Your Clinton Email stupidity should only be even read IF you responded to this.

Actually this doesn't make me that happy , My hero from the Iraq war Powell , ends up being just another piece of shit like all the rest of the regressives.
Actually this doesn't make me that happy , My hero from the Iraq war Powell , ends up being just another piece of shit like all the rest of the regressives.

The only piece of shit here is you. You make claims, then can't back them up. So now you're mad at Powell too. Go cry me a river. Learn how to back up your shit before you bother saying it, and you won't have to look like a damned fool. :lol: You couldn't even take me up on my little offer. You can't come up with a single quote to back up your nonsense. But you sure as hell know how to throw a temper tantrum.
No, Mammogram, especially since I posted the direct link to Comey's testimony in which he declares / exposes how Hillary lied multiple times and broke the law.

How willful idiot liberals can see and ignore such direct evidence, Comey's own transcripted testimony, is amazing .

Does it bother me that you crazy bastards ignore reality, that you are repeating the same LIES that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINICCHIOS' from 3 seperate Fact-Check Sites? Not at all - knock yourselves out.

We've discussed Comey's testimony before. In his testimony, Comey made a huge point of NOT saying that Hillary Clinton lied. He made a clear point of saying that what she said wasn't true, but he never once said she lied. The written report goes further, pointing out the things that Hillary mistakenly believed and why she believed them to be so.

Colin Powell initially denied having provided Clinton with advice about her email before she took office, but there it is in her emails - one year before he claimed to have first spoken to her about it. Suggesting she avoid having to turn over emails by using the method he used.

Everything Hillary said about her emails is now proving to be true. Imagine that.

That's why the smart money has moved on to Clinton Foundation Scandal and the upcoming IRS Investigation, brought to us by the Koch's Foundation and Judicial Watch, and of course, paid for by the American Taxpayers.
You didn't answer my question - Hillary testified she only used 1 device. She used 13! So are you are saying she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13?

Of course she does - admit it...SHE LIED! UNDER OATH...AND THAT IS PERJURY!
Sorry Guys everywhere you turn, it makes what you say more and more bullshit

Colin Powell DID teach Hillary Clinton how to use private servers and personal email to 'do business with foreign leaders' without State Department oversight, newly released emails show
  • Emails show Powell explaining how he avoided State Dept oversight online
  • At one point he says he did 'business with some foreign leaders' this way
  • He'd been contacted by Clinton, who had just become Secretary of State
  • Last month he said she was using personal email 'a year' before he told her
  • But these emails suggest he gave her directions at the start of her tenure
By James Wilkinson For

Published: 00:40 EST, 8 September 2016 | Updated: 12:07 EST, 8 September 2016

Read more: Newly released emails show Powell teaching Clinton how to use
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

What's the point of this? If one criminal teaches another criminal, prosecute both.
You didn't answer my question - Hillary testified she only used 1 device. She used 13! So are you are saying she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13?

Of course she does - admit it...SHE LIED! UNDER OATH...AND THAT IS PERJURY!

She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them. She had devices in her office, but the thing she carried with her was her Blackberry. I would say that I had one device too.

My question to you is, why does this bother you so much, when Donal Trump lies, and proveably lies, time after time, after time, but you stand up for him endlessly?
You didn't answer my question - Hillary testified she only used 1 device. She used 13! So are you are saying she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13?

Of course she does - admit it...SHE LIED! UNDER OATH...AND THAT IS PERJURY!

She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them. She had devices in her office, but the thing she carried with her was her Blackberry. I would say that I had one device too.

My question to you is, why does this bother you so much, when Donal Trump lies, and proveably lies, time after time, after time, but you stand up for him endlessly?
She used multiple phones at 1 time - proven.
Again, she does know the difference between 1 and 13, right?

Hillary herself said she did so because she couldn't figure out how to work 2 emails on the same phone.

So, again why didn't she mention all those other phones ? She never reported them as stolen.

And she never lost all those phones - her own people detroyed some of those with hammers, which was illegal because doing so violated specific laws covering destruction of classified.

Your excuses and justifications have a lot of wholes in them.

Hillary has told all of these same stories over and over...and in return she was 'rewarded' with 1 × 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 different Fact Check sites.
You dolt. The information isn't stored on the phone, it's stored on the server. Destruction of the phone doesn't destroy the emails, therefore, destruction of the phone violates no laws regarding classified information.

You keep making up non-existent laws she violated, or laws that weren't enacted until after she left. I keep pointing out that as early as 1999, law firms and governments around the world were being told that email was a very insecure communication method, and that no sensitive client information should ever be sent via email. On a personal level, we've been told not to send passwords or access codes via email either.

So the idea that Hillary endangered anyone using her Blackberry is ridiculous. And no, it didn't come to light because she was hacked, it came to light because of the Benghazi investigations - not that it was ever a secret.
You're going down swinging, huh?

So no damning information can be collected from the phones? Then why were they destroying the whones with hammers?

Oops, another hole in your excuses.

Sorry, 1 × 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS'. You lose.
The question is who did Clinton answer to? Her contemporaries or the President? I don't see where Powell instructed her to break the law. That was her own dumb ass decision.

Except she didn't break the law. That's been settled.


Comey: Clinton Mishandled Classified Information but Did Not Break the Law
"We went at this very hard to see if we could make a case," but "my judgment is that she did not" break the law, Comey told the House panel.

According to Comey, there are two things that matter in a criminal investigation like this: Did the person being investigated mishandle classified information, and did the person know that what he or she was doing was illegal? "It takes mishandling it and criminal intent," he said.

In Clinton's case, the FBI did not find evidence "sufficient to establish" that she knew she was receiving or sending classified information and that it was against the law, Comey said.

"I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent," he insisted. "'Should have known,' 'must have known,' 'had to know' does not get you there. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they knew they were engaged in something that was unlawful."

Comey said he knows that "frustrates people, but that's the way the law is, and that's the way the practice is in the Department of Justice."

He said that as many as 20 agents, investigators, analysts and others within the FBI were assigned to the case and that they unanimously agreed charges were not warranted.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe

You understand Comey is not a judge, right?

Only a court can determine if she did, or did not break a law.

You understand it's over, right?

That's an odd response

Why is it odd. The email crap is over, done.
The question is who did Clinton answer to? Her contemporaries or the President? I don't see where Powell instructed her to break the law. That was her own dumb ass decision.

Except she didn't break the law. That's been settled.


Comey: Clinton Mishandled Classified Information but Did Not Break the Law
"We went at this very hard to see if we could make a case," but "my judgment is that she did not" break the law, Comey told the House panel.

According to Comey, there are two things that matter in a criminal investigation like this: Did the person being investigated mishandle classified information, and did the person know that what he or she was doing was illegal? "It takes mishandling it and criminal intent," he said.

In Clinton's case, the FBI did not find evidence "sufficient to establish" that she knew she was receiving or sending classified information and that it was against the law, Comey said.

"I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent," he insisted. "'Should have known,' 'must have known,' 'had to know' does not get you there. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they knew they were engaged in something that was unlawful."

Comey said he knows that "frustrates people, but that's the way the law is, and that's the way the practice is in the Department of Justice."

He said that as many as 20 agents, investigators, analysts and others within the FBI were assigned to the case and that they unanimously agreed charges were not warranted.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe

You understand Comey is not a judge, right?

Only a court can determine if she did, or did not break a law.

You understand it's over, right?

That's an odd response

Why is it odd. The email crap is over, done.

So says which Judge?, Exactly
You dolt. The information isn't stored on the phone, it's stored on the server. Destruction of the phone doesn't destroy the emails, therefore, destruction of the phone violates no laws regarding classified information.

Actually, you're a little hazy on the details here. The emails would have been on the phone. But they would have also been on the email server. Essentially, when you check emails from your phone, you are downloading those emails to the device. That, of course, does not remove them from the email server. But it does create a new copy of the same data which could be potentially compromised if the phone fell into the wrong hands. That is why security needs demand that the phone had to be destroyed after it was no longer in use.
Except she didn't break the law. That's been settled.


Comey: Clinton Mishandled Classified Information but Did Not Break the Law
"We went at this very hard to see if we could make a case," but "my judgment is that she did not" break the law, Comey told the House panel.

According to Comey, there are two things that matter in a criminal investigation like this: Did the person being investigated mishandle classified information, and did the person know that what he or she was doing was illegal? "It takes mishandling it and criminal intent," he said.

In Clinton's case, the FBI did not find evidence "sufficient to establish" that she knew she was receiving or sending classified information and that it was against the law, Comey said.

"I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can't establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent," he insisted. "'Should have known,' 'must have known,' 'had to know' does not get you there. You have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they knew they were engaged in something that was unlawful."

Comey said he knows that "frustrates people, but that's the way the law is, and that's the way the practice is in the Department of Justice."

He said that as many as 20 agents, investigators, analysts and others within the FBI were assigned to the case and that they unanimously agreed charges were not warranted.

What FBI Director Really Said About Clinton Email Probe

You understand Comey is not a judge, right?

Only a court can determine if she did, or did not break a law.

You understand it's over, right?

That's an odd response

Why is it odd. The email crap is over, done.

So says which Judge?, Exactly

Look dope, a judge does not have to make a ruling for this to be over. A judge has no role whatsoever as there have been no crimes committed, no charges filed and no indictment made. The case has been criminally investigated and cleared. In our system, that's where it ends.
You dolt. The information isn't stored on the phone, it's stored on the server. Destruction of the phone doesn't destroy the emails, therefore, destruction of the phone violates no laws regarding classified information.

Actually, you're a little hazy on the details here. The emails would have been on the phone. But they would have also been on the email server. Essentially, when you check emails from your phone, you are downloading those emails to the device. That, of course, does not remove them from the email server. But it does create a new copy of the same data which could be potentially compromised if the phone fell into the wrong hands. That is why security needs demand that the phone had to be destroyed after it was no longer in use.
The SIM cards were removed before they were destroyed.
She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them.
Liar. I think the FBI knows more than you do.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them.
Liar. I think the FBI knows more than you do.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.
You dolt. The information isn't stored on the phone, it's stored on the server. Destruction of the phone doesn't destroy the emails, therefore, destruction of the phone violates no laws regarding classified information.

Actually, you're a little hazy on the details here. The emails would have been on the phone. But they would have also been on the email server. Essentially, when you check emails from your phone, you are downloading those emails to the device. That, of course, does not remove them from the email server. But it does create a new copy of the same data which could be potentially compromised if the phone fell into the wrong hands. That is why security needs demand that the phone had to be destroyed after it was no longer in use.
The SIM cards were removed before they were destroyed.

Even still, data would still be on the devices themselves, which could be recoverable. In practice a secure erasure would be adequate to prevent data recovery. But the standard practice for sensitive devices is to obliterate hardware after secure erasure, due to known hypothetical methods of data recovery that theoretically could become possible with the right technological advances. The CDS bunch is putting their ignorance on full display by complaining about the destruction of the phones.
No, Mammogram, especially since I posted the direct link to Comey's testimony in which he declares / exposes how Hillary lied multiple times and broke the law.

How willful idiot liberals can see and ignore such direct evidence, Comey's own transcripted testimony, is amazing .

Does it bother me that you crazy bastards ignore reality, that you are repeating the same LIES that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINICCHIOS' from 3 seperate Fact-Check Sites? Not at all - knock yourselves out.

We've discussed Comey's testimony before. In his testimony, Comey made a huge point of NOT saying that Hillary Clinton lied. He made a clear point of saying that what she said wasn't true, but he never once said she lied. The written report goes further, pointing out the things that Hillary mistakenly believed and why she believed them to be so.

Colin Powell initially denied having provided Clinton with advice about her email before she took office, but there it is in her emails - one year before he claimed to have first spoken to her about it. Suggesting she avoid having to turn over emails by using the method he used.

Everything Hillary said about her emails is now proving to be true. Imagine that.

That's why the smart money has moved on to Clinton Foundation Scandal and the upcoming IRS Investigation, brought to us by the Koch's Foundation and Judicial Watch, and of course, paid for by the American Taxpayers.
You didn't answer my question - Hillary testified she only used 1 device. She used 13! So are you are saying she doesn't know the difference between 1 and 13?

Of course she does - admit it...SHE LIED! UNDER OATH...AND THAT IS PERJURY!
You need this don't you, she did nothing. your bullshit hate garbage is getting old.

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