You want a Civil Union instead of Civil Marriage?


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Since many have been talking about many of you would be willing to have your civil marriage license be changed to a civil union license? That the only people with a "marriage" would be those married by religious leaders

Yes or No?
No. the religious do not "own" the word marriage.

The only one that needs to recognize my marriage is the state.
Marriage and unions have two different meanings and definitions that should not be confused. I would prefer after thirty plus years of marriage to remain that, a marriage to the women I committed my life to. But then again dissolution of a union would make it easier way to walk away from a promise and responsibility.
I don't care what it's called. It's just a word. It how committed you are that counts. People who mean it when they say 'till death do us part' and actually work to keep the relationship going through the hard times are getting to be a rare breed.

Some don't take any relationship seriously. I think those should just enter into a contract that has an expiration date. The divorce rate is high, prenups are common with actors and their vows may as well be 'together till I find someone better or get tired of you.'

Using a different word to describe it doesn't change a thing or make people take it any less or any more seriously. Maybe we could just say people legally get a better half.
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I have been going off script on this subject and state my support for same sex marriage. Maybe it is the career healthcare and educator in me, but I believe that two people should be able to express their feelings for each other, be recognized for it, and have the same governmental benefits that my wife and I enjoy. My wife of 27 years and I got married in the Lake County, Illinois court house one morning and then went to work. She would talk through the years about a church wedding and I would string her along and say we would, but I didn't want to go through the trouble and it would not make any difference. No ceremony or government piece of paper trumps 27 years of being together. And I think that is the bottom line. Being together. Civil union, marriage, whatever. I have a civil union when you get down to bare metal.
I have been going off script on this subject and state my support for same sex marriage. Maybe it is the career healthcare and educator in me, but I believe that two people should be able to express their feelings for each other, be recognized for it, and have the same governmental benefits that my wife and I enjoy. My wife of 27 years and I got married in the Lake County, Illinois court house one morning and then went to work. She would talk through the years about a church wedding and I would string her along and say we would, but I didn't want to go through the trouble and it would not make any difference. No ceremony or government piece of paper trumps 27 years of being together. And I think that is the bottom line. Being together. Civil union, marriage, whatever. I have a civil union when you get down to bare metal.

Same here 17 years ago. Call it what you will, the ability to join together, and PLEDGE to be together for life is something all adult Americans should be entitled to.
Leave marriage as defined as one man/one woman.

Have civil unions legal in all 50 states and have those unions afforded the same 'rights' (taxes, beneficiaries, wills, etc.) as marriage.

Heterosexuals and/or the religious keep the definition of marriage; homosexuals get what they really want which is the same benefits of 'marriage'.

Both sides win.
Leave marriage as defined as one man/one woman.

Have civil unions legal in all 50 states and have those unions afforded the same 'rights' (taxes, beneficiaries, wills, etc.) as marriage.

Heterosexuals and/or the religious keep the definition of marriage; homosexuals get what they really want which is the same benefits of 'marriage'.

Both sides win.

I agree with the sentiment, but as a federalist, I don't think it's right to force the states to adopt this across the board. This should be one of those "change hearts & minds" things, where the people ultimately decide that this just isn't a big goddamn deal.

The state issues marriage licenses, the church sanctifies marriage. The only debate is what the state does as the church is inconsequential in this argument. No one is calling on the state to force churches to abandon dogma. But citizens should have the right to access the state process.
The state issues marriage licenses, the church sanctifies marriage. The only debate is what the state does as the church is inconsequential in this argument. No one is calling on the state to force churches to abandon dogma. But citizens should have the right to access the state process.


when abortion became a right, no one spoke of abortion on demand or dreamed of partial birth abortions.

History tells us that liberals will demand that churches perform gay weddings.
Why can't a man have two spouses or why can't a woman have two spouses?

After all, if it is a "Committed Relationship" and they "Love Each Other" ......

Common Libs, what about Human Rights on that one?

Taking the topic way out the original intent to imply perversion in a normal, human trait is sad. Are blue eyed people ABNORMAL because there are less of us?
Taking the topic way out the original intent to imply perversion in a normal, human trait is sad. Are blue eyed people ABNORMAL because there are less of us?

ab·nor·mal   [ab-nawr-muhl] Show IPA
not normal, average, typical, or usual; deviating from a standard: abnormal powers of concentration; an abnormal amount of snow; abnormal behavior.
extremely or excessively large: abnormal profit.



I would proudly have the words Marriage turned into Civil Union for my one and only marriage of decades long love
Taking the topic way out the original intent to imply perversion in a normal, human trait is sad. Are blue eyed people ABNORMAL because there are less of us?

Many believe the Perversion is what this is about, Marriages or Unions of same sex couples.

To me, I don't care what you call the "License" , no skin off my back.....

Besides if same sex couples want to marry, again no skin off my back.....

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