A Major Hamas Victory


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
We have all just witnessed yet another example of Palestinian mentality. Over 3000 dead Palestinians & much of Gaza in ruins. "A major Hamas VICTORY!" And all Israel requested to prevent this was for Hamas to stop firing rocket missiles into Israel to kill Israeli's.
I'd be willing to bet that the Palestinians never fired a single rocket into Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if Israelis either made it up or fired the rockets themselves as a False Flag opportunity to take their blood lust out on Palestinian women and children.
I'd be willing to bet that the Palestinians never fired a single rocket into Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if Israelis either made it up or fired the rockets themselves as a False Flag opportunity to take their blood lust out on Palestinian women and children.

Are they treating you okay on the funny farm?
I'd be willing to bet that the Palestinians never fired a single rocket into Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if Israelis either made it up or fired the rockets themselves as a False Flag opportunity to take their blood lust out on Palestinian women and children.
I'm glad you brought that up! I have often harbored those suspicions myself. Those Israelis are tricky little critters.
We have all just witnessed yet another example of Palestinian mentality. Over 3000 dead Palestinians & much of Gaza in ruins. "A major Hamas VICTORY!"

Well, it is certainly a victory from the standpoint of creating more useful idiots out of dolts who lack any semblance of moral reasoning. More dead Palestinians because of Hamas means more support from the useful idiots for their goal of destroying Israel.

Good grief, this is an organization with genocide as its stated aim, promising to "kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees", yet the faithful just keep going on and on and on. It's more like a cult than it is politics, so thoroughly embraced has has anything to do with the mythical people called "Palestinian" among the illiberal left.

Can you just imagine how the same people would howl were the people of Alabama to elect a government that promised to kill Blacks until they hid behind rocks and trees or the people of Arizona vote in those who promised to kill Latinos? We'd never hear the end of it, but the fact that the targets are Jews makes it all o.k.

How truly sick and disgusting.
I'd be willing to bet that the Palestinians never fired a single rocket into Israel. I wouldn't be surprised if Israelis either made it up or fired the rockets themselves as a False Flag opportunity to take their blood lust out on Palestinian women and children.

One of the dumbest posts I've read in a while.

BTW, the ones with the lust for blood are the Islamic radicals in Gaza.
In fact, this scumbag even says how much he wants Jewish blood:
The Hamas freedom fighters and the Palestinian people were victorious in increasing global condemnation of fascist Israel and it's genocidal agenda.

As the years go by Israel is viewed more and more as a rogue state and an international pariah.

It took decades for apartheid S. Africa to be delegated into the trash bin of history.

Israel is on the same slow downward spiral into the toilet. .... :cool:
The Hamas freedom fighters and the Palestinian people were victorious in increasing global condemnation of fascist Israel and it's genocidal agenda.

As the years go by Israel is viewed more and more as a rogue state and an international pariah.

It took decades for apartheid S. Africa to be delegated into the trash bin of history.

Israel is on the same slow downward spiral into the toilet. .... :cool:

History is said to repeat itself, wonder if the King of Persia (oops Iran) will come to their rescue again!
Hehe you really think I give a damn if some Palestinian homes were demolished when they throw rocks on daily basis and kill Israelis? I couldn't care less.
Now crawl back to your crack, cockroach.
Not killed, but here's a start, asshole:

On March 14, 2013, Adva Biton was driving with her three daughters on her way home near Ariel. As she was driving, a Palestinian minor threw rocks at the truck in front of her car. The truck stopped suddenly and Adva did not have time to react. She collided directly with the truck. Adva’s five- and four-year-old daughters were lightly injured, but her three-year-old old daughter Adele was injured critically.

“All her joy, all her life was taken from her at the age of three,” Adva said during her testimony in court. Her baby remains in the hospital until today, and requires the constant presence of Adva or her husband. “I am not home anymore, I am not available for my three kids,” she said. “I’m supposed to be a mother but I live in Levenstein Hospital. My husband has not really been home in over 10 months. He doesn’t sleep at home at all. It’s like you have no family.”

The Deadly Reality of Palestinian Rock Throwing

Oh, but wait, read more of that article to see about how many have been killed.

Rather sad since so many children died and were disable, and for him to brag about how you won, unbelievable.

In the Yom Kippur interview, to appear in full on Friday, Gantz said that the campaign, dubbed Operation Protective Edge, succeeded in instilling "significant deterrence" that will ensure a long period of calm.
Gantz rejected criticism leveled against his and his army's conduct during the fighting, saying, "We won. Absolutely."
Hehe you really think I give a damn if some Palestinian homes were demolished when they throw rocks on daily basis and kill Israelis? I couldn't care less.
When was the last time a Jew was killed by a rock thrown by a Palestinian? ..... :cool:
The deaths of Asher and Yonatan Palmer occurred on 23 September 2011, when two Palestiniansthrew stones at a vehicle containing Asher, aged 24, and his infant son, Yonatan, causing Asher to lose control of the vehicle near the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. The car subsequently overturned, and killed both Asher and Yonatan. Initially thought to be an accident, Israel Police later concluded that the deaths were the result of a terrorist attack.[1][2][3]

Two Palestinians were arrested and admitted to perpetrating the attack. A third Palestinian who witnessed the attack and stole possessions from Asher's body was convicted of theft.

During that month of September, the IDF recorded 498 incidents of rocks being thrown.[4][5][6][7][8]

Deaths of Asher and Yonatan Palmer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Hehe you really think I give a damn if some Palestinian homes were demolished when they throw rocks on daily basis and kill Israelis? I couldn't care less.
Now crawl back to your crack, cockroach.

and you use them for sniper practice.

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