Your Clinton Email stupidity should only be even read IF you responded to this.

This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

So? The National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office. The Inspector General's report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email.

Just a reminder...Colin Powell retired from being Secretary of State in January, 2005. He wasn't bound by those rules and indeed, may have been unaware of them. She's responsible for her decisions.

He wasn't unaware. He stated clearly he was using a personal account to skirt the Federal Records Laws.

POWELL: I didn't have a BlackBerry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.
However, there is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law. Reading about the President's BB rules this morning, it sounds like it won't be as useful as it used to be. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.
Love, Colin."

How is it skirting the law if he sent no confidential info through his personal email account?
Federal Records Act. Look it up.

(and yes, classified information was in his emails. but that's beside the point on the FRA laws.)

How about you post up some links.
He did not conduct official State Department business and handle classified material on his own private unsecured server. That did not happen.

really? Well a thorough review of his emails ought to show thats true....wait....What? You dont have those emails because he deleted them?

Well geez, how do you know what he did with his emails after looking over exactly ZERO emails?

Well, if you have some evidence to bring, then you can subpoena his hard drive and have the FBI attempt to recover something... but you have no such evidence. He never claimed he used personal email for official State Department business or had a personal server in his home. He wasn't ever asked about this under oath or lie to Congress about it.

Wait you said that he never sent any confidential or classified information...and now you're saying you don't have evidence and now you're begging me for it? Lmao
Wait you said that he never sent any confidential or classified information...and now you're saying you don't have evidence and now you're begging me for it? Lmao

What the hell are you smoking? I don't need to prove he is innocent of something he hasn't been accused of. He could have been a secret spy for the Russians... I don't fucking know... I don't have to prove he wasn't! Donald Rumsfeld might be a reptilian... I don't have to prove he's not! You might be an alien from another planet... I don't have to prove you're not! We don't just assume something must be true because no one can prove it's not.... that's just fucking MENTAL!

Seek help dude!
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

So? The National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office. The Inspector General's report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email.

Just a reminder...Colin Powell retired from being Secretary of State in January, 2005. He wasn't bound by those rules and indeed, may have been unaware of them. She's responsible for her decisions.

He wasn't unaware. He stated clearly he was using a personal account to skirt the Federal Records Laws.

POWELL: I didn't have a BlackBerry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.
However, there is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law. Reading about the President's BB rules this morning, it sounds like it won't be as useful as it used to be. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.
Love, Colin."

How is it skirting the law if he sent no confidential info through his personal email account?
Federal Records Act. Look it up.

(and yes, classified information was in his emails. but that's beside the point on the FRA laws.)

Making it OBVIOUS that Clinton was guilty, right?
Two wrongs don't make a right. But if you attack Clinton for a practice which preceded her, and have given her predecessor a pass, then you are a hypocrite.

I never heard a single pseudocon call for an investigation into, much less the jailing of, Colin Powell after he released his book in 2012.

Not a peep on this forum. Not a peep out of Hannity or Rush or O'Reilly or Coulter or any of the hack propaganda sites.

I have no problem with Powell being investigate, prosecuted and convicted if he violated the law that was in place when he was Secretary of State prior to 2005. I also want Clinton prosecuted and convicted for violating the law that was in place when she was Secretary of State. Can you say the same?
Two wrongs don't make a right. But if you attack Clinton for a practice which preceded her, and have given her predecessor a pass, then you are a hypocrite.

I never heard a single pseudocon call for an investigation into, much less the jailing of, Colin Powell after he released his book in 2012.

Not a peep on this forum. Not a peep out of Hannity or Rush or O'Reilly or Coulter or any of the hack propaganda sites.

Is it possible the laws and rules were changed after Powell retired as Secretary of State? Perhaps they changed in 2005...the Inspector General said they were, in fact.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
Two wrongs don't make a right. But if you attack Clinton for a practice which preceded her, and have given her predecessor a pass, then you are a hypocrite.

I never heard a single pseudocon call for an investigation into, much less the jailing of, Colin Powell after he released his book in 2012.

Not a peep on this forum. Not a peep out of Hannity or Rush or O'Reilly or Coulter or any of the hack propaganda sites.

Is it possible the laws and rules were changed after Powell retired as Secretary of State? Perhaps they changed in 2005...the Inspector General said they were, in fact.

The laws and the rules changed after CLINTON retired as Secretary of State.
The question is who did Clinton answer to? Her contemporaries or the President? I don't see where Powell instructed her to break the law. That was her own dumb ass decision.

Except she didn't break the law. That's been settled.


Comey: Clinton Mishandled Classified Information but Did Not Break the Law
"We went at this very hard to see if we could make a case," but "my judgment is that she did not" break the law, Comey told the House panel.

According to Comey, there are two things that matter in a criminal investigation like this: Did the person being investigated mishandle classified information, and did the person know that what he or she was doing was illegal? "It takes mishandling it and criminal intent," he said.

In Clinton's case, the FBI did not find evidence "sufficient to establish" that she knew she was receiving or sending classified information and that it was against the law, Comey said.

"I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent," he insisted. "'Should have known,' 'must have known,' 'had to know' does not get you there. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they knew they were engaged in something that was unlawful."

Comey said he knows that "frustrates people, but that's the way the law is, and that's the way the practice is in the Department of Justice."

He said that as many as 20 agents, investigators, analysts and others within the FBI were assigned to the case and that they unanimously agreed charges were not warranted.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe

You understand Comey is not a judge, right?

Only a court can determine if she did, or did not break a law.

You understand it's over, right?

That's an odd response
The Colin Powell excuse is the lamest of all excuses you people have for Clinton. He did not conduct official State Department business and handle classified material on his own private unsecured server. That did not happen. That has never happened because it's against the law. It violates a number of laws, as a matter of fact. The issue is NOT Hillary having a personal email account... just like the issue with her husband wasn't extramarital oral sex with an intern.

Plus the guy is an Obama loving turn coat.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers tosdo, and what she believed to be true.
The lawyers were not authorized to handle any of her classified mail. That's a Federal Offense. Hillary is the responsible party no matter who did what. She must take the fall.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
Yeah right.
"Please turn over all my work related emails."
Wink wink.
The Colin Powell excuse is the lamest of all excuses you people have for Clinton. He did not conduct official State Department business and handle classified material on his own private unsecured server. That did not happen. That has never happened because it's against the law. It violates a number of laws, as a matter of fact. The issue is NOT Hillary having a personal email account... just like the issue with her husband wasn't extramarital oral sex with an intern.
You half wit read his Email, Clinton did nothing that Powell hadn't done, in fact almost all through Government has done it because of Obvious reason but your lie as of now is dead dead dead, sorry buddy. , kind of put a chink in your hate armor doesn't it. You party wouldn't exist without lies and distortions.
the email i seen from powell to clinton

said he didnt use data capturing devices ( no email)

and warned her that her blackberry would be "subject to the law"

which she ignored
Sure from Fox Crap news you saw it. It's easy to follow this up if you can possible get around your bullshit you live by.
Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News

1. Clinton claimed that nothing she sent or received was marked classified. - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "That’s not true. … There was classified material emailed.”

2. Clinton claimed she used one device - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: “She used multiple devices.”

3. Clinton claimed she turned over all work-related emails - "Is THIS true?"
- LIE!
COMEY: "No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned.”

*** Refusal / Failure to turn in all work-related documents is a CRIME, a direct violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act!

*** Perjury is also a CRIME.

Hillary repeatedly denied Comey said this (as have USMB Libs), for which she received 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 separate Fac6t-Check sites.

And yet Comey stated point blank that Hillary Clinton DID NOT LIE to the FBI.

We've been through this before, Gowdy's questions were framed in such a way to make it appear that Comey was saying she lied. What Hillary believed to be true, was not. She didn't delete any emails, she ordered her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all documents, she trusted that they did.

Weasel questions, but Comey was clear: Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.

"that's not true" = true? Hmmkay

What it means it that what Clinton believed to be true, was not in fact true. She instructed her lawyers to comply with the order to turn over all work-related emails. She believed they did, and told the FBI they did. But in fact, her lawyers didn't turn over all work-related emails. So no she didn't lie when she said she turned over the emails because it's what she told her lawyers to do, and what she believed to be true.
You must be best buds with Hillary for her to have told you all that. :p
The Colin Powell excuse is the lamest of all excuses you people have for Clinton. He did not conduct official State Department business and handle classified material on his own private unsecured server. That did not happen. That has never happened because it's against the law. It violates a number of laws, as a matter of fact. The issue is NOT Hillary having a personal email account... just like the issue with her husband wasn't extramarital oral sex with an intern.
The OP should have just stated, "Hillary is innocent no matter what anyone says."

The question is who did Clinton answer to? Her contemporaries or the President? I don't see where Powell instructed her to break the law. That was her own dumb ass decision.
See thats what I mean your a fucking liar and you think your speaking the truth. She did nothing illegal. Prove me wrong you bull shitter. But I'm not interested at all in you fucking hate driven brain dead opinion.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

You understand she was married to an ex President, right? For what damn reason would she need to reach out to anyone else for that kind of advise???????????????
Sorry buddy all you blind liars loose, don't believe me prove me wrong, again you can keep your stupid opinions to your self.
The question is who did Clinton answer to? Her contemporaries or the President? I don't see where Powell instructed her to break the law. That was her own dumb ass decision.
See thats what I mean your a fucking liar and you think your speaking the truth. She did nothing illegal. Prove me wrong you bull shitter. But I'm not interested at all in you fucking hate driven brain dead opinion.
You are way out of line, rookie sock.

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