At this point there is not a chance in hell I can even consider voting for a Democrat.

Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Were you in a coma during the Obama years? Bill and Hillary Clinton years?
The Obamas and Clintons are corrupt to the core
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .

So in your bizzaro world the democrats didn't oppose the 13th, 14th or 15th amendment's?

View attachment 192398

Red state conservatives.

How many times do we have to play this game that the Dems from 1860 are not the Dems today .

How many times do we have the childish game of yours they flipped because of racism and not because of economic's and btw ....jimmy Carter won the south?

Simple question for you . The people who are currently trying to save confederate memorials and the confederate flag . Are they republicans or Democrats ??
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Were you in a coma during the Obama years? Bill and Hillary Clinton years?
The Obamas and Clintons are corrupt to the core

As opposed to saint Trump!?? Lol!
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Were you in a coma during the Obama years? Bill and Hillary Clinton years?
The Obamas and Clintons are corrupt to the core

As opposed to saint Trump!?? Lol!
They do make him look like a saint pretty damn sad... huh
Had Webb won the democratic nomination I would have considered him instead of writing in Walker.
But the left has gone so damn far off the rails any chance of trusting a Democrat who may even be a middle of the road politician with good ideas, can not be trusted to not just go with the flow if the left regains power.

Social Justice.
Identity politics.
The need to judge anyone who disagrees.
The assault on the first & second amendment.
The constant cries of racism/bigotry.
The leftstream media.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.
Open borders bullshit.
Weaponizing government institutions.

I am not willing to give a moderate the benefit of the doubt when MORONS continually reelect idiots like Maxine Waters & Bernie Sanders.

Having said that as a republican we have to stop nominating old fucks from the "good ole boys" club. It is time for a new generation of politicians that weren't raised in the 50's & 60's.

Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .

So in your bizzaro world the democrats didn't oppose the 13th, 14th or 15th amendment's?

View attachment 192398

Red state conservatives.

How many times do we have to play this game that the Dems from 1860 are not the Dems today .

How many times do we have the childish game of yours they flipped because of racism and not because of economic's and btw ....jimmy Carter won the south?

Simple question for you . The people who are currently trying to save confederate memorials and the confederate flag . Are they republicans or Democrats ??

Describe what the confederate flag is ?

The battle flag ..?

Or the confederate flag...?
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.
Someday you might look at the policies they want to put in, all you dupes. The GOP wants to cut taxes And regulations on the rich period. Democrats want a living wage, lower taxes on the Non rich, raise taxes on the ridiculously bloated rich, end illegal immigration with a good SS ID card, 4 week vacations, cheap College and training, Etc. Only dupes are against all that. It all makes 4 a healthy economy and a sane population 4 a change.
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .

So in your bizzaro world the democrats didn't oppose the 13th, 14th or 15th amendment's?

View attachment 192398

Red state conservatives.

How many times do we have to play this game that the Dems from 1860 are not the Dems today .

How many times do we have the childish game of yours they flipped because of racism and not because of economic's and btw ....jimmy Carter won the south?

Simple question for you . The people who are currently trying to save confederate memorials and the confederate flag . Are they republicans or Democrats ??

Describe what the confederate flag is ?

The battle flag ..?

Or the confederate flag...?

The battle flag . Which is even worse !
So in your bizzaro world the democrats didn't oppose the 13th, 14th or 15th amendment's?

View attachment 192398

Red state conservatives.

How many times do we have to play this game that the Dems from 1860 are not the Dems today .

How many times do we have the childish game of yours they flipped because of racism and not because of economic's and btw ....jimmy Carter won the south?

Simple question for you . The people who are currently trying to save confederate memorials and the confederate flag . Are they republicans or Democrats ??

Describe what the confederate flag is ?

The battle flag ..?

Or the confederate flag...?

The battle flag . Which is even worse !

Don't tell me you had to Google it.
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .

So in your bizzaro world the democrats didn't oppose the 13th, 14th or 15th amendment's?

View attachment 192398

Red state conservatives.

How many times do we have to play this game that the Dems from 1860 are not the Dems today .

How many times do we have the childish game of yours they flipped because of racism and not because of economic's and btw ....jimmy Carter won the south?

Simple question for you . The people who are currently trying to save confederate memorials and the confederate flag . Are they republicans or Democrats ??

Describe what the confederate flag is ?

The battle flag ..?

Or the confederate flag...?
Both are an emblem of treason.
At this point, considering the choices, there's not a hope in Hell I'd vote for anyone from either party...

I sure hope something changes...
Can't say I disagree. I voted for Greitens for governor here in Missouri. He turned out to be quite the douchebag.
If you earn less than $250,000 a year and vote GOP, you are misinformed. LOL
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Were you in a coma during the Obama years? Bill and Hillary Clinton years?

No, but you were.
So in your bizzaro world the democrats didn't oppose the 13th, 14th or 15th amendment's?

View attachment 192398

Red state conservatives.

How many times do we have to play this game that the Dems from 1860 are not the Dems today .

How many times do we have the childish game of yours they flipped because of racism and not because of economic's and btw ....jimmy Carter won the south?

Simple question for you . The people who are currently trying to save confederate memorials and the confederate flag . Are they republicans or Democrats ??

Describe what the confederate flag is ?

The battle flag ..?

Or the confederate flag...?
Both are an emblem of treason.

I don't see it that way, they were fighting for state rights.
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.
Tempest in a teapot repeated endlessly Fox Rush Etc, super dupe and over a year ago for crying out loud. No real damage or injury, just endless GOP BS.
Had Webb won the democratic nomination I would have considered him instead of writing in Walker.
But the left has gone so damn far off the rails any chance of trusting a Democrat who may even be a middle of the road politician with good ideas, can not be trusted to not just go with the flow if the left regains power.

Social Justice.
Identity politics.
The need to judge anyone who disagrees.
The assault on the first & second amendment.
The constant cries of racism/bigotry.
The leftstream media.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.
Open borders bullshit.
Weaponizing government institutions.

I am not willing to give a moderate the benefit of the doubt when MORONS continually reelect idiots like Maxine Waters & Bernie Sanders.

Having said that as a republican we have to stop nominating old fucks from the "good ole boys" club. It is time for a new generation of politicians that weren't raised in the 50's & 60's.
Maxine Waters is 1 congress critter out of the 53 that Calif has and 1 out of the 435 congress critters in the house....

Bernie sanders is 1 out of 100 in the Senate and he wouldn't exist at all, if it were not for our founding fathers giving itty bitty populated States like Vermont a 'voice' in the Senate by giving these small states, who probably do not have a population to support even 1 Senator.... 2 Senators....

while giving hugely populated States like Calif and New York, and Texas only 2 senators as well.... This is what protects the ''minority'' in our system of govt...

NOW let me ask you gramps... out of all of the Republican Senators and out of all of the House's congressmen that are republican... are there not any Republicans that are bat shit crazy to you??? Or are they all sane and perfect to you?
Why would the OP think that anyone but a republican would consider him a potential supporter?

Interesting...this is the second post I have read which has made the OP's point. You don't see Gramps as a fellow human being, much less an American, but as an enemy.

You do nothing but identify him, you classify him based on his beliefs.

Curious, why would the OP care about what you think? Hm?
Last edited:
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .

Ahhhh, good old timmy.....

Wasserman-Schultz Agrees: Repeal First Amendment; Supports Government-Financing Of Campaigns

Wasserman-Schultz Agrees: Repeal First Amendment; Supports Government-Financing Of Campaigns

She’s talking about overturning Citizens United . You disagree?

Um, no, she wasn't.
Had Webb won the democratic nomination I would have considered him instead of writing in Walker.
But the left has gone so damn far off the rails any chance of trusting a Democrat who may even be a middle of the road politician with good ideas, can not be trusted to not just go with the flow if the left regains power.

Social Justice.
Identity politics.
The need to judge anyone who disagrees.
The assault on the first & second amendment.
The constant cries of racism/bigotry.
The leftstream media.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.
Open borders bullshit.
Weaponizing government institutions.

I am not willing to give a moderate the benefit of the doubt when MORONS continually reelect idiots like Maxine Waters & Bernie Sanders.

Having said that as a republican we have to stop nominating old fucks from the "good ole boys" club. It is time for a new generation of politicians that weren't raised in the 50's & 60's.

No problem stupid people belong on the far right side of the isle anyway.


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