A topic for objective conversation

OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.

OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father or a father that molests them. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.
More blacks grow up without a father in the household. You don't know that white fathers are emotionally distant or molest their children.
Actually I do know this distant or he abused them sexually.
Every white person you know? You either don't know many whites,
OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.

OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father or a father that molests them. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.
More blacks grow up without a father in the household. You don't know that white fathers are emotionally distant or molest their children.
Actually I do know this. Pretty much every white person I know has told me their father was emotionally distant or he abused them sexually.
I probably know more white people than you do, so either you are exaggerating, you don't know many whites, or you met them at a psych ward.
It's been proven that doctors don't treat black women the same, read not as nice as, white women.

For instance, they perceive/imagine, that they have a higher threshold for pain, and lots of other things that tend to lead to more complications, sometimes death.

Perception is reality, so if a doctor perceives things about you, and he/she is the one working on you, you're at their mercy.

That's the problem.

We have black doctors here ... Where do you live ... :dunno:

Is the entire staff and administration Black? If not then your comment doesnt change things.
Why should the entire administration be black? Are you wanting total separation of the races?
Why should the entire administration be white?
I didn't say it should. You are assuming it is.
Is the entire staff and administration Black? If not then your comment doesnt change things.

The poster said doctors ... That doesn't change their race ... At least not here.
If you want assume that every doctor of one race applies while any doctor of another race may not ... You're the problem ... :thup:

The babies don't have any use for your bigotry ... But I am sure you'll do your best to put it on them.

At birth, the white baby is more likely to be born into a 2 parent household, is more likely to be raised by better educated parents, is less likely to face discrimination because of the color of his/her skin. The white child is more likely to have more positive role models thru the formative years.

Those are just a few differences off the top of my head.

Please reread my post and answer the questions I asked AT THE POINT OF BIRTH. If it helps, you can assume that both babies are born into similar households with similar educations.

But at least you responded. It appears that no one else is willing to discuss this issue. Why is that?
This type of thinking is what causes bigotry to never die out
Please reread my post and answer the questions I asked AT THE POINT OF BIRTH. If it helps, you can assume that both babies are born into similar households with similar educations.

But at least you responded. It appears that no one else is willing to discuss this issue. Why is that?
If the children are born into similiar households, money, parents etc the disadvantage still begins prior to birth. The prejudices the medical staff carry can create a disadvantage for the Black child.
You are assuming all the medical staff is white?

Nope. I am assuming that there are more white people in policy making roles.

Racist medicine: a history of race and health | OUPblog
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
It's been proven that doctors don't treat black women the same, read not as nice as, white women.

For instance, they perceive/imagine, that they have a higher threshold for pain, and lots of other things that tend to lead to more complications, sometimes death.

Perception is reality, so if a doctor perceives things about you, and he/she is the one working on you, you're at their mercy.

That's the problem.

We have black doctors here ... Where do you live ... :dunno:

Is the entire staff and administration Black? If not then your comment doesnt change things.
Why should the entire administration be black? Are you wanting total separation of the races?
Why should the entire administration be white?
I didn't say it should. You are assuming it is.
I didnt assume anything. Cant you read? I asked was the entire staff was Black.
If the children are born into similiar households, money, parents etc the disadvantage still begins prior to birth. The prejudices the medical staff carry can create a disadvantage for the Black child.
You are assuming all the medical staff is white?

Nope. I am assuming that there are more white people in policy making roles.

Racist medicine: a history of race and health | OUPblog
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?
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You are assuming all the medical staff is white?

Nope. I am assuming that there are more white people in policy making roles.

Racist medicine: a history of race and health | OUPblog
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.
Nope. I am assuming that there are more white people in policy making roles.

Racist medicine: a history of race and health | OUPblog
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.
I'm a racist because I assume white people are racist when I first meet them? Its not like they dont have a long standing history of it or anything like that right?
Nope. I am assuming that there are more white people in policy making roles.

Racist medicine: a history of race and health | OUPblog
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.

He's no racist. You are though. You guys are always trying to substitute the word black for white. But you cannot substitute a pattern of 242 years of continuing racist behavior whites have established. Because of this long term behavior a lack of trust has been developed. You want to call blacks racists because we don't trust whites based on that long pattern of continuing behavior and that's crazy.
OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father or a father that molests them. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.

Lol, stupid. Hard for a black father to be more emotionally distant than not being there at all. And with there not being a father in the picture, there would be less chance that he would molest the child.
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.
I'm a racist because I assume white people are racist when I first meet them? Its not like they dont have a long standing history of it or anything like that right?

Right, just as black rappers have a long standing history of being rapist and drug dealers. Sometimes, when people have attitudes like that, it’s just better they don’t live together. I guess my conclusion is that racist people should only live and interact with their own kind.
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.

He's no racist. You are though. You guys are always trying to substitute the word black for white. But you cannot substitute a pattern of 242 years of continuing racist behavior whites have established. Because of this long term behavior a lack of trust has been developed. You want to call blacks racists because we don't trust whites based on that long pattern of continuing behavior and that's crazy.

He’s racist, and so are you. The difference is you’re too stupid to know your racist.
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.
I'm a racist because I assume white people are racist when I first meet them? Its not like they dont have a long standing history of it or anything like that right?
White people today dont have that history.
And you are assuming all white doctors are racist?
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.

He's no racist. You are though. You guys are always trying to substitute the word black for white. But you cannot substitute a pattern of 242 years of continuing racist behavior whites have established. Because of this long term behavior a lack of trust has been developed. You want to call blacks racists because we don't trust whites based on that long pattern of continuing behavior and that's crazy.
Whites today are not the whites from history. If there is a pattern of bad black behavior, should we distrust all blacks?
OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father or a father that molests them. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.

Lol, stupid. Hard for a black father to be more emotionally distant than not being there at all. And with there not being a father in the picture, there would be less chance that he would molest the child.
Its actually worse for an emotionally distant white father to be there than a father not being there at all. Thats why I said the white kid is better off with him gone. They can live a happy live not being sexually molested by their white father.
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.
I'm a racist because I assume white people are racist when I first meet them? Its not like they dont have a long standing history of it or anything like that right?
White people today dont have that history.
You must live under a rock if you really believe that.
Thats my standard assumption until they prove otherwise.

Dude, seriously. What if somebody assumed all black rappers were drug dealers and rapist until you prove otherwise? Big ole racist card you just played brother. Racist stereotypes can be black or white, as you just proved.
I dont typically care what other people assume. I let people do what they do as long as it doesnt affect me. My reasons for my assumptions are numerous and time tested. What kind of fool would I be if I walked around assuming every white person I met wasnt racist?

Your not a fool, you’re a racist. You are exactly what you detest.

He's no racist. You are though. You guys are always trying to substitute the word black for white. But you cannot substitute a pattern of 242 years of continuing racist behavior whites have established. Because of this long term behavior a lack of trust has been developed. You want to call blacks racists because we don't trust whites based on that long pattern of continuing behavior and that's crazy.
Whites today are not the whites from history. If there is a pattern of bad black behavior, should we distrust all blacks?
Whites today are taught by the whites from history. Each generation hands down the racist attitudes that bolster the current racism Blacks experience today at the hand of their descendants.
OK, here are the questions. (I am interested in problem identification and solution, not speeches.)

A White baby and a Black baby are born at the same time in the same hospital. AT THAT TIME, is it more likely that the White baby is "advantaged" and the Black baby "disadvantaged?"

1. If so, what what advantages and disadvantages are affecting these newborns?

2. If not, when and how do these advantages and disadvantages first appear?

3. Are there specific, demonstrated measures that will remove these disadvantages?

4. If so, what are they?

1. The white baby is likely to grow up with a father in his or her life. Most likely won’t be taught to blame others for failures, and is less likely to break the law or be shot to death by members of his or her own community.

2. Readily apparent.

3. No, they can only be removed by the child or the parents.

4. Also obvious.
White children are more likely to grow up with an emotionally distant father or a father that molests them. Probably better off without the white father being in the home.

Lol, stupid. Hard for a black father to be more emotionally distant than not being there at all. And with there not being a father in the picture, there would be less chance that he would molest the child.
Its actually worse for an emotionally distant white father to be there than a father not being there at all. Thats why I said the white kid is better off with him gone. They can live a happy live not being sexually molested by their white father.
Racist AND stupid is bad enough, but you also are stubbornly sticking to your racism and stupidity. Good luck with THAT!

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