Democrats Continue To Prove They Are The Party Of Exploiting Women


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The despicable treatment now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh received at his Senate confirmation hearing proves conclusively that the Democratic Party is not the party of women – it is the party of exploiting women for political gain.

In their eagerness to pander to women by saying absolutely anything that might win their votes, Democrats were even willing to throw out the centuries-old concept that is the foundation of our legal system: the presumption that we are all innocent until proven guilty.

Democrats insisted that women accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct should automatically be believed with absolutely zero evidence to back up their claims.

Kavanaugh “bears the burden of disproving these allegations,”
said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., who as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee really ought to know better."

Democratic Party McCarthy-ism 2018:

“There is no presumption of innocence…” insisted Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

The statement of “no presumption of innocence” could also apply to the anti-communist crusade waged by Sen. Joe McCarthy, R-Wis., in the 1950s, when he accused hundreds of federal employees of being communists without evidence.

And, of course, dictatorial regimes have a long history of imprisoning and killing their enemies in nations where there is no presumption of innocence.

Who in their right mind would want this for America?


Monica Lewinsky, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones,Juanita Broaddrick...even Christine Ford!

Liberals have attacked conservative women online with explicit and inexcusable abuse. Even Kavanaugh’s 10-year old daughter was targeted by a left-wing editorial cartoon.

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, John Conyers, Senate Democrats using tax dollars to buy the silence of their sexual misconduct for DECADES, 'Spartacus', Ellison, ......

The hypocrisy doesn’t end there. Democrats routinely prey upon and attack their female enemies, secure in the knowledge that they will face few, if any, repercussions from their mainstream media allies.

At this point, it’s clear that the Democrats don’t really care about women. They only care about what women can do for them.

Candace Owens: Democrats aren’t the party of women -- they’re the party of exploiting them for political gain

'Nuff Said
What's the big deal about sexually abusing women?

The TSA does it every day in all the nation's airports.
Again, the same ilk that I mean “defended” a woman who they allege had to forcibly disrobe with a man’s hand over her mouth is the same group that seek to force women to disrobe in front of strange deranged men. And this with a gag order on any protest under threat of fines or lawsuits if these women make a peep of protest.
The Democratic Party is WELL known for their attempts to re-write History, claiming to be one thing while simultaneously accusing others of doing what THEY do / have done and of being who THEY are!

Democrats CLAIM they are a lot of how they claim to be the Party that respects women, champions their causes, and defends their rights and interests. FACT, however, tells a different story.

On the DNC's web page, in their 'Our History' section, the Democratic Party wrote:

"For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights, and women's rights.”



The Republican Party supported women’s right to vote in its platform in 1854. However, due to the Democratic obstructionism, it was not until 1920 that woman was granted universal suffrage.

When the amendment
came before congress, 82 percent of GOP members voted in favor of it, while only 59 percent of Democrats supported it.

Does that sound like 'LEADING' the fight for Women's Rights?

Does that sound like the party that led the fight for women’s right for over 200 years?

False advertising: How the Democrats attempt to rewrite history
"The despicable treatment now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh received at his Senate confirmation hearing proves conclusively that the Democratic Party is not the party of women – it is the party of exploiting women for political gain.

In their eagerness to pander to women by saying absolutely anything that might win their votes, Democrats were even willing to throw out the centuries-old concept that is the foundation of our legal system: the presumption that we are all innocent until proven guilty.

Democrats insisted that women accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct should automatically be believed with absolutely zero evidence to back up their claims.

Kavanaugh “bears the burden of disproving these allegations,”
said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., who as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee really ought to know better."

Democratic Party McCarthy-ism 2018:

“There is no presumption of innocence…” insisted Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

The statement of “no presumption of innocence” could also apply to the anti-communist crusade waged by Sen. Joe McCarthy, R-Wis., in the 1950s, when he accused hundreds of federal employees of being communists without evidence.

And, of course, dictatorial regimes have a long history of imprisoning and killing their enemies in nations where there is no presumption of innocence.

Who in their right mind would want this for America?


Monica Lewinsky, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones,Juanita Broaddrick...even Christine Ford!

Liberals have attacked conservative women online with explicit and inexcusable abuse. Even Kavanaugh’s 10-year old daughter was targeted by a left-wing editorial cartoon.

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, John Conyers, Senate Democrats using tax dollars to buy the silence of their sexual misconduct for DECADES, 'Spartacus', Ellison, ......

The hypocrisy doesn’t end there. Democrats routinely prey upon and attack their female enemies, secure in the knowledge that they will face few, if any, repercussions from their mainstream media allies.

At this point, it’s clear that the Democrats don’t really care about women. They only care about what women can do for them.

Candace Owens: Democrats aren’t the party of women -- they’re the party of exploiting them for political gain

'Nuff Said
You might have a point if the GOP hadn’t completely suppressed the investigation into the rape and forced Kavanaugh through along completely partisan lines against the will of U.S. citizens.
'War On Women'

The slogan 'War on Women' was created / adopted by the Democratic Party, especially by Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer, in 2010 as part of a fear-mongering and mis-information political campaign in which the Democrats warned women that Republican policies would restrict and trample on their personal rights - the 'enslavement' of women by old, misogynist Conservative Republicans.

'Republicans are sexist, misogynists who are against women and who are waging a WAR ON WOMEN'.

"The Republican Party supported women’s right to vote in its platform in 1854. However, due to the Democratic obstructionism, it was not until 1920 that woman was granted universal suffrage. When the amendment
came before congress, 82 percent of GOP members voted in favor of it, while only 59 percent of Democrats supported it."

Democrats spread the propaganda on thick in an attempt to re-write history, covering their long history of preying upon, manipulating, using, abusing, and silencing women:

D-Senator Ted Kennedy:
Left a young girl to die in an over-turned vehicle in a water-filled ditch while he ran home to act as if nothing had ever happened in a successful attempt to save his own political career. NO PUNISHMENT.

D-Senator Daniel Inouye:
Was accused in the 1990s by numerous women of sexual harassment, and much like in D-Keith Ellison's case today, the Democrats held their own internal investigation which 'shockingly' found nothing, and the Democrats dismissed the women and their claims. NO PUNISHMENT.

D-IL House Representative Gus Savage:
Was accused of fondling a Peace Corps volunteer in 1989 while on a trip to Africa. The House Ethics Committee decided against disciplinary action in 1990.

D-Mass House Representative Barney Frank:
Only TWO Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to censure him in 1990.

How was a US Rep running his own illegal prostitution ring from his house NOT an IMPEACHABLE / 'REMOVEABLE' offense, let alone not even one worth of a CENSURE to the good ol' boy Democrats who protected Frank form serious punishment.?

D-Sen. Brock Adams:
Was forced to stop campaigning after numerous accusations of drugging, assault and rape, the first surfacing in 1988.

D-Rep. Fred Richmond:
Was arrested in 1978 for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old...AND WAS ABLE TO KEEP HIS JOB AS A DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN! He remained in Congress and won re-election—before eventually resigning (No one in DC had the integrity / morals to KICK HIM OUT) in 1982 after pleading guilty to tax evasion and drug possession

D-Tx John Young:
Gave Raises For Sexual Favors - increased the salary of a staffer after she gave in to his sexual advances.

D-Oh Wayne Hays:
Hired an unqualified secretary reportedly for sexual acts

D-Mass Rep. Gerry Studds:
Was censured for sexual relationship with underage male page in 1983

D-Il Rep. Mel Reynolds
Was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16-year-old. President Bill Clinton pardoned the pedophile before leaving office.

D-Mass SENATOR Ted Kennedy:

Testified in defense of nephew accused of rape, invoking his family history to win over the jury in 1991. Regaled the jury with stories of he, Bobby, and John and the entire Kennedy KNOW he left out the story of how he left a woman to die in that overturned car in a water-filled-ditch years earlier.

D-Keith Ellison:
The DNC's Deputy has been accused of physically abusing women - one specifically, who has evidence; the Democratic Party conducted another 'Internal' investigation that resulted in the Democrats dismissing the woman's / women's allegations.

D-Corey Booker:
Admitted to sexually assaulting a woman. No punishment.

D-Al Franken:
Groped / took lewd sexual photos - completely inappropriate behavior, disrespectful of and demeaning to women, was pressured to resign. Apologized for his behavior...while trying to save his job. After he resigned he publicly declared he was NOT sorry.

D-President Bill Clinton:

Career-long sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, adulterer, and rapist; Impeached after being found Guilty of Contempt of Court for lying to / deceiving a jury in a case in which he was being sued as a sitting President for sexual harassment - was fined and stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas as well.

D-John Conyers & Numerous Democrats In the Senate:
Exposed to the American people was how John Conyers and other Democrats in the Senate had engaged in improper / criminal sexual misconduct! To make matters worse, instead of addressing the crimes / problems they formed a Senate Committee whose sole reason for existing was to use tax dollars to silence their victims...over a period of 15 YEARS!
--- Yeah, that means while Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer were leading the Democrat Party's Propaganda 'GOP War on Women' Campaign in which they demonized Republicans by claiming it was the Republicans who were sexists, misogynists, and wanted to use / abuse / oppress / take advantage of women a host of Democrats were sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, etc women while illegally using US citizen tax dollars as 'HUSH Money' to buy their silence!)

Does this sound like a party who cares about / respects women?

Does that sound like 'LEADING' the fight for Women's Rights?

Does that sound like the party that led the fight for women’s right for over 200 years?


You might have a point if the GOP hadn’t completely suppressed the investigation into the rape and forced Kavanaugh through along completely partisan lines against the will of U.S. citizens.
ZERO Evidence.
Could not remember where.
Could not remember when - not even the year.
The witnesses SHE identified said it never happened.
She lied under oath about many of her claims.
She told no one, not even her family.
She never reported it - still does not want to.
She never filed any complaints - still refuses to.
She did not want to come out - Feinstein betrayed her / threw her under a bus for party!
A leading Sex Crimes Expert stated 'NO CASE'.
7th FBI investigation resulted in ZERO substantiating evidence.

...but once again, like with the 2016 election results, things did not turn out as you wanted so you are creaming like a spoiled little brat.

As Graham started, the Democrats made Ford just as much a victim in that sham as they did Kavanaugh. She was nothing more than a 'TOOL' to Feinstein and the Democrats to try to derail / stop Kavanaugh's USSC Confirmation.
You might have a point if the GOP hadn’t completely suppressed the investigation into the rape and forced Kavanaugh through along completely partisan lines against the will of U.S. citizens.
ZERO Evidence.
Could not remember where.
Could not remember when - not even the year.
The witnesses SHE identified said it never happened.
She lied under oath about many of her claims.
She told no one, not even her family.
She never reported it - still does not want to.
She never filed any complaints - still refuses to.
She did not want to come out - Feinstein betrayed her / threw her under a bus for party!
A leading Sex Crimes Expert stated 'NO CASE'.
7th FBI investigation resulted in ZERO substantiating evidence.

...but once again, like with the 2016 election results, things did not turn out as you wanted so you are creaming like a spoiled little brat.

As Graham started, the Democrats made Ford just as much a victim in that sham as they did Kavanaugh. She was nothing more than a 'TOOL' to Feinstein and the Democrats to try to derail / stop Kavanaugh's USSC Confirmation.
The GOP shouldn’t have suppressed the investigation into the rapist and forced him through on a party line vote against the wishes of Americans.

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