Your Clinton Email stupidity should only be even read IF you responded to this.

This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789
What Powell does NOT say in the attachment you posted is:

"I advised Hillary Clinton to use multiple illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted servers and devices, filled with emails and documents of multiple levels of classifications - to include what the WH called so classified it could not be released in any format because it could cause GRAVE DANGER to our Natl Security.

I did NOT advise Hillary to allow an IT company that did not have the proper / required security clearances to have/store/maintain those servers in their bathroom.

I did NOT advise Hillary to illegally have in her possession classified material AFTER she left the State House, as doing so was/is ILLEGAL - she was supposed to turn over all classified and have no more access to any.

I did NOT advise Hillary to hide work-related documents from the State Department, such as the 'thousands' the FBI found on her servers, meaning she violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - CRIMES!

I did not advise Hillary to lie under oath about all of this or to continue to lie about this...

...all of which Hillary did."

And is it is a sad, racist, sexist commentary that Hillary tried to throw a black man (Powell) and a black woman (Rice) under the bus in an attempt to save her own ass from her own scandals she created!
Other then you bullshit Lies she did nothing Illegal, prove me wrong , your whole comment is your opinions , bull shit opinion at that, You poor suckers ,it's like I took your toy truck away from you. She was advised to use her own server by Powell and at the time it was general knowledge and if any of you brain dead come on here with your bullshit but didn't go after Powell when he did it, What you say means zip, nada , nothing. Just more regressive lies.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.
Why would I even care it this point ,Powell did the same thing and if you didn't attack him when he did it , what you say now is worth nothing.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.
Why would I even care it this point ,Powell did the same thing and if you didn't attack him when he did it , what you say now is worth nothing.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, jbander....

...1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fact-Check sites.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789
What Powell does NOT say in the attachment you posted is:

"I advised Hillary Clinton to use multiple illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted servers and devices, filled with emails and documents of multiple levels of classifications - to include what the WH called so classified it could not be released in any format because it could cause GRAVE DANGER to our Natl Security.

I did NOT advise Hillary to allow an IT company that did not have the proper / required security clearances to have/store/maintain those servers in their bathroom.

I did NOT advise Hillary to illegally have in her possession classified material AFTER she left the State House, as doing so was/is ILLEGAL - she was supposed to turn over all classified and have no more access to any.

I did NOT advise Hillary to hide work-related documents from the State Department, such as the 'thousands' the FBI found on her servers, meaning she violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - CRIMES!

I did not advise Hillary to lie under oath about all of this or to continue to lie about this...

...all of which Hillary did."

And is it is a sad, racist, sexist commentary that Hillary tried to throw a black man (Powell) and a black woman (Rice) under the bus in an attempt to save her own ass from her own scandals she created!
Other then you bullshit Lies she did nothing Illegal, prove me wrong , your whole comment is your opinions , bull shit opinion at that, You poor suckers ,it's like I took your toy truck away from you. She was advised to use her own server by Powell and at the time it was general knowledge and if any of you brain dead come on here with your bullshit but didn't go after Powell when he did it, What you say means zip, nada , nothing. Just more regressive lies.
1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fact-Check sites.
So now that it was revealed Powell lied about not discussing it with Clinton, are you Cliinton-haters going to apologize for lying openly about Clinton? She's been honest about everything, while you Clinton-hating sacks of rancid shit have been caught lying about everything.

We know, you won't apologize. Trump fans believe the baby Jesus has given them a free pass to tell any lie. That's the biggest reason why the entire Trump movement needs to be squashed like the immoral cockroaches that they are.

Easy, doesn't it concern you in the least that you're going to burn in hell for eternity over this?
No, Mammogram, especially since I posted the direct link to Comey's testimony in which he declares / exposes how Hillary lied multiple times and broke the law.

How willful idiot liberals can see and ignore such direct evidence, Comey's own transcripted testimony, is amazing .

Does it bother me that you crazy bastards ignore reality, that you are repeating the same LIES that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINICCHIOS' from 3 seperate Fact-Check Sites? Not at all - knock yourselves out.
Wait you said that he never sent any confidential or classified information...and now you're saying you don't have evidence and now you're begging me for it? Lmao

What the hell are you smoking? I don't need to prove he is innocent of something he hasn't been accused of. He could have been a secret spy for the Russians... I don't fucking know... I don't have to prove he wasn't! Donald Rumsfeld might be a reptilian... I don't have to prove he's not! You might be an alien from another planet... I don't have to prove you're not! We don't just assume something must be true because no one can prove it's not.... that's just fucking MENTAL!

Seek help dude!


You don't have evidence that that's you saying it is a made up lie.

Still confused dumbass? Well its like me telling you Jesus' shoes are blue. You'd ask how do I know, right? Get it now dummy?

Yiu didn't say Powell might not have sent classified said he DID NOT send any classified info. How you know fool?
CC, Hillary and you Libs accused Powell of sending/receiving classified using personal email and servers like Hillary did. The burden of proof, you flaming liberal jackass, is on the accuser. I have repratedly asked you and your fellow lying jackasses for that proof.

The only thing you have done is come back with opinion and personal attacks.

So again - put up or STFU!

You want proof Powell DIDN'T do so. No problem - here is a list of classified Powell sent / received:

Ok, since I just proved you wrong, again, the burden of proof that he did so is on his accusers. AGAIN, produce it or STFU.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
You must be best buds with Hillary for her to have told you all that. :p

I read it in the FBI report.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
You must be best buds with Hillary for her to have told you all that. :p

I read it in the FBI report.
Even if true, again, the law is not suspended / ignored becauae she was / is stupid.

Again, Hillary testified she only used 1 device - it was proven she used 13. Are you saying she is so ignorant she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13? :p. SHE LIED UNDER OATH - PERJURY!
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.
It's like I've taken all their toys away from these regressives, Showing the Email Powell sent to Hillary , he also told her in front of a packed room that having her own server was a must and went into great detail why and told of his own experiences doing this. , So they are attacking me and the e-mail, frothing at the mouth because I have simply proved what is general knowledge , that most of the things these poor suckers, hang their hat on, is simply bull shit. Ask them to prove that Hillary did something illegal. I mean anything. You get this list of Lies and goof ball shit. Like their simple minded opinion should be believed as proving something.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Blame it on the Black guy
There is no blame anywhere, neither did a dam thing wrong. Its this simple minded blind Hypocrisy of the right that the joke.
We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not..
Comey did say she lied.

- Hillary said she used 1 (ONE) device / Comey: 'NO, she used multiple'...which we now know was about 13 (THIRTEEN) separate devices. Are you saying Hillary Clinton can't tell the difference between 1 and 13?


You SEEM to think that Hillary actually did not know that hiding THOUSANDS of work-related e-mails rather than turning them in as the law demanded was a crime.
--- Sorry, but we already have a President who can't tell what is a crime and what isn't. We don't need another.

You SEEM to think if brain damaged Hillary believes hiding thousands of work-related documents instead of turning them in as the law required is ok then there was never any law broken.
-- THAT IS A LIE. SHE BROKE THE LAW, whether she thought she did or not! Ignorance, as they say, is no excuse for breaking the law. The law still applies...unless it is to Hillary / Liberals. After all, Obama declared he was not allowing charges to be pressed against Castro and Reid because 'they were sorry'!

Hey stupid thats the whole point , what you say is bullshit unless you went after Powell for doing the exact same thing. Ding dong, You show me where the hell The FBI head said that she lied. Everything that comes out of your people mouth is twisted hate driven bull shit. And you want to build our country around your hatred of everything from gays to Muslims. You are basically simply evil and this country has to be protected d from you Nazi Haters.
And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
You must be best buds with Hillary for her to have told you all that. :p

I read it in the FBI report.
Even if true, again, the law is not suspended / ignored becauae she was / is stupid.

Again, Hillary testified she only used 1 device - it was proven she used 13. Are you saying she is so ignorant she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13? :p. SHE LIED UNDER OATH - PERJURY!
She used one server stupid.
The Colin Powell excuse is the lamest of all excuses you people have for Clinton. He did not conduct official State Department business and handle classified material on his own private unsecured server. That did not happen. That has never happened because it's against the law. It violates a number of laws, as a matter of fact. The issue is NOT Hillary having a personal email account... just like the issue with her husband wasn't extramarital oral sex with an intern.

No, he had an AOL account when he was in State. It wasn't against the law at the time, and he deleted all the emails.

AGAIN.... The issue has never been whether or not she could have a personal email account. It wasn't against the law at the time and it's still not against the law.
Ya I know it's about all this make believe bullshit that FOX and Rush puts in your simple mind and you make it gospel , when in actuality your just simply full of shit.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

So? The National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office. The Inspector General's report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email.

Just a reminder...Colin Powell retired from being Secretary of State in January, 2005. He wasn't bound by those rules and indeed, may have been unaware of them. She's responsible for her decisions.
Try as you will you make believe bullshitter can't take this any where, Powell saved non of his Emails at all.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

So? The National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office. The Inspector General's report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email.

Just a reminder...Colin Powell retired from being Secretary of State in January, 2005. He wasn't bound by those rules and indeed, may have been unaware of them. She's responsible for her decisions.

He wasn't unaware. He stated clearly he was using a personal account to skirt the Federal Records Laws.

POWELL: I didn't have a BlackBerry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.
However, there is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law. Reading about the President's BB rules this morning, it sounds like it won't be as useful as it used to be. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.
Love, Colin."
You know even when these bull shit regressives can get their point across with the truth , hell they still lie to try to make it worse. They have nothing and we have proved it, and the FBI decided the same as we did. The regressives here are stomping their feet and holding their breath till we see it the way they want us to see it. Non stop bull shit.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

So? The National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office. The Inspector General's report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email.

Just a reminder...Colin Powell retired from being Secretary of State in January, 2005. He wasn't bound by those rules and indeed, may have been unaware of them. She's responsible for her decisions.

He wasn't unaware. He stated clearly he was using a personal account to skirt the Federal Records Laws.

POWELL: I didn't have a BlackBerry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.
However, there is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law. Reading about the President's BB rules this morning, it sounds like it won't be as useful as it used to be. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.
Love, Colin."

Point is, he wasn't bound by the rules that Hillary WAS bound by and she willfully chose to ignore those rules. Meaning, pointing at Powell does NOT work as an excuse and Hillarybots who want to claim she's being unfairly treated are utterly and completely wrong.
There is no way you can twist this to make people who have a brain to think your way. She did nothing wrong, other then not knowing or by accident. She is and was 100% human so she did nothing more than anyone else in their life has done. Give up you lost. Your a looser.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

What was general knowledge? That email wasnt general knowledege. If powell try to circumvent the rules then fuck him too. He didnt go as far as hildebeast to circumvent the rules, but again, fuck him too.
"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
You must be best buds with Hillary for her to have told you all that. :p

I read it in the FBI report.
Even if true, again, the law is not suspended / ignored becauae she was / is stupid.

Again, Hillary testified she only used 1 device - it was proven she used 13. Are you saying she is so ignorant she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13? :p. SHE LIED UNDER OATH - PERJURY!
She used one server stupid.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

"Secretary Clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the State Department, and used numerous mobile devices to view and send e-mail on that personal domain. As new servers and equipment were employed, older servers were taken out of service, stored, and decommissioned in various ways."

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