
Been hanging out at SS and man oh man...I really dislike the twins. I thought Julia had a few more braincells than Fingered Liz but I guess not.

And James disappoints me. All he wants to do is pull pranks, not do any game play. Vanessa is just insane and creeps me out. Jmac has no game. Meg is...Meg. Duh. Steve is a male Victoria from last season. Austin is pond scum.
The twins are pretty stupid at this game. And austin is thinking with his pecker.
I think the twins are cute. Either Liz is playing Austin to entertain herself and test her equipment on a strongman or Austin has succeeded in getting her horny.
He finger bangs her twice a day..on camera. So yeah..he has made her horny. Her parents must be so proud.

She will never be remembered as Liz, One Of The Twins on BB. She will be forever remembered as Stinky Fingered Liz.
Been hanging out at SS and man oh man...I really dislike the twins. I thought Julia had a few more braincells than Fingered Liz but I guess not.

And James disappoints me. All he wants to do is pull pranks, not do any game play. Vanessa is just insane and creeps me out. Jmac has no game. Meg is...Meg. Duh. Steve is a male Victoria from last season. Austin is pond scum.
What is it you don't like about the twins. I think they're cute -- but I'm the father of three girls, grandfather of two, so that probably accounts for the difference of opinion.

Vanessa has an extremely voluminous and active memory, which probably accounts for the peculiar aspects of her personality -- as well as her skill at poker. Prodigious people usually do seem a little nuts and she's no exception.
James is rather annoying, especially with his cutesie-kitty headwear with ears. I don't know what that is compensating for but it must be something strange.

I agree with your assessment of Austin. I think of tattoos as self-mutilation and his body is covered with them. And the hair. I'm very surprised that Liz seems drawn to him. Unless she's just entertaining herself by making use of him,, which would not surprise me.

I was sorry to see Becky go. Jackie, too. I was glad to see Clay and Shelli go.

I like Meg. How can one not like Meg? She's a goofy little bimbo, but a good-natured one. I hope she's a winner, but it's doubtful.

I'd like to see Austin and Steve go next. (Steve annoys the hell out of me.)
He finger bangs her twice a day..on camera. So yeah..he has made her horny. Her parents must be so proud.

She will never be remembered as Liz, One Of The Twins on BB. She will be forever remembered as Stinky Fingered Liz.
Do you subscribe to that 24-hour access thing?
No. I hang at SS most of the time now. That's where I catch up on most of the shenanigans.
Why do I not like the twins? Because they are bimbos. I liked Julia at first, but quickly became disgusted in general with her non game play. Liz is a skank. I have no respect for girls who have no brains or morals and she has none.

James is there to get his 15 minutes of fame, I think. At first, I thought he would be a great player but...he soon proved he is nothing but a goof and doesn't care whether he wins or not. People who go on the show should want the money, not make bestest friendsies or be twat fingered for the world to see. And, she has no interest in sticking with Austin, unless he wins the money. Which means not only is she a skanky ho with no morals, she is also a gold digger. Until he runs out of money then she will be there. Once its gone, so will she.

Becky had the guts to put vanessa in her place. She has my respect for that. Jackie was just meh to me. I couldn't stand pussy boy Clay and I have known too many Shellie's in my life to remotely like her. She is a snobby cheerleader type and has my sisters name so that's a double whammy of disliking her.
Austin and the twins are the lowest rated on Jokers list. Gracie, can you check SS list to see where these three weasels stand? I think Jokers might represent a good sampling of what America thinks of them. I hope it comes out no matter what happens on the finale.
Austin and the twins are the lowest rated on Jokers list. Gracie, can you check SS list to see where these three weasels stand? I think Jokers might represent a good sampling of what America thinks of them. I hope it comes out no matter what happens on the finale.
The Austwins are universally hated at SS. They call Austin the Sasquatch (spelling?), Liz the Fingered Slut and Julia is..well...another Victoria. Oh, and the twins are squealers they hate listening to on the feeds. They also make fun of their husky whiney voices and wish Austin would take the toilet paper out of his gross lice infested hair, lol.
Everyone at SS wants Jackie or Becky back in the house because both will go after the Austwins and Van.
Austin and the twins are the lowest rated on Jokers list. Gracie, can you check SS list to see where these three weasels stand? I think Jokers might represent a good sampling of what America thinks of them. I hope it comes out no matter what happens on the finale.
The Austwins are universally hated at SS. They call Austin the Sasquatch (spelling?), Liz the Fingered Slut and Julia is..well...another Victoria. Oh, and the twins are squealers they hate listening to on the feeds. They also make fun of their husky whiney voices and wish Austin would take the toilet paper out of his gross lice infested hair, lol.
Everyone at SS wants Jackie or Becky back in the house because both will go after the Austwins and Van.
I always wish I could see their reactions once they get on the outside and realize everyone hates them. I never get to see that though. These three though... I've never felt this much contempt for HGs.

I have a sick feeling they're going to win all the money except the America's Choice.
Grodner wants Van to win so she will make sure it happens. You DO know the DR is involved in most of the plots and manipulating the HGs to do what the DR wants them to do, don't you?

Austin is going to get a big surprise when he finds out he is most hated. And Liz is so fucking dumb, she STILL has no clue that every day and every night she gets finger fucked by the hairy is SEEN by everyone. Friends. Family. Co workers. EVERYONE. What a bimbo.
You can get the scoops on what is happening, has happened, will happen from all previous shows and the current one if you follow EvelDick on twitter, don'tcha?
Grodner wants Van to win so she will make sure it happens. You DO know the DR is involved in most of the plots and manipulating the HGs to do what the DR wants them to do, don't you?

Austin is going to get a big surprise when he finds out he is most hated. And Liz is so fucking dumb, she STILL has no clue that every day and every night she gets finger fucked by the hairy is SEEN by everyone. Friends. Family. Co workers. EVERYONE. What a bimbo.
I understand her parents are going to be interviewed this week. Someone said her mother called BB and asked them to talk to her about sleeping with him and they refused. They must think people out here just love watching them. Puke.

I've heard that about BB manipulating things for years. Maybe they think generating hatred for Austin/Liz will keep people watching, I don't know. I just don't want those 4, Austwins and Vanessa to win anything.
You can get the scoops on what is happening, has happened, will happen from all previous shows and the current one if you follow EvelDick on twitter, don'tcha?
I have the feeds and I barely watch anymore, I'm so disgusted. I'm going to give Rob Cesterino a listen one of these nights, he has a show streaming and he is really good. I also like Dan's website but he has so many people in his chat, it flies by too fast. Rachel has a show as well streaming. I think I'd be better off tweeting and listening to their shows than being so frustrated with the feeds. I really like hearing other opinions.
ok..found it, lol.

Evel Dick - the biggest shit-talker, non-doer in BB history - spends 90% of his tweets calling Austin a shit-talker, non-doer. Well sure, Dick. It's easy to say that when you're production's favorite to the point where you're allowed to do things (pour drinks on people, burn them with cigarettes, etc.) that would get anyone on any other season kicked out.

You're a haggard, 52-year-old man who appears to be about 85 while Austin is a 30-year-old wrestler and gymnast. He wouldn't, but he damned sure would wipe the floor with your ass even though in Dick's state, it looks like a gentle breeze would shatter his Hepatitis-ridden bones.
Grodner wants Van to win so she will make sure it happens. You DO know the DR is involved in most of the plots and manipulating the HGs to do what the DR wants them to do, don't you?

Austin is going to get a big surprise when he finds out he is most hated. And Liz is so fucking dumb, she STILL has no clue that every day and every night she gets finger fucked by the hairy is SEEN by everyone. Friends. Family. Co workers. EVERYONE. What a bimbo.
I understand her parents are going to be interviewed this week. Someone said her mother called BB and asked them to talk to her about sleeping with him and they refused. They must think people out here just love watching them. Puke.


I don't use the live feeds so my only access are the 3x weekly segments and I've seen nothing to suggest Liz had become so receptive to Austin. It appeared to me Austin was sexually captivated by Liz, following her around like an infatuated schoolboy while she seemed tolerantly amused by it. But what I'm reading here suggests I'm as wrong as two left feet and Liz is a horny little pussy cat with exotic, and somewhat masochistic, taste in men.

I must say I was surprised Thursday evening to see Liz cuddling cozily with Austin but it didn't occur to me it had gone this far. My impression was Austin was hanging around for an occasional kiss and maybe a sneaky feel and that's as far as it went.

Now I'm wondering if this bit of behind-the-scenes erotica might be a cleverly programmed, collaborative lure to attract live feed subscribers.

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