At this point there is not a chance in hell I can even consider voting for a Democrat.

Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Conservative trouble makers bring in hate mongers into lefty campuses just to spur protests . Where are cons inviting lefties to come speak?

Who deemed Diamond and Silk “dangers “. Lol! Can I get a link ?

Oh, as for online . There’s a WHOLE lot of white racists hate that’s tolerated. For example , this place .
Here is the reply from Facebook. Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 3:40 PM: “The Policy team has came to the conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community.”

'Unsafe to the community': Facebook takes on pro-Trump Diamond and Silk - The American Mirror
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Conservative trouble makers bring in hate mongers into lefty campuses just to spur protests . Where are cons inviting lefties to come speak?

Who deemed Diamond and Silk “dangers “. Lol! Can I get a link ?

Oh, as for online . There’s a WHOLE lot of white racists hate that’s tolerated. For example , this place .
Here is the reply from Facebook. Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 3:40 PM: “The Policy team has came to the conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community.”

'Unsafe to the community': Facebook takes on pro-Trump Diamond and Silk - The American Mirror

Take it up with Facebook . A private company that has a policy .

What’s your thoughts on sports leagues requiring people stand for the anthem ?
And what are your thoughts on Citizens United? I thought everyone hated it.
Assault on the first? How so ?

I’ll give u the 2nd, but that’s the only right the gop ever fights for .
The assault on conservatives on social media & college campuses.
While that may not particularly be a violation depending on the circumstances it is the tip of the iceberg when you consider where this could go.

Hate speech.

The lefts definition of hate speech is so broad that someone like Diamond & Silk were deemed a "Danger to the community"
That right there is absurd.

Conservative trouble makers bring in hate mongers into lefty campuses just to spur protests . Where are cons inviting lefties to come speak?

Who deemed Diamond and Silk “dangers “. Lol! Can I get a link ?

Oh, as for online . There’s a WHOLE lot of white racists hate that’s tolerated. For example , this place .
Here is the reply from Facebook. Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 3:40 PM: “The Policy team has came to the conclusion that your content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community.”

'Unsafe to the community': Facebook takes on pro-Trump Diamond and Silk - The American Mirror

Take it up with Facebook . A private company that has a policy .

What’s your thoughts on sports leagues requiring people stand for the anthem ?
I already told you that most weren't actual violations of the first but that it leads to further erosion & division.

I never stopped watching football so play your gotcha game with someone else.
Had Webb won the democratic nomination I would have considered him instead of writing in Walker.
But the left has gone so damn far off the rails any chance of trusting a Democrat who may even be a middle of the road politician with good ideas, can not be trusted to not just go with the flow if the left regains power.

Social Justice.
Identity politics.
The need to judge anyone who disagrees.
The assault on the first & second amendment.
The constant cries of racism/bigotry.
The leftstream media.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.
Open borders bullshit.
Weaponizing government institutions.

I am not willing to give a moderate the benefit of the doubt when MORONS continually reelect idiots like Maxine Waters & Bernie Sanders.

Having said that as a republican we have to stop nominating old fucks from the "good ole boys" club. It is time for a new generation of politicians that weren't raised in the 50's & 60's.

It's the Rinos we have to get rid of....

Age ain't got shit to do with it...

We need fighters like Trump....
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! BOOMING BABY! :rolleyes:

When are you going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed, unless a bi-partisan compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

Do you have a mortgage ?
For a few more years. But you don't need to continue playing these games. This is the second time you have tried to bring up my finances in as many days. I don't question you about yours so chill the fuck out and stop with the uber personal shit.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.

Yup, sounds like you ought to be getting a job...dumbass.
Had Webb won the democratic nomination I would have considered him instead of writing in Walker.
But the left has gone so damn far off the rails any chance of trusting a Democrat who may even be a middle of the road politician with good ideas, can not be trusted to not just go with the flow if the left regains power.

Social Justice.
Identity politics.
The need to judge anyone who disagrees.
The assault on the first & second amendment.
The constant cries of racism/bigotry.
The leftstream media.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.
Open borders bullshit.
Weaponizing government institutions.

I am not willing to give a moderate the benefit of the doubt when MORONS continually reelect idiots like Maxine Waters & Bernie Sanders.

Having said that as a republican we have to stop nominating old fucks from the "good ole boys" club. It is time for a new generation of politicians that weren't raised in the 50's & 60's.

Good for you
Why don’t you vote for Trump and have a clean conscience ?
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.
Stop buying new cars and pretending you are owed a raise as a result.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.

Yup, sounds like you ought to be getting a job...dumbass.

STFU idiot, I make more than 3 of you combined.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.
Stop buying new cars and pretending you are owed a raise as a result.

Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.

Yup, sounds like you ought to be getting a job...dumbass.

STFU idiot, I make more than 3 of you combined.
Epeen competition?
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.

Yup, sounds like you ought to be getting a job...dumbass.

STFU idiot, I make more than 3 of you combined.

No kidding, then you ought to consider a diet too...dumbass.
Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.
Stop buying new cars and pretending you are owed a raise as a result.

You are demanding more taxes to compensate for spending. That is the same as asking your boss for a raise because you busted your budget
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

But untill then...MORE TAX CUTS! YEY! :rolleyes:

When are going to wake up and smell the roses? Our budgets are NEVER getting fixed untill it's too late unless a compromise is reached where we cut some spending and raise some taxes.
Stop buying new cars and pretending you are owed a raise as a result.

You are demanding more taxes to compensate for spending. That is the same as asking your boss for a raise because you busted your budget

noooo, I'm demanding that as a first step to get out of the ditch we STOP DIGGING.

If the economy is "booming" then why do we need tax cuts while our budgets look like this:

Wanting to raise taxes on anyone despite the economic boom with the current tax code.

Wow, talk about blissful ignorance.

CBO: U.S. Budget Deficit to Hit $1 Trillion By 2020
Cut spending, problem solved.
When my income declines I adjust my budget accordingly. Why is congress above what every other American must do when faced with similar issues?

Do you have a mortgage ?
For a few more years. But you don't need to continue playing these games. This is the second time you have tried to bring up my finances in as many days. I don't question you about yours so chill the fuck out and stop with the uber personal shit.

Settle down Beavis . It’s just an example .My point is that people go into debt . Gov does the same.

Now you say “just cut spending “. But that’s not what Trump did . He basically kept the same bills, but then took a lower paying job instead . That’s what the tax bill did .

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