You Still F'king With Your Phone And Driving?


Senior Member
May 19, 2013
J. Baker
12-01-72 to 8-12-13

[ame=]Theory Of A Dead Man - Say Goodbye (Fahrenheit - Indigo Prophecy) - YouTube[/ame]

Well fucking stop it.

That's all I got.
I would also not recommend apply your make-up while driving, filing your nails, or flossing your teeth-and yes, I've seen heard of people doing all of this while driving.
When you drive.

You drive.

Unfortunately, most people have zero clue how to drive in the first place and then they add the driving frills and extra activities.

If you're going to do something. Then fucking do it.

Most people can't even figure out that left is to pass or how the 4 way stop signs work. IDIOT! You're on my right fucking GO.

Get a grip on driving assholes.

Driving is a lost skill.

[ame=]Fatal Texting While Driving Car Accident - Realistic Distracted Driving Crash (USA) - YouTube[/ame]
J. Baker
12-01-72 to 8-12-13

Theory Of A Dead Man - Say Goodbye (Fahrenheit - Indigo Prophecy) - YouTube

Well fucking stop it.

That's all I got.

i saw a gal one day along side of me driving a van cell phone to her ear

held by her shoulder

a super sized mcdonalds pop on the dash

holding a checkbook against the steering wheel

writing a check with the other hand

i stopped at the stoplight

the gal not so much

I can't actually do this right now. I'm drowning in my tears.


My man BFF was with him until he died.

I just don't understand why people don't Pay Attention!!!! To anything.
If people can't figure out


from this thread. Then I've got nothing left.

It's just a bunch a morons waiting for the next attack. Not an actual discussion.


That's what the thread killer posts are about.
Most people drive distracted. Very few actually pay attention, they drive five feet in front of their bumper and rarely look behind them, they slow down and match your speed when their "passing" then when they finally pass they get in the right lane and speed up. Or the ones who speed up when you're trying to pass them.
I watched one woman gabbing with her passenger, she would glance at the road in front of her from time to time but spent probably 90% of the time focused on her passenger. One of the issues we face in this area is the number of retirees some of who will drive 5 to 10 mph under the speed limit in the fast lane and refuse to move right.
On the highway, when I can, I use the cruise control, + or - 1 mph variation on hills (not the steep ones).
THIRD time this has happened.


Because people are just that dumb.

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