Boehner's 12 Member Commission Political Game


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
As America approaches the limit of the national credit card, the bargaining in Washington D.C. is going fast and furious. One thing about which the Democrats and the establishment Republicans are in agreement is that the debt limit must be raised. Both believe it is time to add the 30th credit card to the wallet of the American people and max it out. Each party has different plans to accomplish the task of digging America deeper in the hole.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) of the Senate is pushing a plan that would cut a paltry 270 billion from the budget, but he sums it up for 10 years, calls it 2.7 trillion and thinks the American people are stupid enough to buy it. So you would think that the Republican leadership would come up with something full of common sense. Alas that is not the case. Boehner's proposal is at best a political game and at worst outright unconstitutional.

There is no basis in the Constitution for Congress being able to abrogate their responsibilities and authority to make fiscal law and pass it off to 12 handpicked members of the aristocracy. Imagine if such a precedent were established -- why couldn't Congress pass off almost every responsibility on a group of handpicked representatives, and disenfranchise the elected representatives of the country's citizens? The fact is that the Democrats and RINOs of Congress combined vastly outnumber the Tea Party conservatives. However, the Republicans need the Tea Party conservatives to pass legislation. What better way than to narrowly pass the bill and disenfranchise the Tea Party with an eye on killing the movement? The Tea Party ideology has always been a thorn to the side of the Democrats, and considered insolent by the Republican establishment. Both groups comport themselves as aristocrats who believe the Tea Party members to be too stupid to grasp the complexities of government.

At best the bill is an outright political game that has only one possible outcome, namely no cuts made at all.

Lets imagine the makeup of the commission and the coming negotiations. Can anyone imagine a Democrat voting to reduce spending for anything other than the military? If history is a guide, Democrats prefer to raise taxes, cut the military and redistribute the wealth. Therefore, we can't expect the Democrats will make anything more than token cuts usually done with "creative accounting."

When it comes to the Republican establishment types, the situation is even worse. At best they would form a hard line balancing the Democrats, one for one, and deadlocking the panel. However, the establishment Republican members have shown little mettle when it comes to making hard choices. They allow themselves to be scared easily when a Democrat screams, "They are cutting Medicare and Social Security and pushing granny off the cliff." In fact the establishment members have a history of capitulating to such scare tactics. The reality is that when faced with political pressure, it is unlikely anything will get cut. The Republicans will bloc vote against cutting the military (because that would be political suicide), and they will help the Democrats defeat any difficult cuts in entitlements. As for the Tea Party conservatives, it's doubtful any of them would be on the commission, and if they were, they would have little influence.

Both of these plans are political games predicated on the assumption that the American public is stupid. All of the plans are political theatre to help their individual reelection campaigns.

cont. Articles: Boehner's 12 Member Commission Political Game
Boehner understands that he's dealing with a faction of his party that will be critical come election time. At the same time, he also realizes that they are a bunch of loons. He's stuck and can't figure out what to do. Now his hand has been forced. If he wants to do what he knows has to be done, he's going to have to do it with the Dems, as will any other non-teaparty Republicans.

If the Republicans were smart, they would tell the American people what a bunch of idiots the tea partiers are and that what they want to do will truly hurt not only the country, but each and every person living here. The Republican Party needs to dump the Tea Party lunatics and let them form their own party. If they did this, you would see many Independents and conservative Democrats come back to the Republican Party. They have to put a stop to the far right wing kooks being the ones calling the shots for the entire party.
Boehner understands that he's dealing with a faction of his party that will be critical come election time. At the same time, he also realizes that they are a bunch of loons. He's stuck and can't figure out what to do. Now his hand has been forced. If he wants to do what he knows has to be done, he's going to have to do it with the Dems, as will any other non-teaparty Republicans.

If the Republicans were smart, they would tell the American people what a bunch of idiots the tea partiers are and that what they want to do will truly hurt not only the country, but each and every person living here. The Republican Party needs to dump the Tea Party lunatics and let them form their own party. If they did this, you would see many Independents and conservative Democrats come back to the Republican Party. They have to put a stop to the far right wing kooks being the ones calling the shots for the entire party.

You obviously don't understand the article....Boehner's plan is worse than a's unconstitutional...

What would be wrong with a short-interim debt ceiling raise giving them enough time to revisit Cut, Cap, and Balance? know, that piece of legislation supported by the MAJORITY of Americans that got shelved by Harry Reid because he didn't want the Senate to even DISCUSS it... :evil:
Yea i have to agree. We don't need more Commissions. We just need different Politicians in Congress.
If the Republicans and Democrats cared about this country, rather than their own political careers, they'd not only debate the BBA, they'd pass it. Alas, neither party wants to 'live within the means'. All you have to do is look at their plans.

I'd like to boot every last one of them and replace them with successful common-sensed business men and women.
If the Republicans and Democrats cared about this country, rather than their own political careers, they'd not only debate the BBA, they'd pass it. Alas, neither party wants to 'live within the means'. All you have to do is look at their plans.

I'd like to boot every last one of them and replace them with successful common-sensed business men and women.

In fairness,Boehner is requiring a BBA as part of raising the Debt Limit. So i think some do care. They just don't get the credit from the MSM. The loudest and most moronic Politicians always get the most props from the MSM. Remember how much they just adored the Weiner Man? He was loud and moronic,therefore the MSM loved him. It is sad but it is what it is.
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