California, Arizona, New Mexico Should Belong to Mexico

Legal immigrants, immigrants, and the govt allowing jobs to be sent offshore.
All three.

With 20 million Americans unemployed, millions homeless, ...immigrants of any type [unless very specialised and desperately needed] are not required and should not be allowed in.

You're an idiot. You don't understand anything about economics, you don't understand America, and you don't deserve to so much as visit this great country. Stay the fuck out.

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Forty five years ago, illegal immigrants were a Californian problem.

they were not a problem 45 years ago.....

Errrr, sorry, they were a problem.

Today’s high level of illegal immigration originated during the war years of the early 1940s. Labor shortages caused the federal government to set up a program to import Mexican laborers to work temporarily in agriculture, primary in the Southwest. This was called the Bracero Program. The goal was to import foreign workers (originally thought to number in the hundreds) during agricultural harvest and then encourage them to go home.

Over the next two decades about 4.8 million Mexican workers came into the country and provided cheap labor to many U.S. employers. Although braceros were supposed to be hired only if an adequate number of Americans could not be found, employers preferred the foreign workers who were willing to work for lesser wages. The program finally ended in 1964 due to complaints from unions and Mexican-Americans that these foreigners were taking jobs from them. Not surprisingly, many of the former braceros reentered and worked in the U.S. illegally -- many for the same employers. Illegal immigration increased greatly during the years of the supposed “temporary work” Bracero Program. The Los Angeles Times reported in May 1950 that 21,000 Mexican nationals had “flooded across Mexican border into the United States during April” and complained about the overworked, understaffed border patrolmen and the “the endless wave of line jumpers, unprecedented in the nation’s history.” The argument about jobs “Americans won’t do” was recited by an employer, while the authorities stressed the need to enforce the law.

During President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first term, it was estimated that illegal Mexican border crossings had grown to about 1 million. Such a massive illegal workforce had a devastating impact on the wages of American workers. Eisenhower, concerned about corruption that resulted from the profits of illegal labor, took decisive action. In 1954 he appointed General Joseph Swing to head the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Shortly thereafter, “Operation Wetback” was launched. With only 1,075 Border Patrol agents, tens of thousands of illegal aliens were caught and sent back deep into Mexico. Hundreds of thousands more returned to their homeland voluntarily. Illegal immigration had dropped 95% by the end of the 1950s.
History of Illegal Immigration in U.S.

Just because you are not aware of a problem, that does not mean it did not exist.
Sure looks like takeover to me.
Govt man and his cops seem incapable or unwilling to do anything about it.

This is nothing new, and if you knew the history of LA and it's gangs you would know this.

In 1930, Compton had exactly 1 black resident. The region was one of the last agricultural districts in LA, and was predominantly Hispanic. In fact, during the Zoot Suit Riots there were several instances of Zoot SUiters confronting sailors passing through Compton.

However, after WWII "Suburban Flight" had started, with the younger families moving to places like the San Fernando Valley, and leaving Compton and Inglewood for other areas. Also the Jim Crowe laws were creating a massive flight from the South, often to Los Angeles.

So within a decade the area went from mostly Hispanic and White, to mostly Black.

And today it is spreading more. The San Fernando Valley was once a "White Bastion", mostly settled by the WWII generation. But as they died off the neighborhoods shifted. Areas like Van Nuys Blvd, which once resembled "Main Street USA" is now little more then a street full of Bodegas and Flea Markets. And the Whites moved to Simi Valley, then Santa Clarita Valley, and now the Antelope Valley.

And I saw the same gang wars going on 30 years ago, nothing new there either. And most of them are US citizens, born and raised here (and do not break the law), so what should be done?
Seems I opened a can of worms - didn't I?

Yea, always a problem when people open their mouths (or type with their fingers) when they do not know what they are talking about (not you, others).

I am seeing this rapidly become a "Let's bash Hispanics" thread, and am simply trying to keep a little rationality and sanity (not that anybody wants to seem to listen).
Seems I opened a can of worms - didn't I?

Yea, always a problem when people open their mouths (or type with their fingers) when they do not know what they are talking about (not you, others).

I am seeing this rapidly become a "Let's bash Hispanics" thread, and am simply trying to keep a little rationality and sanity (not that anybody wants to seem to listen).

I'm quite happy to listen.
Talk away.

Thing is, I read this some years ago in another US forum [or in the NYT forums], which was opened by a person when the old NYT forums closed down.


Nothing I have read, seen on tv, seen on YouTube etc since has changed my mind as to what the agenda is by "Hispanics" and all their supporters in America/Mexico etc.

Also what the worlwide mostly-Left PC brigade of multiculturalism, appeasement, and takeover are all about.
Replacing the 'first world' "White-majority 'Christian' West" with the 'third world' 'another system'...basically.

The thread title for example;

California, Arizona, New Mexico Should Belong to Mexico
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Nothing I have read, seen on tv, seen on YouTube etc since has changed my mind as to what the agenda is by "Hispanics" and all their supporters in America/Mexico etc.

Youtube? TV? Have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a Latino person? Ever? You know they do exist outside your TV (I hope that thought doesn't frighten you overly much).
Seems I opened a can of worms - didn't I?

Yea, always a problem when people open their mouths (or type with their fingers) when they do not know what they are talking about (not you, others).

I am seeing this rapidly become a "Let's bash Hispanics" thread, ...

I can only go by what I read, see on tv, see on YouTube, and are informed about by real people on forums.

"Hispanics" seem quite happy to 'bash' everyone else.



On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro Mexican even though most lived in this country.
They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down.
As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon.
Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match.
The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."

Maybe it's not true, but it sure seems to be true.
Maybe someone could interview Steve Sampson.

Then there are all the other quotes listed in that link...there are names listed as speakers of the words in the quotes, and in all the years since no one that I can find had ever denied they're true and were indeed said.
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Thing is, I read this some years ago in another US forum [or in the NYT forums], which was opened by a person when the old NYT forums closed down.


What is a "Hispanic Leader"? This is something I actually find inherently both racist and arrogant. After all, who appoints these people?

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are frequently called "Black Leaders", but were they elected to such an august position? No, they were shoved into it by their own arrogance and mistaken belief that all should be following them.

In truth, these "leaders" are nothing but fearmongers and agitators who are using their supporters as a way to push an agenda. And in reality it does not even really apply, because most who come to the US come here to escape something, not to export their beliefs and culture into this country.

As I said, my wife is an immigrant. But she has absolutely no interest in bringing Argentina into the US (other then she often talks about opening a "real Argentinian restaurant"). She and her family left there for very good reasons, and she has worked all of her adult life to learning English (she barely has an accent) and fitting in as best she can in her new home.

And as you get further from the immigrant generation, their children and grandchildren generally feel even more that way (other then a few radicals). I can't tell you the huge numbers of "Mexican-Americans" I have known over the years that have even less Spanish then I do. No different from most immigrant communities, they are proud to be Americans, and generally look down on the idiots that want to see this country become a new incarnation of the one their ancestors come from.

Heck, my son does not even think of himself as "Hispanic" at all. He sees himself as a "white boy from the San Fernando Valley", never mind he was born in North Carolina, did not live in "the Valley" until he was in his teens, and his mother is from South America and named Margarita.

You are taking this from a fringe group, that no more speaks for Hispanics then MOVE spoke for Blacks.
Nothing I have read, seen on tv, seen on YouTube etc since has changed my mind as to what the agenda is by "Hispanics" and all their supporters in America/Mexico etc.

Youtube? TV? Have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a Latino person? Ever? You know they do exist outside your TV (I hope that thought doesn't frighten you overly much).

I don't live in America [thought you knew that].
Nothing I have read, seen on tv, seen on YouTube etc since has changed my mind as to what the agenda is by "Hispanics" and all their supporters in America/Mexico etc.

Youtube? TV? Have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a Latino person? Ever? You know they do exist outside your TV (I hope that thought doesn't frighten you overly much).

I don't live in America [thought you knew that].

That's a relief. What poor nation has the unfortunate fate of hosting you?
Youtube? TV? Have you ever actually sat down and had a conversation with a Latino person? Ever? You know they do exist outside your TV (I hope that thought doesn't frighten you overly much).

I don't live in America [thought you knew that].

That's a relief. What poor nation has the unfortunate fate of hosting you?

One of the others the cultural Marxists, PC brigade of appeasement and all their mostly Left supporters are trying to also takeover, same deal as in America today.
"Learn Spanish or be sacked" one NYT forum member said her sister was told by her employer.

Another said that her brother caught TB from a Mexican illegal working in agriculture.

When push comes to shove, the legal Hispanic immigrants and Hispanics born in America, will stand with the illegal Mexicans/Hispanics against the rest of America?

will they?.....the ones i have known and worked with for the last 40 years may surprise of the things that is making them silent on this and is pissing them off is the racial bullshit that is being thrown out there at see that in these threads.....there are people in this Country who actually think EVERY Mexican in California is ILLEGAL....if you are 5th or 6th generation here would that kinda piss you off?...


But the question is...are they like the 'moderates' from the other lot, who let the radicals fight the war of takeover then just go along with the flow and be part of the victory/new system?

In the NYT forums there were some Muslims, more than a few.
Poster 'bambi' asked them a question;

"If Muslim armies had invaded Canada and taken it, and were now advancing into America over the Canadian border to take America...and the President were handing out machine guns to all citizens...would you pull the trigger to kill Muslims in the invading Muslim armies to save America from takeover...yes or no?"

Their silence was deafening, they all ran a mile, ...disappeared, never to be heard from again.
Well one did return, and begrudgingly answered yes, but was not very convincing.

you live in Oz and you are going to tell me you know what the Mexicans here in California are thinking?.....geezus......
will they?.....the ones i have known and worked with for the last 40 years may surprise of the things that is making them silent on this and is pissing them off is the racial bullshit that is being thrown out there at see that in these threads.....there are people in this Country who actually think EVERY Mexican in California is ILLEGAL....if you are 5th or 6th generation here would that kinda piss you off?...


But the question is...are they like the 'moderates' from the other lot, who let the radicals fight the war of takeover then just go along with the flow and be part of the victory/new system?

In the NYT forums there were some Muslims, more than a few.
Poster 'bambi' asked them a question;

"If Muslim armies had invaded Canada and taken it, and were now advancing into America over the Canadian border to take America...and the President were handing out machine guns to all citizens...would you pull the trigger to kill Muslims in the invading Muslim armies to save America from takeover...yes or no?"

Their silence was deafening, they all ran a mile, ...disappeared, never to be heard from again.
Well one did return, and begrudgingly answered yes, but was not very convincing.

you live in Oz and you are going to tell me you know what the Mexicans here in California are thinking?.....geezus......

Oh, he's Australian? That explains it.
Thing is, I read this some years ago in another US forum [or in the NYT forums], which was opened by a person when the old NYT forums closed down.


What is a "Hispanic Leader"? This is something I actually find inherently both racist and arrogant. After all, who appoints these people?

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are frequently called "Black Leaders", but were they elected to such an august position? No, they were shoved into it by their own arrogance and mistaken belief that all should be following them.

In truth, these "leaders" are nothing but fearmongers and agitators who are using their supporters as a way to push an agenda. And in reality it does not even really apply, because most who come to the US come here to escape something, not to export their beliefs and culture into this country.

As I said, my wife is an immigrant. But she has absolutely no interest in bringing Argentina into the US (other then she often talks about opening a "real Argentinian restaurant"). She and her family left there for very good reasons, and she has worked all of her adult life to learning English (she barely has an accent) and fitting in as best she can in her new home.

And as you get further from the immigrant generation, their children and grandchildren generally feel even more that way (other then a few radicals). I can't tell you the huge numbers of "Mexican-Americans" I have known over the years that have even less Spanish then I do. No different from most immigrant communities, they are proud to be Americans, and generally look down on the idiots that want to see this country become a new incarnation of the one their ancestors come from.

Heck, my son does not even think of himself as "Hispanic" at all. He sees himself as a "white boy from the San Fernando Valley", never mind he was born in North Carolina, did not live in "the Valley" until he was in his teens, and his mother is from South America and named Margarita.

You are taking this from a fringe group, that no more speaks for Hispanics then MOVE spoke for Blacks.

I see Jesse Jackson as "Black leader" [and a good one].
The NAACP is a "Black Leader" [I'm still deciding about them...nothing wrong with trying to advance one's race].
The NBPP is a "Black Leader"... its officials are interviewed on Fox News /US tv.

"Hispanic Leaders";

. Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General We are practicing "La Reconquista" in California."

. Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton

. Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor

. Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party

. Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas

. Excelsior- The national newspaper of Mexico "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."

. Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council "They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over. . We are here to stay."

. Brown Berets

I'd say they were/are a fair sample of Hispanic Leaders.

As I said, my wife is an immigrant. But she has absolutely no interest in bringing Argentina into the US (other then she often talks about opening a "real Argentinian restaurant"). She and her family left there for very good reasons, and she has worked all of her adult life to learning English (she barely has an accent) and fitting in as best she can in her new home.

Trouble is...these days most of the immigrants seem to want to change America/the West into the countries they've come from.
They cheer against their new homes with great gusto, sport, culture [anything and everything], gangs, crime culture, etc.
Forty five years ago, illegal immigrants were a Californian problem.

they were not a problem 45 years ago.....

Errrr, sorry, they were a problem.

Today’s high level of illegal immigration originated during the war years of the early 1940s. Labor shortages caused the federal government to set up a program to import Mexican laborers to work temporarily in agriculture, primary in the Southwest. This was called the Bracero Program. The goal was to import foreign workers (originally thought to number in the hundreds) during agricultural harvest and then encourage them to go home.

Over the next two decades about 4.8 million Mexican workers came into the country and provided cheap labor to many U.S. employers. Although braceros were supposed to be hired only if an adequate number of Americans could not be found, employers preferred the foreign workers who were willing to work for lesser wages. The program finally ended in 1964 due to complaints from unions and Mexican-Americans that these foreigners were taking jobs from them. Not surprisingly, many of the former braceros reentered and worked in the U.S. illegally -- many for the same employers. Illegal immigration increased greatly during the years of the supposed “temporary work” Bracero Program. The Los Angeles Times reported in May 1950 that 21,000 Mexican nationals had “flooded across Mexican border into the United States during April” and complained about the overworked, understaffed border patrolmen and the “the endless wave of line jumpers, unprecedented in the nation’s history.” The argument about jobs “Americans won’t do” was recited by an employer, while the authorities stressed the need to enforce the law.

During President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first term, it was estimated that illegal Mexican border crossings had grown to about 1 million. Such a massive illegal workforce had a devastating impact on the wages of American workers. Eisenhower, concerned about corruption that resulted from the profits of illegal labor, took decisive action. In 1954 he appointed General Joseph Swing to head the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Shortly thereafter, “Operation Wetback” was launched. With only 1,075 Border Patrol agents, tens of thousands of illegal aliens were caught and sent back deep into Mexico. Hundreds of thousands more returned to their homeland voluntarily. Illegal immigration had dropped 95% by the end of the 1950s.
History of Illegal Immigration in U.S.

Just because you are not aware of a problem, that does not mean it did not exist.

were you here in California the 60's?....the 70's?.....they were nothing like it is where near it......
Trouble is...these days most of the immigrants seem to want to change America/the West into the countries they've come from.
They cheer against their new homes with great gusto, sport, culture [anything and everything], gangs, crime culture, etc.

Aren't you kind of far from America to be shooting your mouth off about this?
will they?.....the ones i have known and worked with for the last 40 years may surprise of the things that is making them silent on this and is pissing them off is the racial bullshit that is being thrown out there at see that in these threads.....there are people in this Country who actually think EVERY Mexican in California is ILLEGAL....if you are 5th or 6th generation here would that kinda piss you off?...


But the question is...are they like the 'moderates' from the other lot, who let the radicals fight the war of takeover then just go along with the flow and be part of the victory/new system?

In the NYT forums there were some Muslims, more than a few.
Poster 'bambi' asked them a question;

"If Muslim armies had invaded Canada and taken it, and were now advancing into America over the Canadian border to take America...and the President were handing out machine guns to all citizens...would you pull the trigger to kill Muslims in the invading Muslim armies to save America from takeover...yes or no?"

Their silence was deafening, they all ran a mile, ...disappeared, never to be heard from again.
Well one did return, and begrudgingly answered yes, but was not very convincing.

you live in Oz and you are going to tell me you know what the Mexicans here in California are thinking?.....geezus......

More like inform you of my opinion, in this message board.

I see your "Mexicans here in California" on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, Fox News Latino | Home, US talk shows etc
plus all the newspapers.

The "Mexicans here in California" tell the world what they're thinking, and doing.
La Gran Marcha, immigration reform, and what their other agendas are.

No Harvard degree needed for this one either.

But the question is...are they like the 'moderates' from the other lot, who let the radicals fight the war of takeover then just go along with the flow and be part of the victory/new system?

In the NYT forums there were some Muslims, more than a few.
Poster 'bambi' asked them a question;

"If Muslim armies had invaded Canada and taken it, and were now advancing into America over the Canadian border to take America...and the President were handing out machine guns to all citizens...would you pull the trigger to kill Muslims in the invading Muslim armies to save America from takeover...yes or no?"

Their silence was deafening, they all ran a mile, ...disappeared, never to be heard from again.
Well one did return, and begrudgingly answered yes, but was not very convincing.

you live in Oz and you are going to tell me you know what the Mexicans here in California are thinking?.....geezus......

More like inform you of my opinion, in this message board.

I see your "Mexicans here in California" on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, Fox News Latino | Home, US talk shows etc
plus all the newspapers.

The "Mexicans here in California" tell the world what they're thinking, and doing.
La Gran Marcha, immigration reform, and what their other agendas are.

No Harvard degree needed for this one either.

Have you ever even been to California? Even once? Have you ever been anywhere in the US?

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