"All Children Are Gifted" another load of crap shoveled by the Left.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.
Conservatives, please listen to this guy. We’re going to need your kids to replace the work of all the illegal immigrants you want out of here.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Ever heard of work visas?
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.
Conservatives, please listen to this guy. We’re going to need your kids to replace the work of all the illegal immigrants you want out of here.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.
Conservatives, please listen to this guy. We’re going to need your kids to replace the work of all the illegal immigrants you want out of here.

Look around at your fellow Americans and tell me he's wrong
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.

No, below average kids are a result of mum getting a pregnancy discount at the liquor store.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.
Conservatives, please listen to this guy. We’re going to need your kids to replace the work of all the illegal immigrants you want out of here.

Look around at your fellow Americans and tell me he's wrong
Well that’s just because of the government’s chem trails
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
I work with kids. I have yet to meet one thats not gifted. I dont know the count but I've been working with them for over 15 years. Surely I would have met just one average kid by now.
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All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
I work with kids. I have yet to meet one thats not gifted. I dont know the count but I've been working with them for over 15 years. Surely I would have met just one average kid by now.
You must have a much broader definition of the term "gifted" than I do. Are you trying to tell me in 15 years you have not worked with an average kid? Give me a break that's ridiculous.
Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
I work with kids. I have yet to meet one thats not gifted. I dont know the count but I've been working with them for over 15 years. Surely I would have met just one average kid by now.
You must have a much broader definition of the term "gifted" than I do. Are you trying to tell me in 15 years you have not worked with an average kid? Give me a break that's ridiculous.
I would define gifted as having an exceptional talent.
I'm not trying to tell you...I am telling you. Its only ridiculous if you dont have the intelligence to see the giftedness of all children.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
I work with kids. I have yet to meet one thats not gifted. I dont know the count but I've been working with them for over 15 years. Surely I would have met just one average kid by now.
You must have a much broader definition of the term "gifted" than I do. Are you trying to tell me in 15 years you have not worked with an average kid? Give me a break that's ridiculous.
I would define gifted as having an exceptional talent.
I'm not trying to tell you...I am telling you. Its only ridiculous if you dont have the intelligence to see the giftedness of all children.
And I am telling you that what you are saying is statistically impossible. And as usual you made every attempt to insult me personally which is how you roll. It is not how I roll.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
I work with kids. I have yet to meet one thats not gifted. I dont know the count but I've been working with them for over 15 years. Surely I would have met just one average kid by now.
You must have a much broader definition of the term "gifted" than I do. Are you trying to tell me in 15 years you have not worked with an average kid? Give me a break that's ridiculous.
I would define gifted as having an exceptional talent.
I'm not trying to tell you...I am telling you. Its only ridiculous if you dont have the intelligence to see the giftedness of all children.
And I am telling you that what you are saying is statistically impossible. And as usual you made every attempt to insult me personally which is how you roll. It is not how I roll.
I disagree but I am of the opinion that it takes intelligence to see gifted children. This was not to insult you personally. It was simply an educated observation.
Nonsense. 'All children are gifted' is akin to claiming all children have athletic skills. Kids are different with vastly different levels of ability. I believe it is being pushed mainly to keep the pipeline to colleges filled with applicants, whether or not they are qualified.
Only an idiot would think saying all kids are gifted means they all have the exact same specific skill sets. All kids are gifted specifically because they each bring some specific gift to the table. For instance my 4 girls are all gifted but their strengths lie in different areas. All are highly intelligent but that intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Maybe you have 4 gifted girls. Just like I have two gifted sons. Have you considered yours or my personal experience does not extrapolate to every kid? I have news for you. It doesn't.
I work with kids. I have yet to meet one thats not gifted. I dont know the count but I've been working with them for over 15 years. Surely I would have met just one average kid by now.
You must have a much broader definition of the term "gifted" than I do. Are you trying to tell me in 15 years you have not worked with an average kid? Give me a break that's ridiculous.
I would define gifted as having an exceptional talent.
I'm not trying to tell you...I am telling you. Its only ridiculous if you dont have the intelligence to see the giftedness of all children.

Smells like a participation trophy...
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

The greatest gift you can bestow upon your children is to unlock their minds and souls by getting them out of the fucking public school system.
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.

Average kids are the result of below average parents holding them back with just this type of loser thinking.

Were you the test case?
All children are NOT gifted. Sorry Mom and Dad but the majority of kids are average, and capable of achievement only if they apply themselves. That's just the way it is, but for some reason over the Left pushes this nonsense that all children are gifted, and it is up to the teachers to unlock their gifts. And if they don't I suppose it's the failure of the teacher, the school, the government or Donald Trump or Russia or who knows. Anything but admitting your kid is just part of that wide swath of average intelligence and limited talent. The problem is if you do not face that reality, you are setting your child up for colossal failure in adult life. The earlier you recognize your kid is not the next Elon Musk the earlier you can put him or her on a different track where they can be successful.
^dude obviously has no children.^

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