Allegheny Co. Democratic Party Chair Forced To Resign: ‘I Stand For The Flag, I Kneel At The Cross’

How about the killing of three activists registering folks to vote in Mississippi?

Asking a man to step away from his post due to his support for a family friend to avoid a racially tense situation inside the party doesn't rise a vampire level of horrificness. At least to me it doesn't.

What the fuck are you talking about? And what the fuck does that have to do with Democrat politicians publicly calling for violence against Republicans today? Your post makes no sense.

Oh boo-fucking-hoo. Coming from the party of President "Rough them up" and "Knock the crap out of him" Corleone, that is amusing. Oh my, Eric Holder wants to kick you when you go low and Hillary doesn't want to be civil to you turds. Now run to mommy and whine like a good bully does when confronted!

Someone needs to tell him that they are the bullies
Trump is the bully. It is coming from the top.

Trump is responding to bullies
I don’t think so. A Gold Star father bullied him? A fat shamed woman bullied him? Colin Kaepernik bullied him? How long are you going to make excuses for rude, vulgar aggressive behavior in someone who is supposed to be our leader? When SETS the tone?

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