American Genocide


Apr 14, 2009
America is causing the deformation and deaths of an untold number of babies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine. This nation manufactures a horror known as 'Depleted Uranium' tipped ordnance, and employs these weapons with impiety on civilian targets.


A single example:

In Iraq, Fallujah’s clinics and hospitals are filling up with babies and children (at a rate of 2 -3 new cases each day), severely affected by the American D.U bombardment of their homes during relentless incursions. There are awful photographs of babies with 3 heads, a single eye or a nose in the middle of their forehead. Some have brain damage others contorted limbs or twisted and multiple additional digits. Most suffer from severe cardiac ( at a rate of 13 times higher than Europe) and eye abnormalities as well as high mortality expectations. The list of damages from toxicities of both Depleted Uranium shells and the Napalm derivative 'White Phosphorus' (both of which are being used) is too extensive to list here but these symptoms all started immediately after the Fallujah engagements, the largest being in November of 2004; And are focused mainly on offspring of those women in the city who were pregnant at the time or became pregnant since.

Brave U.S marines mercilessly used their radiological depleted uranium ordnance on the civilian homes of Fallujah, even as those frightened Iraqi families that held out to protect their properties cowered in their basements. Then in the bombardment's aftermath exhilarated U.S soldiers ran systematically through the city tossing explosive grenades into any occupied houses, bringing them down on remaining householders heads, burying them alive. And afterwards the contaminated rubble was bulldozed into the town’s river bank.. everyone’s main source of drinking water.


This is not conspiracy but an actuality being funded by ordinary American civilians and the peoples of allied supportive nations.

BBC News - Disturbing story of Falluja's birth defects
(BBC video report) BBC News - Fallujah doctors report rise in birth defects
BBC News - Birth defects rise reported by Fallujah doctors
(journal article with D.U baby photograph) Depleted Uranium Weapons: The Dead Babies in Iraq and Afghanistan Are No Joke | This Can't Be Happening!
America is dropping Napalm on Civilians in Iraq ..Italian documentary film exposes US atrocities in Fallujah: [ame=]YouTube - Fallujah The Hidden Message[/ame]
(short documentary film on the 'D.U Babies'): [ame=]YouTube - Fallujah babies born with birth defects as a result of Depleted Uranium WMD contaminated dust.[/ame]
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Al-Qa'idah and the Taliban are having an absolute field day with this news, I hear.
  • Thanks
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Unless they're White and they speak English, we don't care. They're just animals in the way.

America had made this policy clear in the past and it remains clear today. Just ask the Native Americans, Japanese, Latins in Cenral and South America, VietNamese, native Hawaiians, Jews- hell even the Caucasians in the Ozarks, Appalachians, and rural California. Oh, and the blacks, of course.

That's the truth of the situation.
Depleted Uranium is fucking awesome!!!!!

We rain death down upon the enemies of America with time they'll know better than to fuck with us. I hope they all fucking die from radiation and toxic metal poisoning...less to worry about down the road.
[ame=]YouTube - A-10 Thunderbolt II[/ame]
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And the US govt does not care about the US service people impacted by DU either.

I would like to see some of those in our govt that deny that DU causes problems drink some DU laced water.
Al-Qa'idah and the Taliban are having an absolute field day with this news, I hear.

Ya...great recruiting tool..

Family member reference deleted. CW

Why bring my family into this? :eusa_eh:

I find it hard to believe what you say is true. I didn't bring "your family" into it and you know it. It was a response to your support of Al Qaeda having a field day with this.

But I digress...if it was deemed inappropriate for whatever reason by the boards moderators/Admin types then so be it. My apology.
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☭proletarian☭;2130958 said:
Why bring my family into this? :eusa_eh:

I find it hard to believe what you say is true.
And that means you drag his family into it?

Maybe you should just threaten to kill his children- such threats and acts of violence seem popular among Reich Wing and Republican terrorists nowadays.

Shut didn't see the post....30 second rule.
☭proletarian☭;2130958 said:
Why bring my family into this? :eusa_eh:

I find it hard to believe what you say is true.
And that means you drag his family into it?

Maybe you should just threaten to kill his children- such threats and acts of violence seem popular among Reich Wing and Republican terrorists nowadays.

Altering quotes is also against the rules.
I didn't bring "your family" into it and you know it. It was a response to your support of Al Qaeda having a field day with this.
I haven't expressed support for al-Qa'idah; they kill Muslims and women and children. That isn't to say that they aren't having a field day with this.

But I digress...if it was deemed inappropriate for whatever reason by the boards moderators/Admin types then so be it. My apology.
I apologize in return if I misinterpreted your statement somehow.
I didn't bring "your family" into it and you know it. It was a response to your support of Al Qaeda having a field day with this.
I haven't expressed support for al-Qa'idah; they kill Muslims and women and children. That isn't to say that they aren't having a field day with this.

But I digress...if it was deemed inappropriate for whatever reason by the boards moderators/Admin types then so be it. My apology.
I apologize in return if I misinterpreted your statement somehow.

Thank you.....that's all it was was a misinterpretation.
YouTube - Afghan censors to target Taliban

You'll see it about halfway through the video.

What...your family? I don't think so.

No, the Taliban using the controversy in an attempt to generate support.

OK. I just can't see where some 17 year old kid will see this as his call to arms...especially since he might be on the receiving end of a 30 mm cannon round that would vaporize half of his body.

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