51 Hours Left to Live

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Jews walked into the ovens willingly. That's why.

That's a lie...

..God, you say some weird/disgusting/crappy shit....

"Jews arriving in trains at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka were falsely informed by the SS that they had come to a transit stop and would be moving on to their true destination after delousing. They were told their clothes were going to be disinfected and that they would all be taken to shower rooms for a good washing. Men were then split up from the women and children. Everyone was taken to undressing barracks and told to remove all of their clothing. Women and girls next had their hair cut off. First the men, and then the women and children, were hustled in the nude along a narrow fenced-in pathway nicknamed by the SS as the Himmelstrasse (road to Heaven). At the end of the path was a bathhouse with tiled shower rooms. As soon as the people were all crammed inside, the main door was slammed shut, creating an air-tight seal. Deadly carbon monoxide fumes were then fed in from a stationary diesel engine located outside the chamber.
At Auschwitz-Birkenau, new arrivals were told to carefully hang their clothing on numbered hooks in the undressing room and were instructed to remember the numbers for later. They were given a piece of soap and taken into the adjacent gas chamber disguised as a large shower room. In place of carbon monoxide, pellets of the commercial pesticide Zyklon-B (prussic acid) were poured into openings located above the chamber upon the cynical SS command - Na, gib ihnen shon zu fressen (All right, give 'em something to chew on). The gas pellets fell into hollow shafts made of perforated sheet metal and vaporized upon contact with air, giving off lethal cyanide fumes inside the chamber which oozed out at floor level then rose up toward the ceiling. Children died first since they were closer to the floor. Pandemonium usually erupted as the bitter almond-like odor of the gas spread upwards with adults climbing on top of each other forming a tangled heap of dead bodies all the way up to the ceiling.
At each of the death camps, special squads of Jewish slave laborers called Sonderkommandos were utilized to untangle the victims and remove them from the gas chamber. Next they extracted any gold fillings from teeth and searched body orifices for hidden valuables. The corpses were disposed of by various methods including mass burials, cremation in open fire pits or in specially designed crematory ovens such as those used at Auschwitz. All clothing, money, gold, jewelry, watches, eyeglasses and other valuables were sorted out then shipped back to Germany for re-use. Women's hair was sent to a firm in Bavaria for the manufacture of felt.
One extraordinary aspect of the journey to the death camps was that the Nazis often charged Jews deported from Western Europe train fare as third class passengers under the guise that they were being "resettled in the East." The SS also made new arrivals in the death camps sign picture postcards showing the fictional location "Waldsee" which were sent to relatives back home with the printed greeting: "We are doing very well here. We have work and we are well treated. We await your arrival."
In the ghettos of Poland, Jews were simply told they were being "transferred" to work camps. iMany went willingly, hoping to escape the brutal ghetto conditions. "

Look, they wrote letters saying they were great, so that means they weren't being coerced! Isn't that the argument?

The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: The Nazi Holocaust 1938-45

If you only knew how stupid you sound when you are wrong about well known historical events.

I once had a customer walk in my store wanting to sell me "some platinum." He said it was "quite a lot" and "did I pay cash?" I told him yes.

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a rag wrapped around what appeared to be 4 - 10oz bars of platinum. As I looked closer, I saw swastikas stamped into the bars, along with catalog numbers and German assayer's stamps. Being a collector, I immediately knew what they were. I wrapped them back up, handed them back to him, and told him that if he ever set foot in my store again I would put a bullet through his head, a pistol in his hand, and tell the Sheriff he threatened to shoot my employee.

As soon as he left, I called the FBI and passed along what we knew of the guy. Shortly thereafter, he disappeared. I am told by my agents that he is bored, but doing fine :)
I saw this thread on Facepunch and found it interesting, so now I'm sharing it. A man is going to commit suicide in 51 hours, well actually about 34 hours now, and he's online answering questions about his life, his disease, assisted suicide, and various other things, before he pulls the plug on himself.

The man, known as 'Lucidending' on Reddit is suffering from an incurable form of cancer and is in a lot of pain, and so he wants to just end his suffering now with dignity. He lives in Oregon, where it is legal to kill yourself under certain circumstances, and his doctor is setting things up so all he has to do is push a button and he'll be injected with drugs that will kill him.


I do live in Oregon and love the "Death with Dignity" law. It has been my understanding though, that two physicians have to agree that you have a terminal illness and will pass within six months ( in all probability ) and then the physician will write you a prescription for meds that will put you away without pain or discomfort. The physician cannot assist with the end of your life. The patient has to be able to take the pills and swallow them on their own and without assistance. That is what my physician told me 7 years ago...things may have changed.
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com

Do you have a link that's not from 1997 and not from someone who is Medical Director for the Foundation of Suicide Preventation?

From your link:


Medical Director, American

Foundation for Suicide Prevention

New York, June 13, 1997
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com

Do you have a link that's not from 1997 and not from someone who is Medical Director for the Foundation of Suicide Preventation?

From your link:


Medical Director, American

Foundation for Suicide Prevention

New York, June 13, 1997

What, no respect for the NYTimes?

1997 was when the ghastly news about the Netherlands miscarriage of *euthanasia* for all was discovered.
What, no respect for the NYTimes?

1997 was when the ghastly news about the Netherlands miscarriage of *euthanasia* for all was discovered.

It has nothing to do with respect. Never mind the fact it's not even an NYTimes article, it's an editorial with no links to any sort of evidence to back up what is being said.
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com


I thinks that your post was intended for netherlandsmessageboard.com
Toward that end, she has purchased a cemetery plot and buried her children there, one on each side of her own awaiting grave. Rather than treat her and attempt to overcome her suicidal ideation, the psychiatrist interviews your sister four times over five weeks and then does the dark deed as requested because, in Albom's words, he believes that suffering people "know what is best for them." Not only would you consider the psychiatrist to have profoundly abandoned and betrayed your sister but you would probably sue him for malpractice!
That would not sit well with the Dutch Supreme Court. You see, these were the exact facts in the killing of a grieving mother named Hilly Boscher, euthanized in 1991 by her Dutch psychiatrist. Rather than punish the psychiatrist for facilitating the death instead of trying to save the life of his suicidal patient, the Dutch Supreme Court essentially applauded his actions, ruling that there is no difference between physical and emotional suffering when justifying euthanasia.
This case is not an anomaly. The "merciful" Dutch euthanasia system is rife with such documented stories of people discarded rather than compassionately being cared for during their darkest hour. For example, there was the young woman in remission from anorexia nervosa depicted in a Dutch pro-euthanasia documentary shown in the United States on PBS. She was so worried about returning to food abuse that she asked her doctor to kill her. On screen, she tells the doctor, "I've thought about dying day and night, and I know that if relief [death] does not come, I will return to the old pattern of self punishment, hurting myself. I know it. I feel it and therefore I hope the release will come soon and I die."

Here is the heart of the problem: transforming killing from a terrible wrong into a legal right opens wide the gate to an ever-expanding culture of death. Indeed, the Dutch experience proves that once killing is defined as an acceptable solution for one cause of suffering, it is soon viewed as the answer to 100 more. Thus, since 1973, when euthanasia was decriminalized in the Netherlands (doctors would not be prosecuted so long as they followed the "guidelines"), Dutch physicians took their country right down the slippery slope from killing terminally ill people who ask for it, to killing chronically ill people who ask for it, to killing disabled people who ask for it, to killing depressed people (as illustrated by the cases recited above) who ask for it."

It gets worse. Each year Dutch doctors kill babies born with birth anomalies - - acts that the American bioethicist Joseph Fletcher once approvingly labeled "post birth abortion." Nor is infanticide a rare occurrence in the Netherlands.
According to a 1997 study published in The Lancet, a British medical journal, approximately 8% of all infants who die in the Netherlands are killed by doctors - - about 80 per year. According to the study, 45% of neonatologists and 31% of pediatricians who answered the authors' survey questionnaires have killed infants.
Apologists for Dutch infanticide claim that parental consent is sufficient to justify these acts of premeditated killing. But unless babies are mere chattel, parents have no more right to consent to the murder of their children than doctors have to do the deed on their own initiative.
Nor is involuntary euthanasia in the Netherlands limited to infants. Study after study of the Dutch medical killing regimen report that Dutch doctors kill more than 1,000 patients each year who have not asked to be killed. Such involuntary euthanasia deaths aren't even labeled "euthanasia" by Dutch medical statisticians. Rather, they are known as "termination without request or consent."

Euthanasia advocates believe they are doing people like me a favor. They are not. The negative emotions toward the terminally ill and disabled generated by their advocacy is actually at the expense of the "dying" and their family and friends, who often feel disheartened and without self assurance because of a false picture of what it is like to die created by these enthusiasts who prey on the misinformed.
What we, the terminally ill, need is exactly the opposite--to realize how important our lives are. And our loved ones, friends, and indeed, society need to help us feel that we are loved and appreciated unconditionally. Instead, reporting in the media too often makes us feel like token presences; burdens who are better off dead. E
We are not people just waiting for someone to help us end our misery, but to the contrary, we are people reaching out to love--to be loved--wanting to feel life at its best. E In my view, the pro-euthanasia followers' posture is a great threat to the foundation on which all life is based', and that is hope. I
Dutch Euthanasia: The Dream And The Nightmare | National Right to Life News | Find Articles at BNET
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com


I thinks that your post was intended for netherlandsmessageboard.com

Whoops, logical fallacy.
Elder abuse is horrific and on the rise. Perpetrators of the abuse include hired caregivers, neighbors, and family members. In my experience, the motive is usually financial gain. This was true in the case of one of my patients, where a much younger man obtained financial control (became the payee for Social Security and retirement benefits) by taking advantage of an elderly woman's loneliness and dementia. He feigned romantic interest in her, flattering her to the point she became isolated as she took his side against her family members. She became isolated and totally dependent on him. After many months, Adult Protective Services was able to provide a guardian. This same motive of greed could lead to coerced assisted suicide if there was anticipated financial gain, and death could occur quickly if assisted suicide was legal - before protection could be put in place."

Assisted suicide: Support Hinkle bill, prevent elder abuse
I find it sort of creepy that Luser is a care giver and she promotes killing off her clients. I wonder if her client that was found in shit ever said he wanted to die, or if Luser just thinks that he should be put down?
"The Remmelink Report opened the eyes of both the people of the Netherlands and the world to the extent of the practice of euthanasia in Holland. Remmelink found that 49,000 of the 130,000 deaths in the Netherlands each year were not natural but involved a "medical decision at the end of life" or MDEL. 95% of these MDEL cases involve, in equal numbers, either withholding treatment/discontinuing life support or the alleviation of pain and symptoms through medication that might hasten death. This latter (alleviating pain and symptoms) category accounted for approx. 20,000 deaths that had been hastened by a physicians decision. Actual euthanasia, using the official Dutch definition, occurred in 2,300 cases or 2% of all Dutch deaths. Dutch physicians helped 400 patients who requested suicide, for either mental illness or discomfort, to kill themselves in 1990. The alarming statistics of the Remmelink Report indicate that in thousands of cases decisions that might or were intended to end a fully competent patient's life were made without consulting the patient.

Over 50% of Dutch physicians admitted to practicing euthanasia, most often on cancer patients. Only 60% kept written records of their euthanasia practice and only 29% filled out death certificates honestly in euthanasia cases. In 1996 a second report on euthanasia in Holland (for 1995) was published. In the interim the number of cases where a doctor had made a decision with the intention to hasten death without the patients express request had risen from 15% to almost 20% of the total annual mortality rate of the Netherlands. At the same time, the number of cases of euthanasia, using the narrow Dutch definition, rose from 2,300 to over 3000, a 30% increase in just 5 years. "

Euthanasia in the Netherlands
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com

Do you have a link that's not from 1997 and not from someone who is Medical Director for the Foundation of Suicide Preventation?

From your link:


Medical Director, American

Foundation for Suicide Prevention

New York, June 13, 1997

Are you denying it happened, grasshopper? Or just blowing smoke?

And since the facts of the study became known in 1997, that's going to be the date of a lot of the stories.

This is Kevorkian's death van.


And the prototype.

So you are saying that he took his patents in those vehicles and assisted them in ending there lives there ?

According to the annual report published by the five regional euthanasia monitoring committees, ten cases of assisted suicide in 2008 were found not to have followed official guidelines and have been referred to the Public Prosecution Office and Health Inspectorate for their comments. No decisions have been announced so far.
However, in May 2009 a leading advocate of euthanasia was charged with illegally aiding in assisted suicide, drawing attention to the complexities of the law. A court in the eastern town of Almelo convicted the chairman of the Stichting Vrijwillig Leven (Voluntary Life Foundation or SVL) for assisting in the suicide of an 80-year-old Parkinson’s patient.
In the 29 May verdict, the court found Gerard Schellekens guilty of knowingly violating the laws regarding assisted suicide. “The criminal law should protect people against possible bad intentions or carelessness of others,” said the court. Schellekens was sentenced to imprisonment of ten months, with eight months imposed probation and two months jail time. SVL also faced condemnation by the court, receiving a penalty fine of 25,000 euros. Both parties are currently appealing.
Guidelines themselves, as the experience of the Netherlands demonstrates, create a sanction that encourages abuse.
Official Dutch studies reveal that about a quarter of doctors in the country admit to having ended the lives of patients without their consent -- despite guidelines insisting that such acts must be voluntary.
In spite of directives that all cases of euthanasia must be reported to the local coroner, doctors have failed to do so 60 percent of the time -- making regulation impossible."

Assisted-Suicide Guidelines Encourage Abuse - Letter - NYTimes.com


I thinks that your post was intended for netherlandsmessageboard.com

Whoops, logical fallacy.

Why are you bringing up euthanasia in Holland?

Why don't we have a discussion about gays being persecuted in the US and cite the new laws in Africa which allows for their execution?
Eduard Verhagen, one of the doctors who set up what is now known as the Groningen Protocol, explains what it is really about.
"Discontinuation of care is acceptable for newborns in specific cases all over the world. In most cases children die subsequently. However there is a very small group - and this is the group that we are focussing on - that remains alive if you discontinue the care," says Eduard Verhagen, paediatrician at the Groningen University Medical Centre.
According to a national survey this group consists of 15 to 20 of the 200,000 children born in the Netherlands per year."

Euthanasia in newborns: murder or care? - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - English


In one case, a group of doctors is campaigning in support of a colleague who is appealing against a murder conviction for helping a comatose patient to die without a request for euthanasia.
They doctors claim the case is not about mercy killing but medical ethics. The Netherlands Voluntary Euthanasia Society is also debating whether elderly people should be prescribed a suicide pill to be able to end their own lives when they feel the time is right."

"Italy's Parliamentary Affairs minister, Carlo Giovanardi, said during a radio debate: "Nazi legislation and Hitler's ideas are reemerging in Europe via Dutch euthanasia laws and the debate on how to kill ill children."
Unsurprisingly, the Dutch, ever prickly about international criticism of their peculiar institution, were outraged. Giovanardi's critique cut so deeply that even Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende felt the need to respond, sniffing, "This [Giovanardi's assertion] is scandalous and unacceptable. This is not the way to get along in Europe."
As is often the case in the New Europe, what is said matters more than what is done. Thus, the prime minister of the Netherlands thinks that killing babies because they are born with terminal or seriously disabling conditions is not a scandal, but daring to point out accurately that German doctors did the same during World War II, is."

Killing Babies, Compassionately | The Weekly Standard

BBC News | EUROPE | Dutch legalise euthanasia
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