Can We Please Make A New Rule Regarding The Vaccines?

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Yes, I did. And I responded to complaints, removed spam, and prevented banned posters from returning under their new socks.

What I did not do is surf the forums looking for rule violations. I did not play junior high hall monitor.

First you demean me by claiming I did not address the corruption. And then you whine about mods only being interested in abusing their power. Pick one.

When I was a mod I did not act out of a need for power or for my own agenda. The fact that I was accused of favoring libs or favoring cons, despite my being even handed when dealing with complaints was a joke.

On the one hand you have people making these forums a cesspool of hostility and name calling. On the other hand, those same people whine and cry when they are on the wrong end of what you have called for mods to do.

It has become pathetic.

I haven't seen ANY evidence Moderators abusing their position, but not all moderation actions are completely correct either, I say if the regular members would moderate themselves then the BOARD Moderators wouldn't be so busy cleaning up the messes anymore.

Thank you for giving it a try, now you can rest easier sipping your tea.

Yes, you joined the gang piling quite willingly.

This is the very attitude that lies at the heart of the dysfunction here.

I don't agree with that since that would actually INCREASE their work load, something Mods here don't want, not when there are so many behaviors going on here to clean up.
I might be a pro-vaccinator, but constantly telling a person that they should get the vaccine and insulting them if they don't (it also can work on the flip-side but I've seen more of this here than the latter) seems an awful lot like it should be classified with harassment as much as it does with constantly giving the same person disagrees and laughs when they aren't being funny. It should be left as a personal choice and I'm personally getting sick of seeing this kind of attitude. I hope that at least some of the mods on here will agree with me on this.

You can use the IGNORE function if you really don't want to put up with a mudbloods behavior, otherwise unless the harassment becomes a real threat, this thread is unnecessary.
Wouldn't that be nice. Maybe a group of posters who decide they don't want to post but want to ride herd on a bunch of kindergarteners. And they could remove spam and work to prevent banned posters from sneaking back in. All for the undying gratitude of other posters.

The Moderators are having a lot of trouble blocking banned members from sneaking in? Surely that isn't that hard to do, as I face this many times elsewhere without much trouble.

Doesn't this forum use the first post requirement for moderator approval function to allow a new members post to show up on the board?

Two places where I moderate, I check their IP's in some detail and their e-mail for validation. Also some nations origination are always a red flag such as India, Korea, Pakistan and so on, before I approve their first comment.
Called on us to work you over? Or included the other mods to make everyone knew what was going on?

He doesn't understand how moderators work together behind the scenes, that is why he thinks he gets piled on....., in the end only ONE moderator would take action if needed.
Well, at least I can show the mods what I'm talking about as I'm getting crap in a thread where I'm asking for it to please stop and it's supposed to be in a no flame zone as well. I'd tell you both to fuck off but Gabe I actually like, and his heart might be in the right place from his last comment,.. and not to mention the fact that I would be breaking the rules as well then.

Why are you talking about it here?

Either talk to a Moderator via the PM or drop it and go on......, it wont be resolved here....
I don’t care if the idiots don’t get vaccinated. As long as they aren’t allowed anywhere near normal people without their faces covered and don’t get to engage in normal social activities against vaccinated people

I'm vaccinated, had both shots. Being vaccinated does not stop you from contracting covid. It just means your body should kill off the virus without you needing treatment. I have a sneaky feeling people believe they're immune from catching covid if they're vaccinated. This is the same for all vaccines. So if someone is not vaccinated, they're more susceptible to a bad outcome and someone vaccinated can reduce spreading the virus by up to 67% (AstraZeneca).

And those whining at those who are not vaccinated are control freaks, power hungry, and they don't understand others (it's their choice, not yours).
The Moderators are having a lot of trouble blocking banned members from sneaking in? Surely that isn't that hard to do, as I face this many times elsewhere without much trouble.

Doesn't this forum use the first post requirement for moderator approval function to allow a new members post to show up on the board?

Two places where I moderate, I check their IP's in some detail and their e-mail for validation. Also some nations origination are always a red flag such as India, Korea, Pakistan and so on, before I approve their first comment.
Between VPNs and proxy servers it's almost impossible to keep banned members out with current inexpensive platform tech. (There are ways but those programs are extremely expensive and have issues with compatibility) You have to be able to recognize their posting style...and that ain't easy either.

The easiest way is simply to ban the use of VPNs with this forum. Of course this will limit membership. But usually a VPN can be worked around if need be by the person using it. And proxy servers are already on a list...just saying.
The Moderators are having a lot of trouble blocking banned members from sneaking in? Surely that isn't that hard to do, as I face this many times elsewhere without much trouble.

Doesn't this forum use the first post requirement for moderator approval function to allow a new members post to show up on the board?

Two places where I moderate, I check their IP's in some detail and their e-mail for validation. Also some nations origination are always a red flag such as India, Korea, Pakistan and so on, before I approve their first comment.

People use proxies to get back in. It largely comes down to recognizing the posting style and checking them. Some also apparently forget to continue to use the proxies. Jitss617 has come back numerous times. Luckily he is easy to spot.
Yes, I did. And I responded to complaints, removed spam, and prevented banned posters from returning under their new socks.

What I did not do is surf the forums looking for rule violations. I did not play junior high hall monitor.

First you demean me by claiming I did not address the corruption. And then you whine about mods only being interested in abusing their power. Pick one.

When I was a mod I did not act out of a need for power or for my own agenda. The fact that I was accused of favoring libs or favoring cons, despite my being even handed when dealing with complaints was a joke.

On the one hand you have people making these forums a cesspool of hostility and name calling. On the other hand, those same people whine and cry when they are on the wrong end of what you have called for mods to do.

It has become pathetic.

To be fair I was gone for over a year and it's about the same as it was before I was gone. I have no small number of people on ignore. That helps a lot.
I was actually surprised I accepted.

I have a low tolerance for frustration. It was the wrong place for me.

I never, ever, ever everevereverevereverever want any kind of power over adults. I mean not that I would ever be asked. Generally, adults really suck. :)

This is why I work with children. They really are superior humans. I don't mean this in any kind of creepy way, bc I realize that in 2021, this can come off creepy. Nope, I've just been teaching elementary school for 25+ years bc kids don't bug me. I mean, very rarely.

Grown ups? Nah
People use proxies to get back in. It largely comes down to recognizing the posting style and checking them. Some also apparently forget to continue to use the proxies. Jitss617 has come back numerous times. Luckily he is easy to spot.
What is shocking to me is that the rules (or enforcement of them) doesn't include name calling or ad hominem attacks.
Of course the person engaging in such practices is instantly removed from everyone's mind as being a well thought of person who uses reason and logic to make their arguments....but the enforcement of such things creates an illusion of a better class of discussion than what is actually happening.
It was just a shock. That's all.
I have no feelings left as they all died out decades ago...I keep the feelings coffin locked to keep zombies from coming out.

The only people I insult these days are the pups on the job site. Kids got feelings and are usually not up on how to act yet. They show up late for work without biscuits in hand... stupid things like that. Forum people? Not worth the effort.
Between VPNs and proxy servers it's almost impossible to keep banned members out with current inexpensive platform tech. (There are ways but those programs are extremely expensive and have issues with compatibility) You have to be able to recognize their posting style...and that ain't easy either.

The easiest way is simply to ban the use of VPNs with this forum. Of course this will limit membership. But usually a VPN can be worked around if need be by the person using it. And proxy servers are already on a list...just saying.
Yes I am aware of that, but not that difficult to handle. Free VPN's tends to be connected offshore in a third world country (RED flag) and e-mails are too often in a different country (RED flag) key is the first post moderation where you can prevent later troubles if they start with a Proxy, just delete it.
People use proxies to get back in. It largely comes down to recognizing the posting style and checking them. Some also apparently forget to continue to use the proxies. Jitss617 has come back numerous times. Luckily he is easy to spot.

Why does this forum allow Proxies in the first place?

I never accept Proxy IPS, that eliminates most of the troubles from the start, when first time people try hard to cover their tracks, I try hard to prevent the first post and delete their membership out of the board.

Best strategy is give a good check over for prospective new members, if there is a recurring same person problem, set up a sand box forum for these losers to visit where only moderators can see their messages.
He doesn't understand how moderators work together behind the scenes, that is why he thinks he gets piled on....., in the end only ONE moderator would take action if needed.

What an arrogant and dimissive attitude you show towards those more intelligent than yourself. THat is the very problem with those motivated to exercise power over others in that it feeds your sense of superiority to the point where you do think yourself as infallable. Hall monitors are always VERY impressed with themselves.

What actually happened is that I questioned a thread where one mod thanked the op while another arrived much later and removed it as unacceptable. My act of questioning was considered so egregious that the mod in question opened up a group p.m. and called in certain other mods to join in to make it a 4 against 1 pile on. I call it such BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT WAS. Now, this is the SAME mod who is responsible for almost all of my infractions and who has stalked me previously.
What an arrogant and dimissive attitude you show towards those more intelligent than yourself. THat is the very problem with those motivated to exercise power over others in that it feeds your sense of superiority to the point where you do think yourself as infallable. Hall monitors are always VERY impressed with themselves.

What actually happened is that I questioned a thread where one mod thanked the op while another arrived much later and removed it as unacceptable. My act of questioning was considered so egregious that the mod in question opened up a group p.m. and called in certain other mods to join in to make it a 4 against 1 pile on. I call it such BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT WAS. Now, this is the SAME mod who is responsible for almost all of my infractions and who has stalked me previously.

If you had read carefully you will notice that I didn't pass judgement on YOUR complaints at all, what I was pointing out was why there can be many moderators getting involved with a single member, but only one will make a judgment call.

You show signs of getting a big quick temper here........., Cool it fella.
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