You guys have got to stop bringing up Hillary Clinton. It's NOT making your case.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?
We all know Hillary should be in prison...right?

Let's make a deal...we put Hillary in Supermax along with W. Two known war criminals.

I would add your Messiah, but I know that will only enrage I won't.
Not making the case to whom?

Bed wetting vacuous pieces of shit like you?

Jesus Christ Himself could descend back to earth and tell you Himself that marxism is wrong, global warming is bullshit, criminals don't obey gun laws and your moonbat messiah is a faggot.

You'd insist he was paid by the Koch Bros, because that is the sort of shit you're programmed to parrot and you don't have a frontal lobe with which to draw an independent thought from.

That train still runs at the same time everyday you piece of shit. The worms deserve the nitrogen far more than you do.

Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?
/----/ Well if you say so. We know how you have the GOPs best interest at heart.
We'll keep bringing up Hillary because she represents the corruption that IS your party. You've hung that albatross around your own neck and you're stuck with her.
Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?

How about Hillary stop saying stupid stuff, that ought to deter a lot of comments.
But Hillary is special...she is the extra American....she has her own set of rules...she can do things the rest of us would be persecuted and prosecuted to death over...
If I were in charge I would lock her up!!!!!
Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?
Hillary is a criminal and so is her old man.
Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?

How about Hillary stop saying stupid stuff, that ought to deter a lot of comments.
/----/ At least Obozo has the class to keep quite.
Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?

How about Hillary stop saying stupid stuff, that ought to deter a lot of comments.
/----/ At least Obozo has the class to keep quite.

Tough one, has the class or had the class for a brief time?
We all know Hillary should be in prison...right?

Let's make a deal...we put Hillary in Supermax along with W. Two known war criminals.

I would add your Messiah, but I know that will only enrage I won't.
You keep saying that....any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
You misunderstand. I KNOW Cankles won't go to prison, though she should, because she is of the protected class. I have stated as much several times on this forum.

However, you raise an interesting point...unknowingly. Libs have been claiming Trump is a criminal since he won, yet he has yet to be charged with anything. Do you see the pattern by partisans on both sides?
Hillary was investigated endlessly for over 30 years. No crime. Tens of millions in taxpayer money spent and all for nothing.

Trump has been president a year and a half.

His foundation is under criminal investigation.

He's had to pay out tens of millions to settle civil suits.

His entire administration is a swamp starting with crocodile Scott Pruitt.

His campaign manager is in jail.

His former National Security advisor is waiting for sentencing.

Trump's former lawyer is suggesting Trump pays his legal fees or he might turn.

Trump, his sons, his daughter and his son in law are making millions off White House connections.

And yet you still keeping bringing up Hillary Clinton. Don't you understand how pathetic that makes you look?
Conservatives make themselves look pathetic and ridiculous.

They won't stop, of course.

Conservatives are the masters of the red herring fallacy.

They can't defend Trump so all they can do is make failed attempts to deflect.
leave the morons alone, they somehow imagine it makes them relevant.

if the simpletons think yammering CLINTON every other breath helps then let them - their credibility - a gob of spit on the sidewalk ... tough choice.

see you idgets at the polls.
We all know Hillary should be in prison...right?

Let's make a deal...we put Hillary in Supermax along with W. Two known war criminals.

I would add your Messiah, but I know that will only enrage I won't.
You keep saying that....any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...
You misunderstand. I KNOW Cankles won't go to prison, though she should, because she is of the protected class. I have stated as much several times on this forum.

However, you raise an interesting point...unknowingly. Libs have been claiming Trump is a criminal since he won, yet he has yet to be charged with anything. Do you see the pattern by partisans on both sides?
There is a protected class.

We call them "the innocent".
Says the ones who brought up George W Bush for eight years after he was out office.
It's difficult to bring up:
The Iraq war
Letting Bin Laden go
The ruined economy
The unpaid for wars
creating Isis
losing billions in cash
Tax cuts for the rich
and so on
without bringing up Bush.

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