Zone1 Israel rejects two state solution

Who did the muslims seize control from during the arab conquest (after the death of muhammad) in the 7th century? How about the Persians, Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans?

Fuck the non-existing palestinians .. and if they didn't have Israel as an enemy, they'd just have conflict amongst themselves -- the reason no other arab country wants them.

Lie upon lie. Palestinians live all over the Arab world since 1948.

Read the Treaty of Omar.

They defeated the Byzantine empire.

Lie upon lie. Palestinians live all over the Arab world since 1948.

Read the Treaty of Omar.

They defeated the Byzantine empire.
Stop gas lighting history .. there have been many powers that ruled the area currently known as Israel before 1948 (which I already stated) -- Rome was one such super power from 63 BC - 313 AD ... ~2000 years prior to Israel being recognized as a sovereign nation. The Byzantine empire seized power in 313 AD and lost it in 7th century.
Stop gas lighting history .. there have been many powers that ruled the area currently known as Israel before 1948 (which I already stated) -- Rome was one such super power from 63 BC - 313 AD ... ~2000 years prior to Israel being recognized as a sovereign nation. The Byzantine empire seized power in 313 AD and lost it in 7th century.

That's what I have been saying. Israel has been controlled by Babylon, Egypt, Syria, Persia ,the Greeks, Romans and Turks.

You should pay attention.
No such thing. The British had no real right to Re-Name Judea. There never has been a "Palestine". All PLO are Chancres.

Shakespeare and Chaucer also wrote about Palestine. Don't you have any education?
Point being that even the ancient Greeks called it Syria-Palestine in 500 BC.
yes, but calling it something doesn't change reality. I can call the region I live in "North America" but that doesn't mean that North America is a distinct country, or nation. It is a place. So historical usage doesn't mean anything more than that it is a place name, not a country.
yes, but calling it something doesn't change reality. I can call the region I live in "North America" but that doesn't mean that North America is a distinct country, or nation. It is a place. So historical usage doesn't mean anything more than that it is a place name, not a country.

By 500 BC most Jews lived outside of Palestine. That's the reality. They lived in Rome, Aleppo, Alexandria, Baghdad, Damascus, Persia, Libya, Yemen, Turkey and all around the Mediterranean.

They weren't that attached to Canaan. By the 2nd century AD they were a minority in Palestine.

Killing Palestinians has to stop. It's savage... uncivilized.
Exiles and attacks will do that.

Killing Israelis has to stop. It's savage and uncivilized.

There's no proof that God gave Palestine to the Jews.. just their claim which is right up there with the allegorical myths about Eden, the flood and the Exodus. You've been killing Palestinians for 80 years. Has that worked out for you?
Need one state

One military. One people one hand united. All other solutions will inevitably lead to problems.

People of the Middle East could do what they want, but Israel is a Jewish theocracy. It is not a western style democracy. By its immigration law, they only accept Jews. In Israel a Jew cannot marry a non jew. Interfaith marriages have to be performed in turkey, Cyprus, or some other country. They do not allow it in Israel.

Some pro Israel people use BLM tactics, erupting and lashing out like brats with anyone who disagrees with them …. Other pro Israel people act with Dignity and honor.

In the United States we have a western style democracy. Equal rights for everybody. Interfaith marriage allowed. One country 50 states united. We do have left-wing and neocon problems presently …. but the history of the USA is one of western style democracy, Christian values, and beauty.

Not many Christians know, certainly not in the west where the media is censored on the issue of Palestine, that the first village that was destroyed in Palestine was a Christian village called Deir Yassin.

Over 240 Palestinian Christians were lined against the walls of their humble homes and shot dead in cold blood by the Jewish terrorist organisation called the Stern Gang headed by future Prime Minister and later Nobel Laureate, Menachem Begin. Their homes and churches were destroyed and to this day they lie in ruins as mute testimony that struck on that fateful day in 1948.
Last time the Israelis killed 1400 Gazans including 300 children.
And the Muslim savages DELIBERATELY tortured 1400 Israelis and 300 children (likely more, considering all teens at the music festival).

No comparison. Israel is trying to limit civilian deaths - made difficult because the monsters are using them as human shields - and the other side went house to house to find, burn, rape, decapitate, cut off body parts of living victims, and shoot guns up the vaginas of innocent Israelis.

Your Muslim upbringing is evident.
There's no proof that God gave Palestine to the Jews.. just their claim which is right up there with the allegorical myths about Eden, the flood and the Exodus. You've been killing Palestinians for 80 years. Has that worked out for you?
I doubt that Rosends killed even one Palestinian.
There's no proof that God gave Palestine to the Jews
I don't recall saying anything of the sort. You have a real weird habit of responding to things no one said.
You've been killing Palestinians for 80 years. Has that worked out for you?
Have I? And here I thought I lived in New Jersey. Did you have more inanities to spout in your hasbara?

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