some Americans are reporting sticker shock about the new plans their insurers are offering.

Kevin DeLashmutt, 53, who is self-employed in real estate in Seattle, Washington, said that over the summer he received a letter from his insurance company saying the plan he now has is no longer available.

The cheapest plan he could buy would cost $411, about twice his current premium, while the plan most like the one he has would cost about 150 percent more - $542.59.

"You used to be able to choose what to get based on what you need and what you can afford, including a high deductible," DeLashmutt said. "Let me manage my own risk. Those people in Washington, D.C., shouldn't get to make that decision for me."

It's that simple.

This thread is not for the lies themselves. It is for the retractions.


I'll be glad to see obama and the democrats retract their lies that got us obamacare one of the biggest tax increase on the middle class and poor.
I made and I stand by that. In my state if I would have to go to the exchange and buy th insurance under obamacare and if I would want to have a plan corresponding to what I have now I would have to pay at least 700 per month, deductible can vary from 7500 to 13000 and the deductible for the out-of the network treatment ( which is EVERYTHING, since in-the network is extremely limited) would be 25000. There is no cap on the out-of the pocket expenses in my state. Plus there is 40% co-pay for the out-of the network EVERYTHING after deductible ( it is there in my current plan after obamacare shit hit the fan - and it was not there before)
And no, I am not eligible for any kind of subsidy.

So it is TRUE - Obamacare costs for me are through the roof and unaffordable.

You guys still don't get it.

There's a damn good reason why us libs' premiums are going down, scrips down and refunds because of the 80% mandate. We voted for Obama.

You know those black helicopters outside your window? If you voted for what's his name, you're screwed.

(Checked into our hotel tonight, my surgery is Monday, I'll let you know the final damage but, so far, pre-op stuff has been nominal and nothing out of the ordinary.)

Oh, stop LYING.

Nobody's prems are going down, everybody's increased.

p.s. and exactly because of the obamacare lower costs and no copayments you are having your surgery NOW, not after January 1. :lol: Just stop lying.

Good luck on your surgery. Thank you --- BUT ---

You don't have a clue. You never do.

I've talked about this surgery for months. I've also talked about the two refunds. First was larger, second was because they had not refunded up the mandated 80%.

I'm doing it now because I need it now AND so we can take a trip to Wales and Ireland sometime after Jan 1.

I've had several surgeries the past couple of years and have always had a deductible and co-pays. Still have the deductible and haven't heard if its changing.

Also different now is no co-pays for office visits.

You're wrong that "everybody's is going up". You can say it all you want but you're still wrong.

That's why I make fun of you rw's and your whining -- Because, its YOU who is lying.

BTW, we have Cadillac BC/BS
I don't remember your figures.

I know, however, that so many people have lied about their insurance coverage options on the exchange......that you will have to provide some detail if you want me to buy yours.

Then...tell me how much your premiums increased each year between 1995 and 2009. If you tell me that any one year was less than 8%....I will have to call bullshit.

If you have employer sponsored insurance,,,,,,the amount that the employer pays is a matter of contract. Your company can fuck you over and blame Obama....or they can do right by you and continue provide for the bulk of your premiums.

I know this. Lst year....if your company dropped you, you were FUCKED. Now, you have options.


The rw's are so in love with big business, they'll happily cover for the employers who are screwing over the workers and the poor.

They whine about the big tax and forget to mention they're getting a huge subsidy.

Fact is, they want to go back to free (Socialist) Reagan health care at the ER.
You guys still don't get it.

There's a damn good reason why us libs' premiums are going down, scrips down and refunds because of the 80% mandate. We voted for Obama.

You know those black helicopters outside your window? If you voted for what's his name, you're screwed.

(Checked into our hotel tonight, my surgery is Monday, I'll let you know the final damage but, so far, pre-op stuff has been nominal and nothing out of the ordinary.)

Oh, stop LYING.

Nobody's prems are going down, everybody's increased.

p.s. and exactly because of the obamacare lower costs and no copayments you are having your surgery NOW, not after January 1. :lol: Just stop lying.

Good luck on your surgery. Thank you --- BUT ---

You don't have a clue. You never do.

I've talked about this surgery for months. I've also talked about the two refunds. First was larger, second was because they had not refunded up the mandated 80%.

I'm doing it now because I need it now AND so we can take a trip to Wales and Ireland sometime after Jan 1.

I've had several surgeries the past couple of years and have always had a deductible and co-pays. Still have the deductible and haven't heard if its changing.

Also different now is no co-pays for office visits.

You're wrong that "everybody's is going up". You can say it all you want but you're still wrong.

That's why I make fun of you rw's and your whining -- Because, its YOU who is lying.

BTW, we have Cadillac BC/BS

so you are in the union and as such you are off the hook of some of the obamacare mandates - and that is what you have had to start with.
However you will wave bye-bye to your cadillac plan in 2018, if this crap stands.

As I said before - stop LYING. You are not even close to obamacare crap. YET.
Dear LoneLaughter and TRF: It doesn't take that much to make the point.

Some people ALREADY can't afford insurance if it doubles/triples from the 100-200's
to 300-500's a month. They are already out of the loop.

I heard on the radio from a caller who lost her "high risk" insurance plan days before
going into bone marrow surgery which is time sensitive. She did not have time to go through the ACA website.
So she paid for this herself. And will try to get some coverage back before any other procedures.

So LL if you are going to make people pay for their own health care anyway,
why not make that an EQUAL CHOICE? Why penalize them for that?

It's that simple.

This thread is not for the lies themselves. It is for the retractions.


I'll be glad to see obama and the democrats retract their lies that got us obamacare one of the biggest tax increase on the middle class and poor.

They would not retract their lies.

They continue to lie and obamabots continue to lie as well - you have the OP as the classic example of lying bot.
Same is Luddly - being under the waiver from obamacare singing here how is has improved his insurance :lol:
This thread is THE place to come if you are a "conservative" who has written or copied some bogus information regarding the costs, coverage, deductibles and max out of pocket amounts of insurance plans that are available on the ACA exchanges.........and have since learned that they were mistaken, misinformed or otherwise ideologically bound to post bullshit.

You know...premiums going from $3500 to $13000 per year.....or deductibles ranging from $13000 to $30000. You know who you are!

Cleanse your souls, people. You will feel great!

I don't need to come clean you can look for yourself. Here is my state Obamacare exchange and you can browse all you want. If you can find something that looks affordable to you go for it.

I was paying $238.00 for my catastrophic plan that is going to get cancelled because it does not meet the mandates in Obamacare. I am a 60 years old. Obviously I have had my kids already--and don't feel I should be required to pay for maternity insurance. Under Obamacare I am required--as is everyone else to pay for it--regardless of gender--race--age--you are required to pay for it--along with a bunch of other stuff that you may not need or want--driving my new insurance rate under Obamacare up to $495.00 per month with a $6000.00 deductible.

Here it is:
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace
Browse all you want

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured


Bullshit, g makes bad assumptions at every turn.

Tell me who said this Dudley?

“I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately,” he told his hard-Left base at a 2007 SEIU health-care forum. “There’s going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out or 15 years or 20 years out.”
This thread is THE place to come if you are a "conservative" who has written or copied some bogus information regarding the costs, coverage, deductibles and max out of pocket amounts of insurance plans that are available on the ACA exchanges.........and have since learned that they were mistaken, misinformed or otherwise ideologically bound to post bullshit.

You know...premiums going from $3500 to $13000 per year.....or deductibles ranging from $13000 to $30000. You know who you are!

Cleanse your souls, people. You will feel great!

I don't need to come clean you can look for yourself. Here is my state Obamacare exchange and you can browse all you want. If you can find something that looks affordable to you go for it.

I was paying $238.00 for my catastrophic plan that is going to get cancelled because it does not meet the mandates in Obamacare. I am a 60 years old. Obviously I have had my kids already--and don't feel I should be required to pay for maternity insurance. Under Obamacare I am required--as is everyone else to pay for it--regardless of gender--race--age--you are required to pay for it--along with a bunch of other stuff that you may not need or want--driving my new insurance rate under Obamacare up to $495.00 per month with a $6000.00 deductible.

Here it is:
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace
Browse all you want

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured


What is the name of your cancelled plan? How long did you have that plan?
Yeah, it was all bogus.

The Affirmative Action Moron In Charge just offered a fix for no reason at all.
this thread is not for the lies themselves. It is for the retractions.


i'll be glad to see obama and the democrats retract their lies that got us obamacare one of the biggest tax increase on the middle class and poor.

they would not retract their lies.

They continue to lie and obamabots continue to lie as well - you have the op as the classic example of lying bot.
Same is luddly - being under the waiver from obamacare singing here how is has improved his insurance :lol:

they will not retract the lies but for once the media has called obama out on his lies.

2013 Non-ACA Compliant Plans
Important Note: The health insurance plans shown on this page can be purchased currently. However, please note that all of these plans will be eliminated at the end of 2013 because they are not compliant with the ACA (Affordable Care Act).

As of right now we cannot write these after 12/1.

I stopped on Oct 1.

2013 Non-ACA Compliant Plans
Important Note: The health insurance plans shown on this page can be purchased currently. However, please note that all of these plans will be eliminated at the end of 2013 because they are not compliant with the ACA (Affordable Care Act).

As of right now we cannot write these after 12/1.

I stopped on Oct 1.

true those people will lose their policy.
2013 Non-ACA Compliant Plans
Important Note: The health insurance plans shown on this page can be purchased currently. However, please note that all of these plans will be eliminated at the end of 2013 because they are not compliant with the ACA (Affordable Care Act).

As of right now we cannot write these after 12/1.

I stopped on Oct 1.

true those people will lose their policy.

I am rewriting them everyday on compliant plans.

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