Climate Change Obsession Is a Real Mental Disorder


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021
This is an opinion piece. Lets' be clear.

If heat waves were as deadly as the press proclaims, Homo sapiens couldn’t have survived thousands of years without air conditioning. Yet here were are. Humans have shown remarkable resilience and adaptation—at least until modern times, when half of society lost its cool over climate change.


The article then goes on to describe some interesting circumstances.

Here is a piece of the article:

The New Yorker magazine earlier this month published a 4,400-word piece titled “What to Do With Climate Emotions” by Jia Tolentino, a woman in the throes of such neurosis. “It may be impossible to seriously consider the reality of climate change for longer than ninety seconds without feeling depressed, angry, guilty, grief-stricken, or simply insane,” Ms. Tolentino writes.

“A couple of years ago, reading a climate report on my phone in the early hours of the morning, I went into a standard-issue emotional spiral thinking about it all,” she recalls. “We had also recently had a baby, whose carbon footprint likely already exceeded that of entire villages in Burundi. I was playing whack-a-mole with my consumer desires.”

Ms. Tolentino goes on to describe how climate therapists can help patients cope. “The goal is not to resolve the intrusive feeling and put it away” but, as one therapist advises her, “to aim for a middle ground of sustainable distress.” Even the climate left’s despair must be “sustainable.”


Amazing. We are adding to the already stressed.
Climate Change Hysteria primarily affects people with a 75 IQs or lower.

I don't know what's happened, but it seems like all our media constantly bleats to those who were raised with it.

Consequently, there is so much angst over things that are real (they exist) but are not quite the boogeman that some people see them as.
I love the golf club I go to... they have a great bar and awesome food... if there is not a sporting event going on they used to put FOX news on their 12 TV's... now they have it on Bar Rescue.... LMAO
The owner got sick of the weather hysteria on the news and its on FOX too....
If you spent the summer of 1968 (the year men first landed on the moon) in Macon,Ga. without air conditioning like I did you'd realize this "we're all going to die from the heat" talk is total BS. They're brainwashing kids that anything over 95F in the summer is something out of the ordinary.
Climate change is here
Your opinion won't change that

Pretty much nailed it. No amount of talk or solar panels on your roof is going to change the fact it gets hot in summer. I wish it wasn't so but it be that way.
Do you think temperature is the only concern?

Temperature, just by itself, is not a concern.

We are talking about small increases in situations where temps fluctuate by 50 F (night to day).

It's the affect of the additional BTU's in the atmosphere that is the real concern.
I'll go hide in my air conditioned cubical and let the climate experts deal with things. Speaking of which where's Al Gore when we really need his expertise?
The glaciers that melt will upset balance in the sea and its not a good thing

The sea has been dealing with melting glaciers since before dinosaurs ruled the earth. What do you suggest we humans do about it?
Climate Change Hysteria primarily affects people with a 75 IQ or lower.

I was tested at age 23 with an IQ score of 140. And I am very aware of the affects we are experiencing due to Climate Change and Global Warming. While I barely meet the Mensa level, if I were to join, I would carry the coffee and biscuits for the really smart ones.

You obviously don't meet the Mensa Level to join so your slight is saying that those that deny global warming and climate warming are like you, IQ of 75 or less.
The sea has been dealing with melting glaciers since before dinosaurs ruled the earth. What do you suggest we humans do about it?

Stop with the contributing to the problem. While we won't completely shut our garbage down, we can at least minimize the damage and work to do things like rebuild the Amazon Forest, amongst other things. And you can stop crying so damned loud when you think the contribution others do affects your pathetic life.

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