Abortion and morality

Grins and chuckles all around when the semi-literate Ceci, so challenged with diction and syntax and mechanics, lectures others.

No, Ceci is not "quirky" at all. She is merely a jerk because she cannot competently, coherently argue her points.

Of course she is angry: at herself.
Obviously that is not true.

Is a blastocyst a person now?

Is there something in the definition of "blastocyst" that makes the two mutually exclusive, Noah Webster? It's always so cute when semi-literate twits start tossing around medical terminology they don't understand in the mistaken beliefs that 1) it makes them sound educated, and 2) it supports their arguments.

"Look, there's this whole other word! That must mean it's a whole other THING!"
Women voted 55% against our GOP.

That will not change until our stance on abortion changes.

Considering that about 1mm abortions occurred last year, Unkotare and Cecilie1200's opinions mattered nothing at all.

Considering that women voted 55% and single women 66% for Obama, U and C's opinions are going to matter even less in the future.

Unless those women get married...

There is no "our" about the GOP for you, asshole. Stop with the act.

And, a majority of married women voted for Romney.
Jake's a lefty pretending to be Republican so he can pull the party further to the left.

Just ignore him.
The Unkotares, if they will not change their anti-women stance on abortion and anti-Hispanic stance on immigration, are the past. We GOP do not want them.

ps: the fools are talking about dying a little at a time because the majority of married women voted against Obama when in fact women by 55% and unmarried by 66% voted against the GOP.
One of the largest problems with the proud ignorance - ie. stupidity - of modern liberals is the constant need to repeat the phrase "Correlation does not equal causation", because they're too goddamned uninformed and unpracticed in logical thought to know it any other way.

And if you don't understand what I just said, you just proved my point. Go look it up.

So you didn't like the proof I see..

And why are your posts always filled with so much hate? I don't think I have ever seen you post anything remotely friendly.

Riiiight. "There's no fucking proof here!" definitely translates to "I didn't like the proof" . . . if you're a liberal, educated in liberal public schools, who has to have three tries at it to read her own name.

Why are my posts filled with hate? I'm kinda quirky, in that I hate stupidity, and I hate even more when people who are pig-stupid proudly and arrogantly proclaim themselves to be otherwise, and I feel no compulsion to help those people feel good about themselves when I believe they really, REALLY shouldn't.

You are, however, incorrect (BIG surprise!) about whether or not I'm friendly. I'm very friendly . . . to people who are worthy of my friendship and respect. What you haven't seen is any friendly posts directed at YOU, because if you were on fire, I wouldn't consider you worthy of enough respect for me to piss on you to put you out. And, being a leftist, you naturally consider yourself the center of the universe, and therefore none of the posts that I direct to other people ever register on your consciousness. I'm not friendly to YOU, ergo I'm not friendly.

If you don't want me to hold you in contempt, try not to be such a contemptible person. I'm not a leftist, so I don't respond to demands for respect that isn't earned.

Like I said I have never seen you be friendly, which probably means I have never seen you be friendly to other people. And like I said before, I would rather be a dumb than be such a hateful person. Being smart will only take you so far, being a horrible person won't get you anywhere.
Try posting positive posts or just something not dripping with hate, you might feel better.
Cecilie1200 is one of the cruel girls of the world, and we all know the worth of that.
Abortion is anti-female, always has been.

I will never understand why leftists center their entire political position around defending my "right" to be used and discarded as nothing more than a walking vagina by asshole men I wouldn't want to have a relationship with, and then wonder why I'm not thrilled and grateful. :confused: How does that constitute "freedom from male oppression" again?
If you have a problem with males oppressing you, maybe you should become a lesbian and try female opppression, or stay away from the usual guys you pick up on. But, I doubt that many female posters here have the ability to have children anymore.
Cecilie1200 has failed then to follow the guidance given by Kevin Costner to women throughout the world in his memorial of Whitney Houston: "Women and girls, guard unreservedly that which is most precious to you." Women should never bestow their love on anyone who is unworthy of her feelings. Women cannot change men because they "feel" strongly about them. They need men to prove themselves worth of women. That is Cecilie1200 and koshergrl's and others major problem with life. They did and do not value themselves as highly as they should have.

If you have a problem with males oppressing you, maybe you should become a lesbian and try female opppression, or stay away from the usual guys you pick up on. But, I doubt that many female posters here have the ability to have children anymore.
If you have a problem with males oppressing you, maybe you should become a lesbian and try female opppression, or stay away from the usual guys you pick up on. But, I doubt that many female posters here have the ability to have children anymore.

NONE of the male posters here have EVER had the ability to bear children, but that doesn't stop them from running their gums, and producing some hilarious examples of "too stupid to understand the post I'm responding to" in the process.

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